Clearing up a misconception atheists have about practicing Christians


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2010
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!
I get it. After you got religious, life got better. Why would you want to go back to before. Great explanation about the mindset of an theist and why they choose to believe. Interesting.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.

Generally speaking, they're not really atheists, just pagan materialists, and they in fact rely on fabricating 'misconceptions' and deliberately lie about Christians to further some political agenda or other, like 'normalizing' assorted sexual fetishes or promoting mindless self-indulgence and greed as 'good stuff'. A lot of sociopaths want them dead, right and left wing, the sooner the better.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!

It is always wrong to assume that you know what other people THINK
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!

It is always wrong to assume that you know what other people THINK

That's why I started it with "correct me if I'm wrong." I said what I said based on the words of atheists themselves, over many years on these types of forums and in real life. If you disagree, please be specific and share your thoughts.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Where do we get these misconceptions? From other Christians. They disagree with you too. You’re a born again? How do you feel about Catholicism?
I didn't want this thread to be an "us against them" type of thread. Perhaps I should have worded it differently but what I said is not limited to atheists, but anyone who doesn't understand why someone would choose to try to live by God's ways rather than being their own boss or following the ways of this world.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but many atheists believe that “religious” people foolishly follow a book of rules, for baseless reasons. For example, because they were raised into a particular religion, or out of fear, or because they were duped into it.

In other words, they believe it’s foolish to live your life following "rules from a book" that was written thousands of years ago, by men. Some atheists also say that Christianity or other religions are simply about controlling people.

Here’s what I believe that atheists and agnostics simply don’t get.

I can't speak for all Christians, but for myself and the Christians that I know, we choose to follow Jesus not because we were raised in a Christian home (I wasn’t) or because we were duped into it (nobody tells me what to think, I have always been an independent thinker) or for other shallow, baseless reasons like that.

When it comes to either being our own boss, or living by God's ways…. the reason that born again Christians choose the latter is because we have been on both sides, and we have seen through life experience that living by God's ways is simply BETTER, wiser, and it WORKS, in a practical sense. There are other reasons as well, but this particular reason is what I wanted to focus on for this thread.

So to sum that up…. Between following the world’s ways or following God’s ways, for some of us we have learned through experience (sometimes the hard way) that the latter is absolutely BETTER and it leads to good things as opposed to bad things. It simply WORKS, even though it can be hard at times, in this fallen world.

I hope I explained that clearly. If it didn’t make sense, please let me know and feel free to share your thoughts!

It is always wrong to assume that you know what other people THINK

That's why I started it with "correct me if I'm wrong." I said what I said based on the words of atheists themselves, over many years on these types of forums and in real life. If you disagree, please be specific and share your thoughts.

you are asking me to "be specific" about words you think atheists or agnostics or non-christians have said. I never heard or read words by people who profess atheism, agnosticism, buddhism, hinduism, judaism, or shintoism that suggest anything about a christian's thoughts on Jesus or the NT.
Generally speaking, atheists don't want their misconceptions about Christians corrected.
Where do we get these misconceptions? From other Christians.
Really? I see atheists merely repeating what they tell each other and congratulating themselves on their "free thinking".
They disagree with you too. You’re a born again? How do you feel about Catholicism?
If they believe Jesus was the Messiah, I have no problem at all with them, and I'll meet them in Heaven.
My main criticism of modern RW Christians is not that they follow a rule book, it's that they can ignore the rulebook altogether, treat people like garbage and still act all holier than thou. I have tremendous admiration for Christians who actually try to walk the walk.
My main criticism of modern RW Christians is not that they follow a rule book, it's that they can ignore the rulebook altogether, treat people like garbage and still act all holier than thou. I have tremendous admiration for Christians who actually try to walk the walk.
Or don’t even have to try. They just are good people
I didn't want this thread to be an "us against them" type of thread. Perhaps I should have worded it differently but what I said is not limited to atheists, but anyone who doesn't understand why someone would choose to try to live by God's ways rather than being their own boss or following the ways of this world.

concepts of that which constitutes "God" vary widely.
Concepts of ETHICS also vary widely

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