Climate Change Challenge

Will the Warmers Affirm that the climate of the NE USA is now and forever snow free and 50F?

  • Yes! You can bet your carbon credits on it!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, they will continue to do what they've always done, point to the top story on the Weather Channel

    Votes: 5 100.0%

  • Total voters
What supposition, Billy Boy, do you believe IS supported by the empirical evidence of a 1C temperature rise and all of its accompanying events (melting ice, altered weather patterns) and a simultaneous precipitous rise in CO2 from fossil fuel combustion? A plague of ducks?

1C after adjusting previous data downward because NOAA can read temperatures from 100 years ago with more accuracy than the they could at the time.

And if you believe that, I have some carbon credits to sell you
The adjustments you've all been whining about have NOT made a significant change in the total observed warming Frank.
The adjustments you've all been whining about have NOT made a significant change in the total observed warming Frank.


I guess mangeling 72% of the earths temp data wont make any significant difference.

You ass holes are incredible liars...

Let's see a fucking number. How much change has been made to total global warming?

PS, I wouldn't trust Bob Tisdale to know his own name.
Last edited:
An idiotic poll.
Frank, please take my poll:
How many babies did you kill today?
a) More than 5
b) More than 50​
If human activity has no impact on climate, and thus the odd weather, we must consider one of the following:

  • A comet struck the earth and no one noticed
  • Several super volcanoes erupted and no one noticed
  • God is pissed, callous conservatives have ignored his son's homily
Still waiting

Let's see a fucking number. How much change has been made to total global warming?

Billy Bob, our resident meteorologist and atmospheric physicist claims that adjustments made to global temperature datasets have significantly altered the observed warming. I want to know how much it's been altered. And a source would be nice.
The adjustments you've all been whining about have NOT made a significant change in the total observed warming Frank.


Why are they adjusting past data AT ALL??

You never explained that, is there a Time Machine involved?
Temperature in NY plummets 25F from yesterday, AGW Fails.

Time for a new theory.

Wait, let me guess, you;re blaming today's temperature on, what are you calling it, manmade global climate warming change? Have you settled on a name?
An idiotic poll.
Frank, please take my poll:
How many babies did you kill today?
a) More than 5
b) More than 50​

c. Shut the Fuck Up, Moron

You "Science" is idiotic. You're a Cult


Settled Science
Science Settled

Settled Science
Science Settled

Frank, you making up the arguments on both sides doesn't actually accomplish much. You don't actually need to come here if you're just going to argue with yourself.
An idiotic poll.
Frank, please take my poll:
How many babies did you kill today?
a) More than 5
b) More than 50​

c. Shut the Fuck Up, Moron

You "Science" is idiotic. You're a Cult


Settled Science
Science Settled

Settled Science
Science Settled


Frank, Wuwei didn't deserve that. Your "poll" was exactly as stupid as he suggested and I'm pretty certain you knew it from the get-go.
Frank, you making up the arguments on both sides doesn't actually accomplish much. You don't actually need to come here if you're just going to argue with yourself.

Crick, on what basis does NOAA adjust past data?

Is sounds like fraud
Relativity predicts that mass will bend light.

I predict that the AGWCult will continue to blame the top story on the Weather Channel on their Cult Godhead: Manmade global climate warming change, or whatever they're calling it this week
An idiotic poll.
Frank, please take my poll:
How many babies did you kill today?
a) More than 5
b) More than 50​
c. Shut the Fuck Up, Moron
You "Science" is idiotic. You're a Cult
Settled Science
Science Settled....
Frank, you misunderstood. I wasn't commenting on science. I was commenting on the idiocy of your poll.

I understood perfectly well. You Cult has no science, you keep bleating Consensus!! Settled Science!!

And you turn on the Weather Channel for your next AGW "prediction"
Let's see a fucking number. How much change has been made to total global warming?

PS, I wouldn't trust Bob Tisdale to know his own name.


These are the changes since 2008. What do you consider significant? A tenth of a degree centigrade? 10% of the trend? How much of a change in the shape of the temperature record is significant in your opinion?

We keep showing you the changes (all makine the warming worse) and you keep saying it doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter?
Let's see a fucking number. How much change has been made to total global warming?

PS, I wouldn't trust Bob Tisdale to know his own name.

Oh and BTW, are you saying Tisdale is manipulating the results or are you saying his sources are faulty? He has composed literally hundreds of graphs and I have never seen one complaint of fraud. Do you have some? Have you graphed up any of the datasets and found a discrepancy?
Let's see a fucking number. How much change has been made to total global warming?

PS, I wouldn't trust Bob Tisdale to know his own name.


These are the changes since 2008. What do you consider significant? A tenth of a degree centigrade? 10% of the trend? How much of a change in the shape of the temperature record is significant in your opinion?

We keep showing you the changes (all makine the warming worse) and you keep saying it doesn't matter. Why doesn't it matter?

Chart also shows no "Warming" since 1995
There are charts all over internet.

since change on this plot.

about 0.5DEG C change on this one over ~200 years? what is normal "weather" flucuations?

Finnally: The water temp is not correlating? it is going down? huh?

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