Climate Change Has Run Its Course

"i am one of the 97% of scientists that believe man is destroying our planet despite this cycle happening naturally. Now please excuse me while i go jump on my private jumbo jet that spews more co2 in 8 hours than you do all year, and be disingenuous to another group of useful idiots. Dont forget to sign the checks!"

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong

So, are there big bucks to be had in climate science? Since it doesn't have a lot of commercial appeal, most of the people working in the area, and the vast majority of those publishing the scientific literature, work in academic departments or at government agencies. Penn State, home of noted climatologists Richard Alley and Michael Mann, has a strong geosciences department and, conveniently, makes the department's salary information available. It's easy to check, and find that the average tenured professor earned about $120,000 last year, and a new hire a bit less than $70,000. That's a pretty healthy salary by many standards, but it's hardly a racket.

$70-120K is a lot better than $20K a year flipping burgers, which is what a lot of these people would be making if they weren't scamming.

Climategate I & II exposed the scam. The principal scientists were all manipulating and fabricating data to make it fit their screwed up computer modeling. Under the Obama Administration we found out that NOAA and NASA were doing the same damn thing. Also the UN Climate Committee.

If this AGW was real and significant then there would be no reason to lie about it, would it?
And you are the one lying. Every Scientific Society, every National Academia of Sciences, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger Only morons like you try to pretend that there is some great international conspiracy to fool the rest of us. Don't forget the tinfoil for your little tin hats.
God, the longer they come, the stupider they get. Note that is number of events. Just how does an increasing global population increase the number of events?
The number of claims is DIRECTLY related to the number of insured.
Good lord, you are truly one fucked up liar.

Ten things you didn’t know about insurance companies and climate change - Unfriend Coal

3. Most damages of extreme weather events are borne by people who cannot afford insurance – and have not contributed to climate change in the first place. During the past decade only about 30% of the costs of natural disasters were insured. Most of the people affected by natural disasters – for example, more than 95% of the people affected by floods – live in developing countries, where less than 10% of the population have insurance protection.
You [Confounding] want me to have faith in the great AGW god.
Scientists have fronted up with evidence of what is happening.

Do you have evidence to the contrary? If not, why do you not accept this evidence?
It is great to see it has gone from the political sphere to consumer demand as folks have taken interest in environmental impact of the products and goods they buy. Its success mirrors the anti-cigarettes campaign. The government primed the pump, but business and industry has learned by now that the demand for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness has become a marketable selling point.
And, I am perfectly fine with that.

"i am one of the 97% of scientists that believe man is destroying our planet despite this cycle happening naturally. Now please excuse me while i go jump on my private jumbo jet that spews more co2 in 8 hours than you do all year, and be disingenuous to another group of useful idiots. Dont forget to sign the checks!"

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong

So, are there big bucks to be had in climate science? Since it doesn't have a lot of commercial appeal, most of the people working in the area, and the vast majority of those publishing the scientific literature, work in academic departments or at government agencies. Penn State, home of noted climatologists Richard Alley and Michael Mann, has a strong geosciences department and, conveniently, makes the department's salary information available. It's easy to check, and find that the average tenured professor earned about $120,000 last year, and a new hire a bit less than $70,000. That's a pretty healthy salary by many standards, but it's hardly a racket.

$70-120K is a lot better than $20K a year flipping burgers, which is what a lot of these people would be making if they weren't scamming.

Climategate I & II exposed the scam. The principal scientists were all manipulating and fabricating data to make it fit their screwed up computer modeling. Under the Obama Administration we found out that NOAA and NASA were doing the same damn thing. Also the UN Climate Committee.

If this AGW was real and significant then there would be no reason to lie about it, would it?
And you are the one lying. Every Scientific Society, every National Academia of Sciences, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger Only morons like you try to pretend that there is some great international conspiracy to fool the rest of us. Don't forget the tinfoil for your little tin hats.
And they get big grant money too.
maybe we would like a second opinion.

The next scientist you ask will very likely tell you the same thing. Or are you talking about the opinions of people that don't actually study this stuff?

What will happen if we do nothing?

It's possible that we can't stop or even mitigate what's happening. The long term impact will be our planet becoming less and less comfortable for us.

What must we do to prevent it?

We could continue to make advancements in things like solar and nuclear and hope that global efforts can actually mitigate the problem. No guarantee.
Just so you know, black holes are still theoretical.
So, a hypothesis with evidence to back it up, that hasn't been falsified. Right?
Wait do you know the point of science is to prove it every time...the sun is there and we know a lot about holes are one has actually ever seen one can "prove" they's all mathematics and while I think they may exist...I'm not going to want to pay higher prices or give up products or even freedoms over one....sorry
Do you have evidence to the contrary? If not, why do you not accept this evidence?
You are asking me to accept the conclusions and suffer the consequences of those conclusions without clearly explaining the consequences of doing nothing, and without clearly explaining what your plan is and how it will actually work.

Of course I am suspicious. Especially when, so far, the plan to correct AGW has been world communism.
It is great to see it has gone from the political sphere to consumer demand as folks have taken interest in environmental impact of the products and goods they buy. Its success mirrors the anti-cigarettes campaign. The government primed the pump, but business and industry has learned by now that the demand for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness has become a marketable selling point.

Not really, most people would still buy incandescent light bulbs...because they are cheaper......expensive green products, people don't want......they just don't care
"i am one of the 97% of scientists that believe man is destroying our planet despite this cycle happening naturally. Now please excuse me while i go jump on my private jumbo jet that spews more co2 in 8 hours than you do all year, and be disingenuous to another group of useful idiots. Dont forget to sign the checks!"

