Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

So in this thread, RKM has a mental breakdown over whether it's proper to point a gun at people for fun.

"Nah, it's just a toy, let him terrorize the people and not face any sort of consequences for his actions. Even though it looks exactly like a gun, let's not let this fact get in the way. We should expect and consider this kind of horrific behavior as not only normal, but acceptable. May God damn the caller and cop for responding to someone pointing a gun at people. HARUMPH!"
it wasn't a gun you stupid POS

Could the police tell the difference?
The difference between a young child with a toy playing in the park and an adult with a real gun out to kill someone? Clearly this cop could not tell the difference. Some people are stupid like that.

There is a 9 year old who carries a gun and sells heroin in a park not two blocks from where I am sitting right now. You would be foolish to underestimate him.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.
Ayup gonna hand the toy to the cops so they can see it's just a toy and he gets killed for their fear complex. Frigging pansy.

Seen people get shot just going for the registration papers in the glove box. You don't go walking around pointing a gun at people, then reach for it when the cops pull up.
Wake - here I am. The footage has been released, as well as the 911 audio.

Too bad you missed it.

Security camera footage (no audio) shows him walking up the sidewalk, making snowballs, acting like any little kid.

In the 911 audio the caller TWICE states that the gun could be a toy. His description of the child is "a 20-year-old man."

The cops roll up. The kid is sitting in a screened gazebo. The rookie cop jumps out of the car yelling, and shoots the kid before the child has time to react.

Both cops have been suspended without pay. It's very likely that the rookie cop will face some serious charge, though not 1st degree murder. He's definitely going to be fired. Cleveland PD will also be liable in a wrongful death suit.

This isn't St Louis.

Cleveland had its St. Louis moment a while back - after a car chase cops opened fire on the suspect vehicle without allowing the driver OR THE PASSENGER a chance to surrender. Both were mowed down in a hail of gunfire more violent than what killed Bonnie & Clyde. Later review showed that the passenger had no criminal record. I can't remember the driver.

The shit that hit the fan after that cruel murder still has CPD and other area PDs in hot water.

I hope that until the day they die both the 911 caller and the (ex) rookie cop never sleep again without dreaming of that poor innocent baby they killed.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.

Too fucking bad. The cop didn't say "hey hand me your gun there son" he said "put your hands up" and the kid grabbed the gun.

Darwin at work right there. Man has a gun pointed at you and you grab for yours? My 6 year old knows better than that.

I do feel sorry for the kid though, someone should have taught him better.
By the way, in the state of Ohio, open carry of an unregistered gun DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE DEATH PENALTY.

Wake - get out of health care. You don't belong there.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.
Ayup gonna hand the toy to the cops so they can see it's just a toy and he gets killed for their fear complex. Frigging pansy.

Stop acting like an idiot please Mike, You've been shown over and over that in 3 seconds you can't tell the difference between some of these guns and the real thing.
Wake - here I am. The footage has been released, as well as the 911 audio.

Too bad you missed it.

Security camera footage (no audio) shows him walking up the sidewalk, making snowballs, acting like any little kid.

In the 911 audio the caller TWICE states that the gun could be a toy. His description of the child is "a 20-year-old man."

The cops roll up. The kid is sitting in a screened gazebo. The rookie cop jumps out of the car yelling, and shoots the kid before the child has time to react.

Both cops have been suspended without pay. It's very likely that the rookie cop will face some serious charge, though not 1st degree murder. He's definitely going to be fired. Cleveland PD will also be liable in a wrongful death suit.

This isn't St Louis.

Cleveland had its St. Louis moment a while back - after a car chase cops opened fire on the suspect vehicle without allowing the driver OR THE PASSENGER a chance to surrender. Both were mowed down in a hail of gunfire more violent than what killed Bonnie & Clyde. Later review showed that the passenger had no criminal record. I can't remember the driver.

The shit that hit the fan after that cruel murder still has CPD and other area PDs in hot water.

I hope that until the day they die both the 911 caller and the (ex) rookie cop never sleep again without dreaming of that poor innocent baby they killed.

The footage also shows him pointing what appears to be a real gun at random people walking by. Someone else probably would have shot him if police hadn't.

The 911 call is not relevant. He can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old, but you expect the police to bet their life on that caller's identification of a gun?

He didn't shoot the kid before he had time to react. The kid got up, walked over to the police car, and reached for his gun.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.
Ayup gonna hand the toy to the cops so they can see it's just a toy and he gets killed for their fear complex. Frigging pansy.

Seen people get shot just going for the registration papers in the glove box. You don't go walking around pointing a gun at people, then reach for it when the cops pull up.
Yeah well just because one cop is a freaking ass hole that kills someone for going for registration papers does not excuse another freaking ass hole that kills a young child for going for a squirt gun.
Wake - here I am. The footage has been released, as well as the 911 audio.

Too bad you missed it.

Security camera footage (no audio) shows him walking up the sidewalk, making snowballs, acting like any little kid.

In the 911 audio the caller TWICE states that the gun could be a toy. His description of the child is "a 20-year-old man."

The cops roll up. The kid is sitting in a screened gazebo. The rookie cop jumps out of the car yelling, and shoots the kid before the child has time to react.

Both cops have been suspended without pay. It's very likely that the rookie cop will face some serious charge, though not 1st degree murder. He's definitely going to be fired. Cleveland PD will also be liable in a wrongful death suit.

