climate change is the cause of the crisis at the southern border, my friends!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
These storms, these floods, the historic wildfires that we saw in California, the droughts through which our farmers in Texas attempt to persist to grow the food and the fiber that feeds and clothes not just this country but the world, are going to be exponentially worse going forward

There were 400,000 apprehensions at our border with Mexico last year. As you know, many of them were kids — kids who, if they were lucky, showed up with their parents.
These storms, these floods, the historic wildfires that we saw in California, the droughts through which our farmers in Texas attempt to persist to grow the food and the fiber that feeds and clothes not just this country but the world, are going to be exponentially worse going forward

There were 400,000 apprehensions at our border with Mexico last year. As you know, many of them were kids — kids who, if they were lucky, showed up with their parents.
And to think, that those crossing the border even admit they are coming here for a better economic life for their children. Nothing to do with Climate Change.
One wonders, once all those huge numbers of Democrat sponsored illegals gain entry into the US and then suck the taxpayer teat dry, thereby turning the US into another Venezuela, where will they then go?
One wonders, once all those huge numbers of Democrat sponsored illegals gain entry into the US and then suck the taxpayer teat dry, thereby turning the US into another Venezuela, where will they then go?
This should be reason enough to go to war with the left....

One wonders, once all those huge numbers of Democrat sponsored illegals gain entry into the US and then suck the taxpayer teat dry, thereby turning the US into another Venezuela, where will they then go?
This should be reason enough to go to war with the left....

Agreed. Once the new left gets into power, it will only be a matter of time (not long) before they make it mandatory to send those who vocally disagree with them politically, to "mandatory re-education camps" and if those sent to the camps continue to disagree with them, the new left government would just make them quietly disappear altogether.
Good examples: China, North Korea, Cuba, Soviet Union, Vietnam, et cetera. Our 2nd Amendment was created to ensure that private citizens could form militias for the express purpose of defending their state against tyrannical governmental take over, whether that government is foreign....or domestic and the new left is clearly going to be that tyrannical government by its rejection of free speech and weapons confiscation and once the weapons are taken, those who oppose them, can't stop tyrannical laws from being implemented. To them, it's all about group think and march in lock-step.

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