If climate scientists are in it for the money, they’re doing it wrong

So, are there big bucks to be had in climate science? Since it doesn't have a lot of commercial appeal, most of the people working in the area, and the vast majority of those publishing the scientific literature, work in academic departments or at government agencies. Penn State, home of noted climatologists Richard Alley and Michael Mann, has a strong geosciences department and, conveniently, makes the department's salary information available. It's easy to check, and find that the average tenured professor earned about $120,000 last year, and a new hire a bit less than $70,000. That's a pretty healthy salary by many standards, but it's hardly a racket.

$70-120K is a lot better than $20K a year flipping burgers, which is what a lot of these people would be making if they weren't scamming.

Climategate I & II exposed the scam. The principal scientists were all manipulating and fabricating data to make it fit their screwed up computer modeling. Under the Obama Administration we found out that NOAA and NASA were doing the same damn thing. Also the UN Climate Committee.

If this AGW was real and significant then there would be no reason to lie about it, would it?
And you are the one lying. Every Scientific Society, every National Academia of Sciences, and every major University in the world states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger Only morons like you try to pretend that there is some great international conspiracy to fool the rest of us. Don't forget the tinfoil for your little tin hats.
And they get big grant money too.
Once again proving what an ignorant cocksuck you are. Grants do not provide salaries or pay to the person that gets them, only the funds to pursue the research. All too many scientists get grants, then put their own money into the research to make up the difference between what they got and what is needed. This is exactly the same as saying that people join the armed forces only for the big bucks they receive.
Do you have evidence to the contrary? If not, why do you not accept this evidence?
You are asking me to accept the conclusions and suffer the consequences of those conclusions without clearly explaining the consequences of doing nothing, and without clearly explaining what your plan is and how it will actually work.

Of course I am suspicious. Especially when, so far, the plan to correct AGW has been world communism.
Of course, you are suspicious because you are too damned lazy to research the subject. Wind mills and utility solar that produce electricity cheaper than coal or natural gas is Communistic? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! And without the extreme expense and dangers of nuclear?
It's possible that we can't stop or even mitigate what's happening. The long term impact will be our planet becoming less and less comfortable for us.
If we can't stop it, why bother?

By "less comfortable" what do you mean? Hotter? More rainy. Less coastline?

But, even if we assume everything, the REAL solution is abhorrent to nearly everyone. The REAL solution is a population decrease of about 6 billion.

The real solution is WORLD WAR.
I believe in science, my father is a know real science...chemistry, biology, physics, stuff that can be proven, not studies with "consensus" there was scientific consensus the Sun revolved around the Earth at one point........doesn't make it real......Now gravity....that is real, I can prove it every time
Your father will be rolling in his grave. He produced a scientific illiterate.
He's still alive dipshit.....and I am no illiterate....I'm just not a sheep that follows some spoonfed socialist agenda. you guys use so many coercive tactics because people don't buy your bullshit......holly wood celebs cant move the ball, some made up consensus (again because many are afraid to speak out), and the fact that you guys have no data..

Sorry Al Gore the ice caps are still there!!!!
the propaganda film you made was just that a Goebbels masterpiece, but it still failed.
It is great to see it has gone from the political sphere to consumer demand as folks have taken interest in environmental impact of the products and goods they buy. Its success mirrors the anti-cigarettes campaign. The government primed the pump, but business and industry has learned by now that the demand for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness has become a marketable selling point.

Not really, most people would still buy incandescent light bulbs...because they are cheaper......expensive green products, people don't want......they just don't care
Really dumb. Over the life of the light, LEDs are far cheaper than incandescent bulbs. Use far less electricity, last several times as long.
Climate Change Has Run Its Course

"Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers."

Al Gore was the face of 'Global Warming' and the sole reason it became a global political 'phenomenon'.

Al Gore was also a scam artist, a con man who sought to make millions off of the idea of 'Carbon Credits'. What were Carbon Credits' and the idea behind it?

The concept was that there was too much carbon being produced by countries around the world, so 'THEY' (people like Gore) wanted to dictate to all the nations that they could only produce so much carbon each year. Each nation would have an allotted number of 'carbon credits - if they were going to produce any more carbon than that amount they would have to BUY more 'carbon credits'.

That is sort of like ME deciding to tell everyone in the world that they are using too much OXYGEN, that they are allowed only so many breaths a day, and if they use / need to use any more breaths than their allotted amount they would have to BUY 'oxygen credits' from ME.

The concept of carbon credits did little to nothing to reduce the amount of carbon, but it would make a WHOLE lot of money for whoever controlled the Carbon Credits.

But I digress...

From the 'hockey stick' to NASA data manipulation to crating non-existent alien races to ponder how they would deal with Global Warming, despite the 'Global Warming Warriors' claiming 'The Science Is Settled', the science used to back up their every claim was never much so that they were forced to change the title / name of 'Global Warming' to 'Climate change'.

As the WSJ points out, the Climate Change / Global Warming 'crusade' has 'petered out', lost its momentum, and is no longer 'a pre-eminent policy issue'.


Yes, when people get enough money, they seem to forget stuff real quick.
"Global Warming" later revised to "Climate Change" was an extortion scam by the rest of the world to gain favorable treatment by chicken shit (mostly democrat) American politicians. Al Gore had no background in science but the (liberal) Nobel Committee awarded him the Peace Prize for no reason other than his anti-American policies. Since the climate change policies were mostly favored by democrats, the mainstream media refused to publish arguments and when it was found that data had been fudged or altered the media quickly buried the story. Nobody ever went after China for it's pollution because the U.S. was the intended target. Now that we have a President with a set of balls the international left and the crazy American left is in a tizzy.

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