Climate what? Americans score a "D" in science!!!

Only 6% of the 3,278 test-takers answered all 12 questions correctly. Twenty-six percent missed only one or two questions, and an additional 27% missed three or four.

Most likely (unfortunately for RDean) that 6% was Republican !!! :biggrin:

The Ed pros just LOOK at a school and track them to the lowest possible level.. We are allowing the public schools to sort kids into railroad cars and track them into STEM obscurity..

That's why every number and statistic coming out of Washington and authority is so phoney nowadays. Because the large MAJORITY is defenseless against propaganda like the Global Baloney.
This is truly sickening :( Our lives are so much better because of science...The human mind always seem to move back to simple idiocy and against our own best interest.


How many billions of people are alive today because of the cures of the 18th, 19th and 20th century?
People are living higher quality lives that are much longer.
People can discuss things on the other side of the world.
The internet has all the knowledge to make one think this is impossible...Damn.
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This is truly sickening :( Our lives are so much better because of science...The human mind always seem to move back to simple idiocy and against our own best interest.


How many billions of people are alive today because of the cures of the 18th, 19th and 20th century?
People are living higher quality lives that are much longer.
People can discuss things on the other side of the world.
The internet has all the knowledge to make one think this is impossible...Damn.

Time to get the govt OUT of the way so that science, technology, math can be revived by newer methods of education . Methods that are more likely to reach the MAJORITY of kids in schools. And the expectations have to be set higher. All the govt does is to set the FLOOR for the expectations and learning..

I've got enough optimism that I believe I could kidnap several hundred young Burger flippers and mall saleskids --- and turn them into chemical engineers. Or physicists. Or at least citizens that have a PRAYER of defending themselves against tech/science propaganda and think for themselves WITHOUT praying to authority...
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..

Except scientists also agree on AGW. Read for more info.
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..

Except scientists also agree on AGW. Read for more info.

Not according to von Storch 2009 ---- LOTS of stuff they disagree on. Including whether climate science is a mature science. You think the IPCC hires scientists without bias? and that this tiny sliver of the community is a representative sample? Or ya just believe since it's the UN -- everything they say is world opinion...
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..

Except scientists also agree on AGW. Read for more info.

Not according to von Storch 2009 ---- LOTS of stuff they disagree on. Including whether climate science is a mature science. You think the IPCC hires scientists without bias? and that this tiny sliver of the community is a representative sample? Or ya just believe since it's the UN -- everything they say is world opinion...

Love how you reference stuff in your head. WTF is von storch? Your new go-to blog?

Like I said, virtually every scientific organization in the world agrees with the general tenets of the IPCC.
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology

I almost missed the astronomy/astrology question because I read the question hurriedly and I changed my incorrect answer to the correct one only because I rechecked before hitting the submit button. So I did get it right. But had I failed to correct my wrong answer, I still would have known the correct answer. I enjoy the Pew quizzes for fun, but I'm not sure they choose the right 12 questions for their quizzes to reflect a basic general knowledge in a particular field of study.

I also am not so convinced that the American people don't care about climate change or science in general--I think people become jaded and indifferent when such things are used for personal power and profit. People are no longer allowed to distinguish between science and propaganda/poltical motivation. No distinction is made between education and indoctrination. And when it becomes increasingly apparent that so many politicians and even academics and so-called 'scientists' are willing to manipulate or skew data to fit a particular ideological perspective, pretty soon most people don't bother to listen to any of it. And because there is so little emphasis on reading and reading comprehension and critical thinking these days, I think people may appear to know a lot less than they actually do.

But alas it is also true that there are also a lot of clueless empty headed morons out there too. And they vote.
But alas it is also true that there are also a lot of clueless empty headed morons out there too. And they vote.

And this section of the forum certainly highlights the clueless empty headed morons who pretend they know more science than the scientists.
But alas it is also true that there are also a lot of clueless empty headed morons out there too. And they vote.

And this section of the forum certainly highlights the clueless empty headed morons who pretend they know more science than the scientists.

Well I don't know about that. I certainly know more science than some 'science' I see promoted here and I don't have to pretend at all. I believe you might have been one of several who have graciously informed me that I am an idiot who knows nothing about science. In truth I am not a scientist, and other than basic biology, chemistry, etc. didn't take a lot of science in college, and I did manage to ace the Pew quiz. So what does that tell us?
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology

I got all of them right.. so I am in the 6% who are well versed in science. A Republican and a Conservative to boot!
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology

I got all of them right.. so I am in the 6% who are well versed in science. A Republican and a Conservative to boot!
Yet still clueless.

Congratulations on passing a middle school level test.

You should be proud.
But alas it is also true that there are also a lot of clueless empty headed morons out there too. And they vote.

And this section of the forum certainly highlights the clueless empty headed morons who pretend they know more science than the scientists.

Well I don't know about that. I certainly know more science than some 'science' I see promoted here and I don't have to pretend at all. I believe you might have been one of several who have graciously informed me that I am an idiot who knows nothing about science. In truth I am not a scientist, and other than basic biology, chemistry, etc. didn't take a lot of science in college, and I did manage to ace the Pew quiz. So what does that tell us?
Not sure I ever said that. Did you say something to deserve it?
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology

Rest assured, every single human being on Earth is going to get intimately aquainted with Global Warming in the next five years. We've already passed the tipping point, even if all man-made carbon being forced into the atmosphere right now were stopped, it would take hundreds of years for the levels of CO2 to drop.

Its already too late and soon enough human life is going to start changing drastically, whether people know it or not at the moment.

