Clint Eastwood Signs Brief Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Yes let's worry about if Ted can marry Tim or who is chewing on whose rug. Meanwhile the country is in a tail spin one which will take us all down.

I admit my bias as I have gays and lesbians in my family that I love and respect as well as many associates in the business world I am in.

I figure you pass around the respect you want it comes back to you many times more.
That has been my golden rule and the fact that my mother was raised Quaker in upper New York state influenced me some in my youth and a lot now as she is still with us.

And I am sick of this silly argument about the gay boogeyman.
Let them marry and be miserable like the rest of us!
Your a liar.

Obama worked for a law firm at one point

You are a dumb ass.
He did not OWN the law firm and the work he did there was pro bono work only, nothing involving profit or business.
Not knocking him for that as I know his entire life story and admire the hell out of him for many of his charitable work jobs he held as he was heavily involved in tutoring programs for youth also.
Does not make him a private sector employee though.
Yes let's worry about if Ted can marry Tim or who is chewing on whose rug. Meanwhile the country is in a tail spin one which will take us all down.

It comes as no surprise that conservatives consider citizens being denied their civil liberties an unimportant issue.
People that hold 1 elected office are not professional politicians.
That would be the last few Democrats that have never held a private job in their life.
Kennedy, Obama and Clinton come to mind.
Most of the Presidents were ASKED to run for public office when this country was founded.
They did not want the job in those days.
These days they do.

If you really believe that, I 'm not sure what to say.

Most of these guys wanted the job and spent their careers angling for it.

Fact is, businessmen make shitty presidents. Period. And it's easy to understand why.
Yes let's worry about if Ted can marry Tim or who is chewing on whose rug. Meanwhile the country is in a tail spin one which will take us all down.

It comes as no surprise that conservatives consider citizens being denied their civil liberties an unimportant issue.

I surprises me as I seek to change them through logic and common sense.
Not by insulting them.
And things are changing fast. People I know that are life long conservative Republicans now see the change of DADT to open service caused NO problems and many now openly support, or the better term is do not oppose, gay marriage.
People that hold 1 elected office are not professional politicians.
That would be the last few Democrats that have never held a private job in their life.
Kennedy, Obama and Clinton come to mind.
Most of the Presidents were ASKED to run for public office when this country was founded.
They did not want the job in those days.
These days they do.

If you really believe that, I 'm not sure what to say.

Most of these guys wanted the job and spent their careers angling for it.

Fact is, businessmen make shitty presidents. Period. And it's easy to understand why.

Not the Founders after Washington.
Truman was a businessman and was not a shitty President.
29 of the first 33 Presidents were businessmen.
How else did they make their $$$?
Barry Goldwater was the 1st Senator to openly stand up in the Senate and DEMAND open service to gays and lesbians in the military.


Not the Founders after Washington.
Truman was a businessman and was not a shitty President.
29 of the first 33 Presidents were businessmen.
How else did they make their $$$?

You can go either way on Truman. Clearly, Truman only became VP because the corrupt Democratic machine wanted to oust Wallace, who was practically a communist. And then FDR died.

But to the point, I get a little bored with this worship of businessmen because sometimes their greed produces good byproducts by accident.
First, the First Amendment is just as much about freedom FROM religion as Freedom OF religion. You really can't have one without the other. Otherwise you just have a dominate religion and others that are tolerated.

On this point I disagree, the First Amendment in no way is about Freedom FROM Religion (Establishment Clause), the First Amendment is about freedom from government imposed religion though the actions of respecting one religious perspective over another.

There is no protection about being exposed through the media, print, internet, or signage to aspects of religion when performed by private individuals or organizations in public.

Barry Goldwater was the 1st Senator to openly stand up in the Senate and DEMAND open service to gays and lesbians in the military.


Senator Goldwater is often referred to as the Father of Modern Conservatism.

In the late 70's and 80's though this was usurped by the religious right in the role of social authoritarianism.

. . . .
First, the First Amendment is just as much about freedom FROM religion as Freedom OF religion.

That's almost accurate. It says, essentially, that we can harbor whatever religious belief we choose and there shall be no requirement that we have any religious belief imposed on us by the Government.

You really can't have one without the other.

That's untrue, but since I know what you are hoping to grunt out, I won't quibble too much on that one.

Otherwise you just have a dominate religion and others that are tolerated.

Also incorrect, but again, not worth too much quibbling.

In this case, we have created this special club called marriage that gives people in it a lot of legal protections.

WE created something that predates the Republic? Hm. who knew?

Since you religous mouth-breathers realy can't justify denying it to people in a legal civil sense anymore, your solution is to rename it something else so that the religious types can keep the name.

Which is just bullshit, and they shouldn't let you get away with it.

Well, first of all, you are an asshole idiot.

Secondly, you have been dropped on your head far too often.

Thirdly, you are wicked stupid.

Fourth, of course, you aren't at all intelligent.

But enough about you.

The word is "religious." The word is "really." You spell as poorly as you think. So cover it up. Use spell check.

Next, I am not a mouth breather. Furthermore, you should learn that just because YOU have a different perspective doesn't mean others are the dumb ones, you retard. Additionally, I happen not to be religious. You presume far too much with way too little evidence or information, you asshole.

Now, back to the point which you remain too idiotic to grasp. If "marriage" is defined by religious types as the union of a man and a woman, then GOVERNMENT should not be in the "marriage" business. The Government doesn't sanctify ANY relationship. Get it yet, you asswipe?

Thus, it is reasonable to permit the government to have its legitimate say over the unions of couples to the extent needed for the legitimate governmental purposes and to divorce government from the religious component.

Now, go back to munching on your own feces, you dip shit fucktard.
All that proves is he didn't get a boost from the traditional positive reporting from the convention. I wonder, could that be because the media forgot to do the traditional positive reporting?

Blaming the media because your candidate failed to excite anyone?

(Oh, that's right, Romney wasn't your candidate, you're a libertarian whack.)

No, guy, the reason why there wasn't anything positive said about that convention was because there was nothing positive about it. It was a three day temper tantrum about how the various whacks that now make up the GOP aren't getting their way on anything.

Feel free to look back through the threads and find the one where I thought Romney losing would be good.

Conventions aren't supposed to be good, which is why both parties make sure no protesters get anywhere near them. They are preplanned media extravaganzas designed to raise money for the party, the media plays along for the ratings boost and because of the perks they get from being on the inside. Anyone that thinks otherwise is a fool.
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Again- our only two Businessmen President.

Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush.

Jimmy Carter was a businessman.

Give up and quit the hate Joe!!

I thought he was a peanut farmer...

But if we accept your contention, doesn't that just underscore my point that the "skills" that make you a good businessman (Namely, being a complete douchebag) make you a horrible president?

So can you name a businessman President who didn't totally fuck it all up?
If being a douche-bag makes you a bad president why do you like Clinton and Obama?
Farmers were the first business men.
Women were the first business people!

You meant Prostitutes, right? ;)

Making Farmer Jimmy Carter into a businessman doesn't disprove the theory that businessmen make terrible Presidents.

Jimmy Carter ran that multi million dollar peanut farm for decades.
It was a business and still is.
Jimmy Carter was a business man for most of his life.
The claim that all businessmen make terrible Presidents is rank rhetoric.

George Washington-businessman
Lawyers and farmers are businessmen and 29 out of the first 33 Presidents were:


Anything before Reagan is the Dark Ages for most people, you can't expect them to admit that the presidents they most admire were actually one of the evil business owners.

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