Clearly, Donald Trump has re-defined what it means to be a Republican.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
No if’s and’s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican.

First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans?

And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?
Fiscally liberal and socially conservative. And choosing short term gains with massive damage to the long term.
Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
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Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
I woulda thought the George Bush Republican, well getting married meant no interest in cheating unless proven otherwise. Especially since he's right off of Clinton, right? So if I was married I' probably just start pointing fingers at Trump just to be safe.
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I woulda thought the George Bush Republican, well getting married meant no interest in cheating unless proven otherwise. Especially since he's right off of Clinton, right? So if I was married I' probably just start pointing fingers at Trump just to be safe.
Democrats tend not to point fingers when there’s nothing to point fingers at. Like the old saying, point a finger at me and there’s three pointing back at you.

RePublicans on the other hand, don’t have a list of achievements. What they have is criminality tricking America into fake wars and tax cuts for billionaires trying to gut healthcare for millions of Americans and stomping all over children once they are born.

Worst, Republicans get so defensive when you point out all the bad stuff they’ve done. They complain that no one points out the good stuff. But we can’t think of any good stuff. The only thing there is bad stuff.
No if’s and’s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican.

First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans?

And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?

Is he a Republican? I thought he was a Populist. Certainly neither you germs nor the GOP considered him a Republican for the longest time.
No if’s and’s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican.

First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans?

And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?
Actually the old guard republicans....the McCainian types the neo cons if you will....tried to redefine the GOP...Trump is bringing it back to what it was intended to be...America first...America strong....Americans and prosperous....
And choosing short term gains with massive damage to the long term.

Gee. I thought it was Obumma that had a handle on that.

All Obumma ever looked at was his own personal short term edification.

The damage he did will take decades to clear up.
You mean like lowering unemployment and growing the stock market? Shame on him.

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