Climate "Science" 101: Excess Heat

One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.
and who is starting all these fires? Man?
You stupid ass, man and nature. But if the West had not warmed up and dried out for the past two score years, i.e., climate change, these fires would not be as active or intense.
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.
and who is starting all these fires? Man?
You stupid ass, man and nature. But if the West had not warmed up and dried out for the past two score years, i.e., climate change, these fires would not be as active or intense.
how do you know?

Edit, are you saying again, there were never fires when man wasn't on earth yet?
Last edited:
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.

Take the money we're wasting on Global Warming and use it to clear out the dead fall
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.
and who is starting all these fires? Man?
You stupid ass, man and nature. But if the West had not warmed up and dried out for the past two score years, i.e., climate change, these fires would not be as active or intense.


^ 2 decades, no warming

One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.

Yes, 100 years of forest mismanagement will certainly bite you in the ass. Congratulations, you figured it out. Now, where does a supposedly warming environment have anything to do with the current issue? There have been tens of thousands of forest fires in California in the last 1000 years. Many of those occurred when there were more severe droughts than that which is currently happening. The difference is in the past the fires burned NATURALLY!

For someone who claims to be smart you sure have a problem adding 2+2.
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

That's hilarious! LOL!!!

All that CO2, heating the oceans, melting the oysters
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.
and who is starting all these fires? Man?
You stupid ass, man and nature. But if the West had not warmed up and dried out for the past two score years, i.e., climate change, these fires would not be as active or intense.

Bullshit you incompetent twerp. It's the Forest Services policy of preventing ANY fire that has caused the fuel load to increase to the point that now instead of a fire that clears the underbrush, they now burn with an intensity (thanks to that fuel load I just mentioned) that incinerates everything.

"For instance, a furry, brown, well-intentioned bear named Smoky has encouraged the American public to put out their campfires for years: “Only you can prevent forest fires.” But the practice of putting out all small fires interrupts natural forest fire cycles, resulting in a buildup of underbrush that can cause more intense and frequent fires long-term, according to an article in The Atlantic. Research from the analysis branch of the Forest Service says the removal of surface fuel, like underbrush, is one of the most effective ways at stopping wide-spread forest fires"

WORLD Forestry mismanagement feeds fire danger Rachel Lynn Aldrich July 8 2013
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.

Feel free to cite the scientific articles that you get your information from.
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.

Feel free to cite the scientific articles that you get your information from.

Read and learn something....

CP - Abstract - Water pH and temperature in Lake Biwa from MBT CBT indices during the last 280 000 years

Ocean Acidification Claims are Misleading and deliberately so Principia Scientific Intl
I'm still unclear on CO2 causing forest fires, is there any real science on this?

If a climate change causes an area with forests to dry, it would increase the odds of fires. Seems simple enough.
No the treehugger Millennial environmentalists who won't let the forest service clear out underbrush cause forest fires.
Enough of that God damned lie. The Forest Service cannot clear out underbrush and thin because every year, just as we are doing this week, the Forest Service runs out of money allotted to fighting fires, and has to pull out money from other budgets, the first being forest management.

All These Fires Are Burning Through Firefighters Budgets WIRED

THE WHOLE WEST is freckled with fires. And in between each fire, the land is dry and hot as hell. As of yesterday, six million acres of US land has caught fire in 2015. But it’s not the burning land that has firefighters anxious. It’s that the money we’re throwing at these fires is burning up, and will soon come out of the budget for preventing future fires.

The vicious cycle was outlined Wednesday in a report from the US Forest Service. In the past 20 years, the agency’s firefighting budget has more than tripled, which means less money for everything else the service does. And even that budget swell isn’t enough fuel for the firefighting: Many years—including the past three—fire suppression has gone over its already-inflated budget, burning through money for other programs.

And the fire season has just begun.

Take the money we're wasting on Global Warming and use it to clear out the dead fall
Now there's an idea worth listening to.
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?
fund itself.
1. What is Excess Heat?

Heat that is above the historic norm for the global climate.

2. Where was this excess heat hiding before being absorbed by the oceans

In the atmosphere :rolleyes:

3. Describe the mechanism by which the ocean absorbs excess heat.

It is basic physics. Heat moves to where there is an absence of heat.

In the atmosphere? It was? Where? there's been a pause, that would mean that there are normal temperatures, so where might the oceans actually get the excess? You do know what excess means right?
One of the effects of a warming climate is that the forests dry out. And we have longer and warmer summers. That equals a longer and more intense fire season. And bigger and more intense fires. All of which we are currently seeing. And this summer, we sure have hit the jackpot.

But all you denier asses can do is sit and deny that it is happening, or try to blame the people that are doing their best to deal with a problem that you helped create.

Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.

Feel free to cite the scientific articles that you get your information from.

Read and learn something....

CP - Abstract - Water pH and temperature in Lake Biwa from MBT CBT indices during the last 280 000 years

Ocean Acidification Claims are Misleading and deliberately so Principia Scientific Intl

the first doesn't mention ocean water at all.

The second and third are climate denier websites (i.e. NOT AT ALL SCIENTIFIC)

So again we are back to you spouting political faith, that is devoid of any supporting scientific evidence.
Flood, droughts, is there anything that CO2 can't do?

Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.

Feel free to cite the scientific articles that you get your information from.

Read and learn something....

CP - Abstract - Water pH and temperature in Lake Biwa from MBT CBT indices during the last 280 000 years

Ocean Acidification Claims are Misleading and deliberately so Principia Scientific Intl

the first doesn't mention ocean water at all.

The second and third are climate denier websites (i.e. NOT AT ALL SCIENTIFIC)

So again we are back to you spouting political faith, that is devoid of any supporting scientific evidence.
can you supply a link to an experiment that proves otherwise?
Also, it is destroying life in our oceans:

Ocean Acidification -- National Geographic

Acidification is a lie. Only true believers and morons give it any creedence. the facts are we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and the net effect would be to lower the pH from 8.1 to 8.0. Still very alkaline.

There have been numerous studies and in every single one the critters have grown thicker shells. EVERY SINGLE ONE! And this in the face of acid levels thousands of times higher than they could ever experience in the real world.

Feel free to cite the scientific articles that you get your information from.

Read and learn something....

CP - Abstract - Water pH and temperature in Lake Biwa from MBT CBT indices during the last 280 000 years

Ocean Acidification Claims are Misleading and deliberately so Principia Scientific Intl

the first doesn't mention ocean water at all.

The second and third are climate denier websites (i.e. NOT AT ALL SCIENTIFIC)

So again we are back to you spouting political faith, that is devoid of any supporting scientific evidence.
can you supply a link to an experiment that proves otherwise?

Er, um,, DENIER!!!

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