CLEAN debt ceiling bill passes House...end of mindless TP GOP...

Thank god- good till march 2015...

'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate
CNN (blog) - 40 minutes ago
'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate. ... the chamber's 200 Democrats to pass the proposal increasing the debt ceiling that ...
House approves 'clean' debt ceiling extention
USA TODAY - 39 minutes ago
House approves 'clean' debt limit after Republicans drop demands ...*Cached42 minutes ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives narrowly ... Although
Boehner called his decision to advance a "clean" debt limit a ...

It's nothing more than a political move on the Republican side. Why on earth would they make themselves the BAD GUY--by "shutting down the government"-and be all over headline news --when they just got handed the best gift they could ever receive.


Sometimes you have to know when to pick your fights. And now is not the time--with the news all over Obamacare like bees to honey.

We've been listening to the RINOs sing that tune for losers for five years now.

Now the party of half a loaf didn't even fight to get so much as the heel of the loaf.

The HoR "leadership", as it were, is nothing but a bunch of craven cowards.

Every time Republicans have taken a stand against the debt Celling they earned very little substance wise and they've gotten hurt tremendously politically. IMO this time, being close enough to the midterm elections, with the Senate in play, we did the right thing.
Thank god- good till march 2015...


Republican-Controlled House Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

Laurence M. Vance

If there is anyone out there who still thinks that there is any difference between the two major parties then please explain to me why the Republican-controlled House just passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill.
The vote was 369-67. The Republican vote was 166-64. The vast majority of the spending is, of course, unconstitutional. And it includes much spending on offense instead of defense. The bill was distributed on Monday night and is over 1,500 pages long. You can probably count on one finger the number of House members who actually read the bill."


It's all money that's already been spent. What the hell is unconstitutional about it fcs...pretty tin foily lol...
Hostage crisis averted, for now, reason won out over idealism, congrats to the GOP for not costing the economy ANOTHER trillion.

You call adding to this "REASON?" You're nuttier'n a fucking fruit cake... and part of the problem...


Our economy is going to crash. It's not a matter of IF, it's a matter of WHEN. Soon we won't even be able to pay the INTEREST on the debt, the stock markets will crash, and it will take down the entire world economy.

Then you'll see Civil War II.
It's nothing more than a political move on the Republican side. Why on earth would they make themselves the BAD GUY--by "shutting down the government"-and be all over headline news --when they just got handed the best gift they could ever receive.


Sometimes you have to know when to pick your fights. And now is not the time--with the news all over Obamacare like bees to honey.

We've been listening to the RINOs sing that tune for losers for five years now.

Now the party of half a loaf didn't even fight to get so much as the heel of the loaf.

The HoR "leadership", as it were, is nothing but a bunch of craven cowards.

Every time Republicans have taken a stand against the debt Celling they earned very little substance wise and they've gotten hurt tremendously politically. IMO this time, being close enough to the midterm elections, with the Senate in play, we did the right thing.
They haven't done the right thing since Calvin Coolidge.

Every one of the chumps who voted for this need to be primaried out.
We're past the point where the debt could ever be repaid so any limit now is just window dressing. I heartily agree that the currency will collapse but I believe the mechanism will be repudiation. Requiring that existing money be turned in to be replaced with a new currency with some number of zeroes whacked off the right side. Turn in a $100 bill and one crisp new Obamabuck. Up to, of course, some limit. Say $100,000 per person in old money so the most anyone could get is $10,000 to keep. Any more than that? Not convertible. Use it for toilet paper or just keep it around for memories. Of course all federal, state and municipal debts will be "forgiven" but not those owed by individuals; they'll have to be paid in the new Obamabucks at full face value.

Then we'll have achieved equality!
Thank god- good till march 2015...


Republican-Controlled House Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

Laurence M. Vance

If there is anyone out there who still thinks that there is any difference between the two major parties then please explain to me why the Republican-controlled House just passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill.
The vote was 369-67. The Republican vote was 166-64. The vast majority of the spending is, of course, unconstitutional. And it includes much spending on offense instead of defense. The bill was distributed on Monday night and is over 1,500 pages long. You can probably count on one finger the number of House members who actually read the bill."


