Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

Didn't the brilliant environmentalist Al "Snake Oil Salesman" Gore promise us the Arctic would be free of Ice by 2010 or thereabouts? Oh, and Polar Bears were going to be extinct. Are they?

Did you believe Al Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth"?
I agree about Gore and I think carbon taxes are unnecessary, probably ineffective and costly to average Americans who are already taxed enough. But that doesn't mean his documentary isn't factual and based on tons of scientific research and evidence, and are the polar bear in trouble ? Yes and I would suggest relocating some of them to Antarctica.

Cool animation! Here's today.



Dang.....nut sack kick to the climate nutters

Just 60 years of coverage, against a 10,000 interglacial time period, the video doesn't show much science thinking, because they have no idea what is really typical about the region. They make a few off the wall claims that are not credible since open water up there would actually cool the water down faster., the winter cover will always remain because it is too cold and little to no sun for weeks.

Now what they don't tell you is that there are a significant and GROWING body of published science papers showing that for a few centuries at a time in the early part of the interglacial up to the MWP, there were little to no Summer ice at all, definitely less than now too.

The Inuits, Polar Bears, humans are still around without any memory of the apocalypse of that low to no ice cover time. Polar Bears today are still increasing in population and still able to get enough food to SURVIVE the lean but FULLY COVERED ARCTIC SEA ICE of winter time, oh you mean all that "thin" ice cover isn't helping them get their food...…., snicker....., you simply don't fathom on how little you know, and what they don't tell you in the video.

Since I have already showed you the chart that since 2007, the decline has stopped, even the yearly ice cover chart near the end in your video shows it too. This means you have nothing to work with here that supports the AGW (which you have no idea what it is) conjecture that has a sterling record of failure. Heck you can't even show that AGW conjecture has any effect on the ice cover at all, since you don't have the data/evidence for it.

Notice that I didn't cut and paste anything?
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"What would you think if your government didn't believe in gravity? If your senator alleged that, because they couldn't see it, perhaps it didn't exist. To many, this might seem absurd—the science is enough to know that it's real."

The Climate Change Deniers in Congress

"Almost 30 years ago, a NASA scientist named James Hansen pleaded with Congress, under the Reagan Administration, to accept the evidence and do something about it. "It is already happening now," Hansen said before a Congressional committee in 1988."

"Fast-forward three decades, and the United States is facing one of its most anti-science Congresses in history. Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives have gone on-record to denounce climate change as a hoax. Others have proven through their votes that regulating greenhouse gas emissions is not a priority. And still, some state representatives claim to believe in human-made climate change, but consistently support policies that would erode initiatives to combat it."

The colors used here are no mistake. The alignment between a representatives position on AGW and his political party is almost perfect. And you can see many instances of the same reasoning you'll find here on this forum, in the halls of our Congress. The most common answer seen from our representatives is that the Earth's climate has always been dynamic and that the changes over the last century and a half are simply Mother Nature at work. Unsurprisingly, that reasoning is as easily refuted as all the rest. Of course the Earth's climate is dynamic, but through its very long history, that dynamicism has resulted in changes orders of magnitude slower than the changes we are witnessing now. And the various variable factors that naturally control our climate: ex solar irradiance and orbital mechanics, indicate that we should be cooling now. But, of course, we are not.

So, once again, would you vote for a representative that didn't believe in gravity? What if he thought we were all actually held down by magnetism or by wee demons trying to drag us to Hell? Would you vote for a senate candidate that believed the Earth was flat, that humans had never traveled to space, much less the moon? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who believed that modern medicine was an evil to be eliminated from modern society? The belief that the rate of warming we are currently experiencing is a natural climatic change (or a lie constructed by thousands of corrupt scientists) and that human GHG emissions have no involvement, is just as false and just as dangerous.

The bad news, them, is that nearly half of all our elected representatives in both houses of Congress have fallen for this ridiculous hoax. The good news is that these gullible suckers remain a minority, albeit a slim one at this time.
"What would you think if your government didn't believe in gravity? If your senator alleged that, because they couldn't see it, perhaps it didn't exist. To many, this might seem absurd—the science is enough to know that it's real."

