Zionist Thugs Attack UCLA Students

you attack Jews and then ask why we think you hate them? Retard.
It is a game these leftist Nazis all seem to play. They hate Jews while denying they do so they can play victim when confronted on it.

It is the same game played by the Arabs as they commit horrific acts against Jews and then pretend that they are the victims when Jews respond.

For them, Jews are the one people in the entire world who cannot be allowed to defend themselves, such is their maniacal hatred.
I know they have and so have Arabs, that doesn't mean a New York cab driver or London bus driver who just happen to be Jewish should have the right to go there and steal more land, what about that doesn't register in your tiny mind?
you have the details? What is the name of the Jewish, New York Cab driver who stole land? How about that 'right' you think you
have to pull an October 7 for the glory of your "god"

driver who
It is a game these leftist Nazis all seem to play. They hate Jews while denying they do so they can play victim when confronted on it.

It is the same game played by the Arabs as they commit horrific acts against Jews and then pretend that they are the victims when Jews respond.

For them, Jews are the one people in the entire world who cannot be allowed to defend themselves, such is their maniacal hatred.
actually there are many people who have no right to respond
as per Shariah law
you have the details? What is the name of the Jewish, New York Cab driver who stole land? How about that 'right' you think you
have to pull an October 7 for the glory of your "god"

driver who
I was baptised a Christian you bigot, i used the New York cab driver as a example,all these Israelis in the image were Israeli settlers from the UK who think they should have two Countries while Palestinians don't have one, as for cab drivers Peter Lerner the bigmouth for the IDF child killers is from London his father was a London cab driver who became a settler Colonialist in Israel.
I was baptised a Christian you bigot, i used the New York cab driver as a example,all these Israelis in the image were Israeli settlers from the UK who think they should have two Countries while Palestinians don't have one, as for cab drivers Peter Lerner the bigmouth for the IDF child killers is from London his father was a London cab driver who became a settler Colonialist in Israel.
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If you are a Christian, why do you support Islamist ideology?
I was baptised a Christian you bigot, i used the New York cab driver as a example,all these Israelis in the image were Israeli settlers from the UK who think they should have two Countries while Palestinians don't have one, as for cab drivers Peter Lerner the bigmouth for the IDF child killers is from London his father was a London cab driver who became a settler Colonialist in Israel.
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Calm yourself, Stick. What makes you think that he STOLE land?
Whose land did he steal? There are lots of cab drivers in London--
including arab cab drivers. There are arabs and muslims from other
lands who are cab drivers in my city in the USA----should I assume
that they STOLE THE CABS. Do you know how land ownership comes about. Ownership by PURCHASE has been going on in the Middle
east for thousands of years-----not so long in New York City or London. Ownership by conquest &/or force has also been going on. Making a wild accusation of theft without knowing anything about
the circumstances is silly unless you are into PROUDHON who
stated "PROPERTY IS THEFT" My husband owns a little house in
Israel---it was built on land his father bought in 1942 in British
Mandate Palestine. According to islamic LAW---that is stolen
property. I own a house in the USA---it is on land upon which
native americans lived------I bought it----I didn't steal it. Do
you or your parents have a house?
If you are a Christian, why do you support Islamist ideology?
islamo nazi propaganda is directed at christians. Very
few christians outside of muslim countries have any
concept of shariah law and many are delighted to think
of jews as "evil christkillers". The material is very clever
Why would you imagine the Jews are outnumbered when they have millions and millions of Americans standing with them? These are Americans that don't appreciate the removal of the American flag for Palestinian flag. Those that still remember that muslims flew planes into the World Trade Center, bombed the Boston Marathon, shot up a workplace in San Bernardino and murdered gays at Pulse nightclub.

Do you honestly (stop and think about it) think that the great majority of Americans will really follow Hamas?
America's hands are tied on account of the threat from Iran of a devastating blow against the Zionist regime. I think you're failing to understand the situation in the ME and the rest of the world today.

We should all take time to discuss it calmly! Would you like to hear a more detailed explanation? I have the time for Americans who can remain polite.
America's hands are tied on account of the threat from Iran of a devastating blow against the Zionist regime. I think you're failing to understand the situation in the ME and the rest of the world today.

We should all take time to discuss it calmly! Would you like to hear a more detailed explanation? I have the time for Americans who can remain polite.
feel free, Donald.
Calm yourself, Stick. What makes you think that he STOLE land?
Whose land did he steal? There are lots of cab drivers in London--
including arab cab drivers. There are arabs and muslims from other
lands who are cab drivers in my city in the USA----should I assume
that they STOLE THE CABS. Do you know how land ownership comes about. Ownership by PURCHASE has been going on in the Middle
east for thousands of years-----not so long in New York City or London. Ownership by conquest &/or force has also been going on. Making a wild accusation of theft without knowing anything about
the circumstances is silly unless you are into PROUDHON who
stated "PROPERTY IS THEFT" My husband owns a little house in
Israel---it was built on land his father bought in 1942 in British
Mandate Palestine. According to islamic LAW---that is stolen
property. I own a house in the USA---it is on land upon which
native americans lived------I bought it----I didn't steal it. Do
you or your parents have a house?
You know very well what i am talking about, morons like this in the video, and yes i own a house in the Town and Country i was born in, my ancestors were from Scandinavia centuries as long as a thousand years ago, that doesn't give me the right to someone elses house in Norway, its a bankrupt argument to justify theft.

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America's hands are tied on account of the threat from Iran of a devastating blow against the Zionist regime. I think you're failing to understand the situation in the ME and the rest of the world today.

We should all take time to discuss it calmly! Would you like to hear a more detailed explanation? I have the time for Americans who can remain polite.
You use intentionally inflammatory language like "Zionist Regime" instead of Israel and then talk about others being calm.

Why do so many Muslims like you play this same little trolling game by issuing fighting words and then telling others to not react in kind?
Yet you can't quote me once attacking Jewish people because they are Jews, that would be antisemitism, attacking the Zionist Regime in Israel isn't, no matter how many times you try to spin it that way.

I don't care, your need to start a thread over Jews...or that lame "Zionism" did you in. Keep blabbering I don't care
You know very well what i am talking about, morons like this in the video, and yes i own a house in the Town and Country i was born in, my ancestors were from Scandinavia centuries as long as a thousand years ago, that doesn't give me the right to someone elses house in Norway, its a bankrupt argument to justify theft.

your post does not make sense. Did someone steal land from
your Family in Scandinavia 1000 years ago? I have no idea who
that character in your citation is or by what right he thinks he owns
the house or by what right the present occupant thinks he owns
the house. I bought a house in the USA that had squatters residing
therein when I bought it. Did they OWN it? Did I steal it from them?
Yet you can't quote me once attacking Jewish people because they are Jews, that would be antisemitism, attacking the Zionist Regime in Israel isn't, no matter how many times you try to spin it that way.
Only antisemites mimic the Mullahs by using the term "Zionist Regime"

You are sure indulging in a lot of taqiyyah here.
You use intentionally inflammatory language like "Zionist Regime" instead of Israel and then talk about others being calm.

Why do so many Muslims like you play this same little trolling game by issuing fighting words and then telling others to not react in kind?

They think Zionism excuses their antisemitism

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