Indeed. The "republicans" have been convinced by their marxist counterparts that to vote for responsible debt reduction would mean their party (the republicans) would be looked at as "mean".

Here's the deal Roscoe - YOU ARE ALREADY LOOKED AT AS MEAN!! You assholes in the republican party are lying to yourselves, your constituents, the American People and the Constitution of the United States.


Where the HELL are the voices of logic and reason in the republican party!?!? Hell, we know that democrats are worthless pieces of human excrement - that is a given. Yet these clowns are more concerned with making illegals "legal" and taking what few precious jobs are left and giving them to people who then send their paychecks back to Mexico.

This country is imploding and both parties seem content to practice their fiddle lessons...
wow, now crowing because these elected idiots passed a bill with more dept to put on the back of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren just to take a SWIPE AT the Tea Party
The deficit is down to 500 billion this year, and 400 billion of that is UE and welfare for the victims of the Booosh meltdown and TP idiocy. The next crash won't happen until the next time Pubs get in for 8 years for another corrupt bubble and bust...Thanks for not taking ANOTHER 0.6 AT LEAST FROM GROWTH, SHYTTEHEAD TP. Look for even better growtj this year- 3.2 per cent last half 2013, would've been 4.2 without mindless TP GOP...

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And another nail goes in the coffin for the USA, RIP.
And further into slavery for future generations.

The ENTIRE District of Criminals needs to be gutted, and fumigated to rid us of the Progressive disease and stench that infects it.
Kudos to the GOP for finally doing something right to help keep the economy flowing.
Kudos to the GOP for finally doing something right to help keep the economy flowing.
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:
Kudos to the GOP for finally doing something right to help keep the economy flowing.
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:

Ah, great ... it's nice to see you righties assume the democrat platform. That's exactly what Democrats used to say when Reagan & Bush were driving up the national debt.
Kudos to the GOP for finally doing something right to help keep the economy flowing.
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:

Ah, great ... it's nice to see you righties assume the democrat platform. That's exactly what Democrats used to say when Reagan & Bush were driving up the national debt.
So just drive it up MORE? YOU have No clue what you're talking about...but partisan shitheads as YOU never do.
No more phony crises and a jobs/infrastructure bill- borrowing cost has never been lower or our infrastructure WORSE than after 30 years of Reaganism- and we will be out of this Pub mess in no time.Our deficit is fine- breaking news for brainwashed debt cult hater dupes...
Kudos to the GOP for finally doing something right to help keep the economy flowing.
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:

Ah, great ... it's nice to see you righties assume the democrat platform. That's exactly what Democrats used to say when Reagan & Bush were driving up the national debt.

well how funny you all care when it was a Republican but now cheer when it's a Democrat in office

show's you were all full of phony hot air then as now
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:

Ah, great ... it's nice to see you righties assume the democrat platform. That's exactly what Democrats used to say when Reagan & Bush were driving up the national debt.
So just drive it up MORE? YOU have No clue what you're talking about...but partisan shitheads as YOU never do.

The debt is increasing anyway. All that would have happened had the GOP tried the same stunt they did back in 2011 is that it would have hurt the economy, just as it did then.

Kudos to them for putting the economy ahead of their party.
KUDOS for enslaving those YET to be born? REALLY? People like YOU are part of the problem and so is this stupid OP by Franco. You applaud your own slavery, with great glee.:cuckoo:

Ah, great ... it's nice to see you righties assume the democrat platform. That's exactly what Democrats used to say when Reagan & Bush were driving up the national debt.

well how funny you all care when it was a Republican but now cheer when it's a Democrat in office

show's you were all full of phony hot air then as now
Moron, you idiots are no different. :eusa_doh: Y'all supported Reagan and Bush driving up the debt and ignored the cries from Democrats how they were passing the debt onto their grandchildren.

Nothing has changed except the parties have swapped on the issue. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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