Climate change mitigation alone is more than enough reason to vote the GOP out of congress in 2018


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
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There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
Your intolerance for anyone different from you.
like the far left is any different....the example being you are just so tolerant of people who disagree with are a joke....
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
Oh so these thousands of square miles of ice should be gone by now if climate change was an actual threat. I got news for you dude: by the time all the ice melts 100 years or so from now, it will only be one of many other problems. Civilization will cease to exist.
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
Your intolerance for anyone different from you.
like the far left is any different....the example being you are just so tolerant of people who disagree with are a joke....
My personal biases have nothing to do with what I’m talking about.
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
Your intolerance for anyone different from you.
like the far left is any different....the example being you are just so tolerant of people who disagree with are a joke....
My personal biases have nothing to do with what I’m talking about.
sure it does... thats like trump talking about how certain people lie so much....would you think that would be credible?...
Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.

FYI, we have had record cold temperatures for the last three years.

And what "tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans?" The biggest rate cuts in the Trump tax cuts go to the middle class, not to the rich. Under the Trump tax cuts, the top bracket has been cut by 2.6 percentage points, but each of the two main middle-income brackets have been cut by 3 percentage points--for a total rate reduction of 6 percentage points. Furthermore, under the Trump tax cuts, the rich have a top marginal rate of 37%, whereas most middle-income earners have a top marginal rate of either 12% or 22%. If you doubt this, you can check out the tax tables for yourself.
The 'Global Warming' scare is a Communist Globalist scam. My God, when are folks gonna realize that?
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
Oh so these thousands of square miles of ice should be gone by now if climate change was an actual threat. I got news for you dude: by the time all the ice melts 100 years or so from now, it will only be one of many other problems. Civilization will cease to exist.
Well yes if you say climate changed. You know that right? Arctic climate is ice, you said it changed. I asked you when did it turn to water sking weather! You avoid answering and insult me. I win
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
Oh so these thousands of square miles of ice should be gone by now if climate change was an actual threat. I got news for you dude: by the time all the ice melts 100 years or so from now, it will only be one of many other problems. Civilization will cease to exist.
You do know the arctic was warm at one time and the planet survived. You ain’t so bright eh?
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
Oh so these thousands of square miles of ice should be gone by now if climate change was an actual threat. I got news for you dude: by the time all the ice melts 100 years or so from now, it will only be one of many other problems. Civilization will cease to exist.
Well yes if you say climate changed. You know that right? Arctic climate is ice, you said it changed. I asked you when did it turn to water sking weather! You avoid answering and insult me. I win

Actually, we have seen a net INCREASE in polar ice. The Arctic has lost some ice, but the Antarctic has gained so much ice that we've had a net increase in polar ice.
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
What year did water sports open in the arctic? It was still ice last time I checked.
Oh so these thousands of square miles of ice should be gone by now if climate change was an actual threat. I got news for you dude: by the time all the ice melts 100 years or so from now, it will only be one of many other problems. Civilization will cease to exist.
Lefties have been predicting the end of the world ever since Paul Erhlich wrote "The Population Bomb."
There is just too much at stake to allow the GOP to have any political power going forward because of their outside corporate corruption. This is priority #1. The US government must do something to mitigate the inevitable hazards of climate change. The continued willful ignorance of the rightwing can no longer be tolerated. In a few decades time, the quality of life in this country will drastically drop everyone. Rising sea levels on the east coast will force migration from the east coast westward which will dwindle resources for everyone. Disease will become more common because of a spike in mosquito population due to warmer weather nationwide. Policies must be in place to mitigate these impending disasters. Not all hope is lost yet.

Republicans you may keep:

1) Your guns
2) Your tax breaks for the wealthiest of Americans
3) Your intolerance for anyone different from you.

None of those issues will matter in a few decades.
Your intolerance for anyone different from you.
like the far left is any different....the example being you are just so tolerant of people who disagree with are a joke....
My personal biases have nothing to do with what I’m talking about.

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