Climate Change Has Run Its Course

The Wall Street Journal is a Nazi site ? What the actual fucking fuck ?
What? He's not a climate scientist? Well fuck me. So he's spreading the big lie, like a good Nazi.

Steven F. Hayward is an American author, political commentator, and policy scholar, who argues for libertarian and conservative viewpoints in his writings.
Steven Hayward | Ashbrook
Assume that's all true and forget about the solar cycle and data manipulation.

What are we going to do about it?
First, accept the scientific consensus that human activity emitted greenhouse gases are the primary driver of climate change. That's the very first thing we have to do about it. Are you onboard with that?
What scientific consensus ?

Ten things you didn’t know about insurance companies and climate change - Unfriend Coal

Eventually, this will change a lot of people's minds. For it is only going to get worse.
He was discredited by SCIENTISTS. Like georg locher

I suppose it's natural that not every scientist immediately agreed with the idea he presented. That happens a lot in science. The truth prevails in the end though because science has this great self correcting quality. Science largely and eventually completely accepted his work. It wasn't scientists that were persecuting him for what he had discovered.
It was never a real issue, the libs claim that the goal was to stop man made pollution (which they claimed caused climate change). But it was never about pollution or climate, it was an effort by the globalist left wing lunatics to find a way to control how everyone on earth lived. Liberalism only works when the leaders have ultimate control over everyone else, and even then it eventually fails.

Gore sold his snake oil to the gullible and now everyone sees him for the charleton that he is.
Bingo, which is also why they made everything into a climate change issues......literally everything
So, a hypothesis with evidence to back it up, that hasn't been falsified. Right?

But, in the case of AGW, it is hardly proof, given the failure to eliminate other very obvious factors.

Again, we get back into the debate on the evidence, when what should really be happening is a debate on the likely outcome if we do nothing and a REAL plan to deal with it, rather than a communist scheme to divert wealth away from free-market economies.
He was discredited by SCIENTISTS. Like georg locher

I suppose it's natural that not every scientist immediately agreed with the idea he presented. That happens a lot in science. The truth prevails in the end though because science has this great self correcting quality. Science largely and eventually completely accepted his work. It wasn't scientists that were persecuting him for what he had discovered.
"in the end" which we are not even close to.
Just like religion, they demand that we accept the "truth" and have faith in the great prophet, Algore. If I have faith, then I will be prepared to do the bidding of the AGW god, as directed by his prophet, Algore.
The Wall Street Journal is a Nazi site ? What the actual fucking fuck ?
What? He's not a climate scientist? Well fuck me. So he's spreading the big lie, like a good Nazi.

Steven F. Hayward is an American author, political commentator, and policy scholar, who argues for libertarian and conservative viewpoints in his writings.
Steven Hayward | Ashbrook
  1. 1.
    a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

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    Anyone who disagrees with a Liberal.
He was discredited by SCIENTISTS. Like georg locher

I suppose it's natural that not every scientist immediately agreed with the idea he presented. That happens a lot in science. The truth prevails in the end though because science has this great self correcting quality. Science largely and eventually completely accepted his work. It wasn't scientists that were persecuting him for what he had discovered.
"in the end" which we are not even close to.

There is a very significant scientific consensus right now. If a modern Galileo comes along and proves it's bullshit I'll be the first to argue with the butt hurt liberals that can't accept it.
It is great to see it has gone from the political sphere to consumer demand as folks have taken interest in environmental impact of the products and goods they buy. Its success mirrors the anti-cigarettes campaign. The government primed the pump, but business and industry has learned by now that the demand for energy efficiency and environmental friendliness has become a marketable selling point.
He was discredited by SCIENTISTS. Like georg locher

I suppose it's natural that not every scientist immediately agreed with the idea he presented. That happens a lot in science. The truth prevails in the end though because science has this great self correcting quality. Science largely and eventually completely accepted his work. It wasn't scientists that were persecuting him for what he had discovered.
"in the end" which we are not even close to.

There is a very significant scientific consensus right now. If a modern Galileo comes along and proves it's bullshit I'll be the first to argue with the butt hurt liberals that can't accept it.
So you admit to my previous assertion. Lol awesome
it was about control of humanity because liberals

So you think scientists the world over are in on a liberal conspiracy to control humanity through a climate change hoax?
Yes, some are activists,.....and others are threatened, being ostracized from the community, no awards, loss of grant money......there are plenty of tactics to keep the sheep in line......If anyone disagrees, the "scientists (climatology is a joke field, full of activists)" immediately attack, and try to put this pressure of we have to act now....they don't want to discuss ideas and actually use the scientific's about activism and doing it right now (how many times have we been told, oil was going to run out or the climate will be at a point of no return in 5-10 years if we don't give up freedoms!

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