Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
New national science standards that make the teaching of global warming part of the public school curriculum are slated to be released this month, potentially ending an era in which climate skepticism has been allowed to seep into the nation's classrooms.

The Next Generation Science Standards were developed by the National Research Council, the National Science Teachers Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the nonprofit Achieve and more than two dozen states. The latest draft recommends that educators teach the evidence for man-made climate change starting as early as elementary school and incorporate it into all science classes, ranging from earth science to chemistry. By eighth grade, students should understand that "human activities, such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, are major factors in the current rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature (global warming)," the standards say.

Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation's Classrooms | InsideClimate News
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt
Another unproven claim by the left being taught as fact in our public schools. First evolution, now global warming.
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What other explanations can be utilized to understand the changes in weather patterns over the past decade?

ie--Much warmer winters over the past 10 years in the SE and sweltering generally dry summers?

For many decades jonquils bloomed in the middle of March. Now they begin to bloom in February.

There has been some sort of change.
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt
Yes, in some red states kids are taught that the earth is 6,000 years old, and loads of other crap that suits the far right wing.
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt

So little of what schools teach now is actually factual.

Well, there's nothing wrong with what people call climate science. It's just that like the topic of the origins of our species, people who need it to be false will create a version of it that can be refuted, or ridiculed, and insist their version of it is what it actually is.
Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt
Yes, in some red states kids are taught that the earth is 6,000 years old, and loads of other crap that suits the far right wing.

I would need to see some statistics to verify this.

Students across the US must meet academic standards in order to graduate and pursue degrees.

I live in a red state with plenty of colleges and universities if word leaked out that a school system refused to comply with standards there would be outrage.

I haven't read this well enough to offer a summary and I am not personally familiar with this topic but there seems to be some basis for 'climate change science'.
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Well our kids are taught more than enough stuff that's either untrue, useless or both so one more things can't hurt

So little of what schools teach now is actually factual.

Well, there's nothing wrong with what people call climate science. It's just that like the topic of the origins of our species, people who need it to be false will create a version of it that can be refuted, or ridiculed, and insist their version of it is what it actually is.

What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.
I'm delighted to hear this.

As with evolution, the extremists will be furious and will attack it for the next hundred years, but for the 95% of the population who are sane and reasonable, it only makes sense that proven, established science is taught. I do think contrasting views should also be aired as it is good to have debate, and I also think some of the less established aspects of climate change (i.e. deep ocean heat retention) should be taught in a manner that establishes that this aspect is still unclear.

This won't be at all controversial anywhere but America, of course.
What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

And at some point you may realise that there are now only 7 people on earth who believe this.

The world has moved on BriPat. You don't need to move on with it, but you do need to realise that you are stuck arguing the benefits of the steam engine.

When I have a chance I will review the links.

It still seems 'odd' that state accreditation agencies aren't involved in monitoring. The students take SATs---how do they manage to acquire the skills to enter college?

The last time I heard any mention of 'creationism' in GA was over a decade ago. The school system is predominantly conservative and I believe there was controversy over textbook adoption. I also believe that the matter was settled and another textbook was adopted.

Here's the link--it has been so long ago that I would have read it more closely to recall facts. Nothing has been in the news about this lately.

I honestly can't imagine that scientists in any state wouldn't be involved in curriculum design.
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What the AGW cultists believe isn't science. It's a con. No one "needs" it do be false, just as no one needs the earth centric view of the solar system to be false.

And at some point you may realise that there are now only 7 people on earth who believe this.

The world has moved on BriPat. You don't need to move on with it, but you do need to realise that you are stuck arguing the benefits of the steam engine.

The fact is no one cares about the global warming con any more. In survey after survey, concern about global warming is at the bottom of the list. The game is over. You're pissing in the wind.

This community is in a somewhat rural/used to be rural area. Not likely that there will be a great deal of support for this.

The Atlanta ABC affiliate said Bob Staples, a member of the church, called Darwin’s theory “bad science” and said “it’s bad for the culture.”

“To teach it as a fact,” said Staples, “is lying to people.”

It’s curious that Staples, who is a college math teacher and also a member of the state committee working on the new science standards, is worried about lying to people. He said he believes in a literal view of the Bible, but doesn’t expect public schools to teach creationism.

So what would Staples teach? If evolution is a no go and so is creationism, what does that leave? It sounds like Staples would rather give kids extra recess time than good science classes.

Staples hasn’t offered an alternative. All he “knows” is that teaching evolution is contributing to the decline of civilization.

“The crime rate, child abuse, divorce. All of these things rose from a period following the implementation of teaching Darwinian theory [in the 1960s],” Staples said.

It’s safe to say that crime, child abuse and divorce all pre-date the 1960s and have absolutely no link to the missing link.
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You's the beginning of March, and the trees here in Amarillo started to bud around the last week of Feb this year.

Combine that with the droughts that we've been having, as well as the record high temps that we've set over the summers, warming is here.
You's the beginning of March, and the trees here in Amarillo started to bud around the last week of Feb this year.

Combine that with the droughts that we've been having, as well as the record high temps that we've set over the summers, warming is here.

It certainly seems that weather patterns are different.

A person I know with 'several' advanced degrees believes that global warming is 'real', fwiw.

Extreme weather of last decade part of larger pattern linked to global warming

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