The Climate Change Deniers in Congress

"Almost 30 years ago, a NASA scientist named James Hansen pleaded with Congress, under the Reagan Administration, to accept the evidence and do something about it. "It is already happening now," Hansen said before a Congressional committee in 1988."

"Fast-forward three decades, and the United States is facing one of its most anti-science Congresses in history. Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives have gone on-record to denounce climate change as a hoax. Others have proven through their votes that regulating greenhouse gas emissions is not a priority. And still, some state representatives claim to believe in human-made climate change, but consistently support policies that would erode initiatives to combat it."

The colors used here are no mistake. The alignment between a representatives position on AGW and his political party is almost perfect. And you can see many instances of the same reasoning you'll find here on this forum, in the halls of our Congress. The most common answer seen from our representatives is that the Earth's climate has always been dynamic and that the changes over the last century and a half are simply Mother Nature at work. Unsurprisingly, that reasoning is as easily refuted as all the rest. Of course the Earth's climate is dynamic, but through its very long history, that dynamicism has resulted in changes orders of magnitude slower than the changes we are witnessing now. And the various variable factors that naturally control our climate: ex solar irradiance and orbital mechanics, indicate that we should be cooling now. But, of course, we are not.

So, once again, would you vote for a representative that didn't believe in gravity? What if he thought we were all actually held down by magnetism or by wee demons trying to drag us to Hell? Would you vote for a senate candidate that believed the Earth was flat, that humans had never traveled to space, much less the moon? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who believed that modern medicine was an evil to be eliminated from modern society? The belief that the rate of warming we are currently experiencing is a natural climatic change (or a lie constructed by thousands of corrupt scientists) and that human GHG emissions have no involvement, is just as false and just as dangerous.

The bad news, them, is that nearly half of all our elected representatives in both houses of Congress have fallen for this ridiculous hoax. The good news is that these gullible suckers remain a minority, albeit a slim one at this time.
Over in France cities are burning, thus producing plenty of CO2, because they, the common Frenchman is pissed off at the Carbon Taxes on fuel. Do you want that type of government here?
I'm sure that when millions have become refugees, are starving or dying of thirst, boredom will be a big part of their suffering.

And, among the scientists of the world, there is no longer a debate. YOURS is precisely the strategy that was employed by the tobacco industry to create a false impression that there was some debate as to whether or not cigarettes were harmful. Not surprising since the false debate scam was brought about by the exact same people.

Do you touch your children with the hands that type that shit?
"What would you think if your government didn't believe in gravity? If your senator alleged that, because they couldn't see it, perhaps it didn't exist. To many, this might seem absurd—the science is enough to know that it's real."

The Climate Change Deniers in Congress

"Almost 30 years ago, a NASA scientist named James Hansen pleaded with Congress, under the Reagan Administration, to accept the evidence and do something about it. "It is already happening now," Hansen said before a Congressional committee in 1988."

"Fast-forward three decades, and the United States is facing one of its most anti-science Congresses in history. Many members of the Senate and House of Representatives have gone on-record to denounce climate change as a hoax. Others have proven through their votes that regulating greenhouse gas emissions is not a priority. And still, some state representatives claim to believe in human-made climate change, but consistently support policies that would erode initiatives to combat it."

The colors used here are no mistake. The alignment between a representatives position on AGW and his political party is almost perfect. And you can see many instances of the same reasoning you'll find here on this forum, in the halls of our Congress. The most common answer seen from our representatives is that the Earth's climate has always been dynamic and that the changes over the last century and a half are simply Mother Nature at work. Unsurprisingly, that reasoning is as easily refuted as all the rest. Of course the Earth's climate is dynamic, but through its very long history, that dynamicism has resulted in changes orders of magnitude slower than the changes we are witnessing now. And the various variable factors that naturally control our climate: ex solar irradiance and orbital mechanics, indicate that we should be cooling now. But, of course, we are not.

So, once again, would you vote for a representative that didn't believe in gravity? What if he thought we were all actually held down by magnetism or by wee demons trying to drag us to Hell? Would you vote for a senate candidate that believed the Earth was flat, that humans had never traveled to space, much less the moon? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who believed that modern medicine was an evil to be eliminated from modern society? The belief that the rate of warming we are currently experiencing is a natural climatic change (or a lie constructed by thousands of corrupt scientists) and that human GHG emissions have no involvement, is just as false and just as dangerous.