This isn't St Louis.

Cleveland had its St. Louis moment a while back - after a car chase cops opened fire on the suspect vehicle without allowing the driver OR THE PASSENGER a chance to surrender. Both were mowed down in a hail of gunfire more violent than what killed Bonnie & Clyde. Later review showed that the passenger had no criminal record. I can't remember the driver.

The shit that hit the fan after that cruel murder still has CPD and other area PDs in hot water.

I hope that until the day they die both the 911 caller and the (ex) rookie cop never sleep again without dreaming of that poor innocent baby they killed.

The footage also shows him pointing what appears to be a real gun at random people walking by. Someone else probably would have shot him if police hadn't.

The 911 call is not relevant. He can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old, but you expect the police to bet their life on that caller's identification of a gun?

He didn't shoot the kid before he had time to react. The kid got up, walked over to the police car, and reached for his gun.
Can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old... "might" be a toy. Kids having fun... cop kills him. Just because it's legal for you to carry a gun does not give you the right to go around killing people every time you piss your pants about a child playing with scary looking toys.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.

Too fucking bad. The cop didn't say "hey hand me your gun there son" he said "put your hands up" and the kid grabbed the gun.

Darwin at work right there. Man has a gun pointed at you and you grab for yours? My 6 year old knows better than that.

I do feel sorry for the kid though, someone should have taught him better.
Maybe.. was there audio? Any witnesses besides the dead kid?
I'm done here Mike, you've lost all perspective

Your continued use of terms like coward and your referral to a squirt gun prove that you simply aren't interested in facts.

Enjoy the thread.
Your a LYING POS. He didn't point it at the cops.

No, but he did walk up and then reached for it in his waisteband.
Ayup gonna hand the toy to the cops so they can see it's just a toy and he gets killed for their fear complex. Frigging pansy.

Seen people get shot just going for the registration papers in the glove box. You don't go walking around pointing a gun at people, then reach for it when the cops pull up.
Yeah well just because one cop is a freaking ass hole that kills someone for going for registration papers does not excuse another freaking ass hole that kills a young child for going for a squirt gun.

It wasn't a squirt gun. It was a pellet gun which is dangerous enough to kill small animals. But that makes no difference anyway. He reached for what could just as easily have been a loaded .45.

And if a cop tells you to keep your hands on the wheel, keep your hands on the wheel, or risk getting shot.
Wake - here I am. The footage has been released, as well as the 911 audio.

Too bad you missed it.

Security camera footage (no audio) shows him walking up the sidewalk, making snowballs, acting like any little kid.

In the 911 audio the caller TWICE states that the gun could be a toy. His description of the child is "a 20-year-old man."

The cops roll up. The kid is sitting in a screened gazebo. The rookie cop jumps out of the car yelling, and shoots the kid before the child has time to react.

Both cops have been suspended without pay. It's very likely that the rookie cop will face some serious charge, though not 1st degree murder. He's definitely going to be fired. Cleveland PD will also be liable in a wrongful death suit.

This isn't St Louis.

Cleveland had its St. Louis moment a while back - after a car chase cops opened fire on the suspect vehicle without allowing the driver OR THE PASSENGER a chance to surrender. Both were mowed down in a hail of gunfire more violent than what killed Bonnie & Clyde. Later review showed that the passenger had no criminal record. I can't remember the driver.

The shit that hit the fan after that cruel murder still has CPD and other area PDs in hot water.

I hope that until the day they die both the 911 caller and the (ex) rookie cop never sleep again without dreaming of that poor innocent baby they killed.

The footage also shows him pointing what appears to be a real gun at random people walking by. Someone else probably would have shot him if police hadn't.

The 911 call is not relevant. He can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old, but you expect the police to bet their life on that caller's identification of a gun?

He didn't shoot the kid before he had time to react. The kid got up, walked over to the police car, and reached for his gun.
Can't tell the difference between a 12 year old and a 20 year old... "might" be a toy. Kids having fun... cop kills him. Just because it's legal for you to carry a gun does not give you the right to go around killing people every time you piss your pants about a child playing with scary looking toys.

You point a gun at me, I am going to shoot you. I am not going to stand there playing guessing games with my life, or the lives of my loved ones.

Kids having fun should not include walking around pointing a gun at strangers on the street.
I'm done here Mike, you've lost all perspective

Your continued use of terms like coward and your referral to a squirt gun prove that you simply aren't interested in facts.

Enjoy the thread.
How do you know it wasn't a squirt gun? They said it might be a toy on the 911 call. He's TWELVE years old. His nads probably haven't even dropped yet. You think it takes a man to shoot a TWELVE year old boy TWICE, that isn't even pointing the toy at you?

What perspective do I need to get... the perspective that when a twelve year old in a PARK reaches for a gun in his waistband I have to unload my gun into him? Why am I even pointing my gun at this boy again?
I'm done here Mike, you've lost all perspective

Your continued use of terms like coward and your referral to a squirt gun prove that you simply aren't interested in facts.

Enjoy the thread.
How do you know it wasn't a squirt gun? They said it might be a toy on the 911 call. He's TWELVE years old. His nads probably haven't even dropped yet. You think it takes a man to shoot a TWELVE year old boy TWICE, that isn't even pointing the toy at you?

10-year-old boy charged with murder in killing of 90-year-old woman

10-year-old boy charged with murder in killing of 90-year-old woman - The Washington Post

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