The 6th mass extinction event has already started and will only continue to accelerate.
But alas it is also true that there are also a lot of clueless empty headed morons out there too. And they vote.

And this section of the forum certainly highlights the clueless empty headed morons who pretend they know more science than the scientists.

Well I don't know about that. I certainly know more science than some 'science' I see promoted here and I don't have to pretend at all. I believe you might have been one of several who have graciously informed me that I am an idiot who knows nothing about science. In truth I am not a scientist, and other than basic biology, chemistry, etc. didn't take a lot of science in college, and I did manage to ace the Pew quiz. So what does that tell us?
Not sure I ever said that. Did you say something to deserve it?

LOL, I can't say for sure you said it either, but plenty have told me that. And whether I deserved it is always going to be in the eyes of the beholder.
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..

Except scientists also agree on AGW. Read for more info.

Not according to von Storch 2009 ---- LOTS of stuff they disagree on. Including whether climate science is a mature science. You think the IPCC hires scientists without bias? and that this tiny sliver of the community is a representative sample? Or ya just believe since it's the UN -- everything they say is world opinion...

Love how you reference stuff in your head. WTF is von storch? Your new go-to blog?

Like I said, virtually every scientific organization in the world agrees with the general tenets of the IPCC.

Interesting.. All our warmers indeed DO SUFFER from CRS syndrome. Was just a couple days you were hawking the 97% consensus bullshit and I pulled out some ACTUAL polls of climate scientists that showed no resemblance to a consensus of any type. ONE OF THEM --- which I riffed on for about 10 posts was von Storch 2009 --- because CrickHam (((who has terminal CRS, at least when it comes to his favorite sport here in enviro))) --- pulled it out to bolster the Consensus garbage.. Ring any bells?

von Storch 2009 is the way us scientists avoid CRS.. Hey governor --- I work very hard to communicate with you. Kinda the purpose of a message board.. Least you could do is get off Mt Stupid and try to keep up...

What -- is all this NEW to you??? :poke:
As Ive been saying for some time.........nobody cares about the science.:2up: Of course, we do have a handful of people out there that are consumed with the topic but generally speaking, the country could care less about climate change and science in general. EVERY poll shows warming is LAST or close to last on the list of peoples concerns.

American adults get a D in science; 22% confuse astronomy and astrology

Rest assured, every single human being on Earth is going to get intimately aquainted with Global Warming in the next five years. We've already passed the tipping point, even if all man-made carbon being forced into the atmosphere right now were stopped, it would take hundreds of years for the levels of CO2 to drop.

Its already too late and soon enough human life is going to start changing drastically, whether people know it or not at the moment.

The 6th mass extinction event has already started and will only continue to accelerate.

OOOOHH OOOH... Please IsaacNewtron --- come tell the newbie 3Goofs ALL ABOUT the tipping point. He's such an expert on Global Warming history and theory --- but I have a sense his soul is not pure and deserving..

Don't leave out all that permafrost feedback and clouds doing whatever clouds do and how man can't stop it anymore because it's powered by runaway feedbacks.. I trust you can take it from here. When the 2 of you get your story straight about what GW theory actually says --- PM me.. I'll be chainsawing out on the back 40 -- but I'll take a tablet with me to check in..

Newton meet newbie.. Newbie meet Newton..
You realize that you are destroying your own argument right?

Americans are terrible at science. And Americans could care less about AGW.

You somehow think that this shows that the public should be trusted on the importance of climate change?

I think you get both a 'D' in science and an 'F' in logic.

Oh my --- I've got to agree with 3goofs.. Kinda..
Most of the public has been fed nothing but hyperventilating fear and hysteria on Global Warming.. Therefore they should NOT be trusted. But that's the game really anyway. Because they WANT more 3Goofs and CrickHam and GoldiRocks that can be easily convinced that the science actually SUPPORTS the hysteria.

But 2 or 3 or 10 good open debates on the topic and firing a bunch of politically appointed scientists that hide in high govt offices would fix a lot of that... There's only ever been 2 or 3 BALANCED and OPEN debates on the topic. That right thar tells you a bunch don't it?? Media can't even handle the bacon and eggs debate properly. Because "journalists" are just college kids that were too lazy to learn anything other than form and style..

Except scientists also agree on AGW. Read for more info.

Not according to von Storch 2009 ---- LOTS of stuff they disagree on. Including whether climate science is a mature science. You think the IPCC hires scientists without bias? and that this tiny sliver of the community is a representative sample? Or ya just believe since it's the UN -- everything they say is world opinion...

Love how you reference stuff in your head. WTF is von storch? Your new go-to blog?

Like I said, virtually every scientific organization in the world agrees with the general tenets of the IPCC.

Interesting.. All our warmers indeed DO SUFFER from CRS syndrome. Was just a couple days you were hawking the 97% consensus bullshit and I pulled out some ACTUAL polls of climate scientists that showed no resemblance to a consensus of any type. ONE OF THEM --- which I riffed on for about 10 posts was von Storch 2009 --- because CrickHam (((who has terminal CRS, at least when it comes to his favorite sport here in enviro))) --- pulled it out to bolster the Consensus garbage.. Ring any bells?

von Storch 2009 is the way us scientists avoid CRS.. Hey governor --- I work very hard to communicate with you. Kinda the purpose of a message board.. Least you could do is get off Mt Stupid and try to keep up...

What -- is all this NEW to you??? :poke:
No reference. Again. As far as I know, Von Storch is in your head. Or on a blog, which is marginally different.

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