The bad news, them, is that nearly half of all our elected representatives in both houses of Congress have fallen for this ridiculous hoax. The good news is that these gullible suckers remain a minority, albeit a slim one at this time.
Over in France cities are burning, thus producing plenty of CO2, because they, the common Frenchman is pissed off at the Carbon Taxes on fuel. Do you want that type of government here?

19 straight weeks of yellow-vest protests! Other nations have taken note.....d0y!
I'm sure that when millions have become refugees, are starving or dying of thirst, boredom will be a big part of their suffering.

And, among the scientists of the world, there is no longer a debate. YOURS is precisely the strategy that was employed by the tobacco industry to create a false impression that there was some debate as to whether or not cigarettes were harmful. Not surprising since the false debate scam was brought about by the exact same people.

Do you touch your children with the hands that type that shit?

Wait a minute....I'm told all the time in here that the skeptic view is fringe and not accepted by many!!

Then why isnt climate change action at full throttle? Instead....we see a great deal of apathy!

Hmmm.....why would that be?:dunno::dunno:
Wait a minute....I'm told all the time in here that the skeptic view is fringe and not accepted by many!!

Then why isnt climate change action at full throttle? Instead....we see a great deal of apathy!

Hmmm.....why would that be?:dunno::dunno:
We're in the US. where denial-propaganda has been full throttle for decades and already dumbed-down Americans are very easily snookered. And the rest are too busy to worry about it.
That about sum it up ?

Wait a minute....I'm told all the time in here that the skeptic view is fringe and not accepted by many!!

Then why isnt climate change action at full throttle? Instead....we see a great deal of apathy!

Hmmm.....why would that be?:dunno::dunno:
We're in the US. where denial-propaganda has been full throttle for decades and already dumbed-down Americans are very easily snookered. And the rest are too busy to worry about it.
That about sum it up ?
View attachment 250698

You know...… correct. With all the negatives we see since 2007 with the advent of the Smartphone, one big positive is, people are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too distracted to be caring much about global warming. Just like the suicide rate has steadily climbed since 2007, so has the disinterest in climate change. CNN ( Zucker ) even said 3 years ago that they no longer do any climate change stories because that ratings suck. Hysterical shit...……...:spinner::spinner::spinner:
Yes Ass, the skeptic view - yours in particular - is exceedingly fringe.
I agree about Gore and I think carbon taxes are unnecessary, probably ineffective and costly to average Americans who are already taxed enough. But that doesn't mean his documentary isn't factual and based on tons of scientific research and evidence, and are the polar bear in trouble ? Yes and I would suggest relocating some of them to Antarctica.

The Al Gore film, "An Inconvenient Truth" contained so many factual errors that in order for it to be shown in Great Britain, it had to be accompanied by a printed disclaimer showing the significant errors.

Polar Bears are doing just fine with their numbers not holding steady but GROWING!

Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths'

Watch the trailer for An Inconvenient Truth

By Sally Peck
12:01AM BST 11 Oct 2007

Al Gore's environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth contains nine key scientific errors, a High Court judge ruled yesterday.

The judge declined to ban the Academy Award-winning film from British schools, but ruled that it can only be shown with guidance notes to prevent political indoctrination.

Al Gore's 'nine Inconvenient Untruths'
SSDD - Love your signature. If I'd read it earlier, I might have saved some time.

No matter, I'll count Crick as insane and continue to post for the benefit of the lurkers.

Thats the skid mark....pulls fake facts out of his ass on a regular basis in an attempt to fool anyone he can...if you can ever get him to actually post some of what he calls evidence, you will see exactly how easily he is fooled by pseudoscience...the guy is a top shelf dupe..
So you think this


has no effect there?

That is all modeled bullshit not supported by local tide's like the global temperature...nothing like actual warming when you look at regions...the warming only shows up in the heavily manipulated, homogenized, infilled global record...sea level is the same...look at local tide gages and sea level is continuing at the same 3mm per year rate that it has for a hundred years....look at the global record, and after climate pseudoscience gets through with it, you would think that we should all start building arks...

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