Clinton and Sanders full of shit when it comes to Marijuana and prisons

In fact the entire left has lied for years about this issue, and they have always gotten away with it.

Clinton and Sanders are wrong when it comes to pot and prison

Marijuana had a major moment at the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday night, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders coming close to endorsing legalization, which is something no major candidate has so far been willing to do.

But as he explained his position – which drew multiple rounds of applause – he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stayed neutral on legalization, but made the same mistake as Sanders as she tried to connect marijuana legalization to prison reform.

CNN’s Juan Carlos Lopez set up the exchange by referencing the legalization movement in Nevada, one of at least a half dozen states that could follow Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in creating a regulated marijuana market.

“Sen. Sanders, right here in Nevada, there will be a measure to legalize recreational marijuana on the 2016 ballot,” said Cooper. “If you were a Nevada resident, how would you vote?”

“I suspect I would vote yes,” Sanders said.

Clinton and Sanders are wrong when it comes to pot and prison

Smoking pot is no big deal. Ask any cop if s/he would rather deal with a drunk or a stoner and 99.9% of them will pick the stoner.

Pot remains a schedule I drug, one more example of the foolishness and failure of the War on Drugs. A billion dollar + black market exists in our country; the cost to enforce prohibition and allow a tax free black market to flourish is insane.
cops would rather deal with a stoner because when it comes time to arrest, the drunk might get violent, with the stoner all you have to do is throw a bag of chips in the cop car and they load themselves.
the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.
From the OP: he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders.

Well yeah, thats been debunked because no one on that stage or anywhere ever claimed prison was OVER FLOWING with weed offenders.

Thats how you take a fact and turn it into a lie. Just put words in that arent there

As constituents wake up to the benefits of marijuana, more and more state politicians are going to be emptying out their prison populations of non-violent marijuana (ehem!) "abusers".

Marijuana May Help Treat Opioid Addiction By Reducing Severity Of Withdrawal Symptoms

Jul 28, 2015
By Ali Venosa
New evidence has emerged supporting the idea that marijuana may help rehab patients recover from and kick their addictions to painkillers. The study, published by researchers at Columbia University earlier this month, showed that patients given a form of THC during their recovery experienced less severe withdrawal symptoms and were more likely to complete their treatment course.


This study is not the first to explore the idea of medical marijuana as a treatment for painkiller addiction. Previous studies have highlighted the benefits of moderate marijuana use on retention during treatment, and states with medical marijuana laws see fewer deaths from opioid overdose.


IOWs, while weed may be fun, relaxing... etc. for some, weed is a lifesaver, painkiller and medical wonder drug for others. Only people that like for people to suffer torturous pain would be in favor of not legalizing marijuana. The proof is in the pudding -so to speak-


Just how deadly a killer is marijuana?
Here's a GIF
showing all of the people who have died after overdosing on pot:

Yeah, not a single person has ever died from a weed overdose.
We don't have numbers on pandas, but we're guessing it's about the same.​
In fact the entire left has lied for years about this issue, and they have always gotten away with it.

Clinton and Sanders are wrong when it comes to pot and prison

Marijuana had a major moment at the Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday night, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders coming close to endorsing legalization, which is something no major candidate has so far been willing to do.

But as he explained his position – which drew multiple rounds of applause – he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stayed neutral on legalization, but made the same mistake as Sanders as she tried to connect marijuana legalization to prison reform.

CNN’s Juan Carlos Lopez set up the exchange by referencing the legalization movement in Nevada, one of at least a half dozen states that could follow Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska in creating a regulated marijuana market.

“Sen. Sanders, right here in Nevada, there will be a measure to legalize recreational marijuana on the 2016 ballot,” said Cooper. “If you were a Nevada resident, how would you vote?”

“I suspect I would vote yes,” Sanders said.

Clinton and Sanders are wrong when it comes to pot and prison

Smoking pot is no big deal. Ask any cop if s/he would rather deal with a drunk or a stoner and 99.9% of them will pick the stoner.

Pot remains a schedule I drug, one more example of the foolishness and failure of the War on Drugs. A billion dollar + black market exists in our country; the cost to enforce prohibition and allow a tax free black market to flourish is insane.
cops would rather deal with a stoner because when it comes time to arrest, the drunk might get violent, with the stoner all you have to do is throw a bag of chips in the cop car and they load themselves.

the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.

There is no evidence to support your allegation that Sec. Clinton is a lesbian. The evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an asshole.
How much faith do we want to put in to medical "science" when it comes to replacing one drug with another.
face it, opium was used as a pain killer back in the 1700s, By the time the 1800s rolled around there was an addiction and misuse problem with opium, so a German scientist discovered how to extract morphine from the opium and that became the next drug.
then there was a problem with morphine addiction so the use of Heroin to kick the morphine addiction was used.
now we want to believe that using yet another drug to replace a current problem is going to end up any better?
I can see where smoking it might be one thing, but to extract a pure form and use that could easily open up more problems.
Sooner or later science will understand that the best way to come off of an opiate addiction is just to take the drug away and let the natural withdrawal take place. Nobody is going to die directly from an opiate withdrawal.
Not to mention that especially with heroin, that medicinal use of marijuana could be justified for at minimum of 7 to 10 years or until the morphine metabolites are clear from the fat cells.

only way to get off of opiates is to stop using opiates.
From the OP: he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders.

Well yeah, thats been debunked because no one on that stage or anywhere ever claimed prison was OVER FLOWING with weed offenders.

Thats how you take a fact and turn it into a lie. Just put words in that arent there
Here is exactly what Clinton said:

"Therefore, we need more states, cities, and the federal government to begin to address this so that we don't have this terrible result that Senator Sanders was talking about where we have a huge population in our prisons for nonviolent, low-level offenses that are primarily due to marijuana."

ETA: CNN Democratic Debate – Full Transcript

From the OP: he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders.

Well yeah, thats been debunked because no one on that stage or anywhere ever claimed prison was OVER FLOWING with weed offenders.

Thats how you take a fact and turn it into a lie. Just put words in that arent there

As constituents wake up to the benefits of marijuana, more and more state politicians are going to be emptying out their prison populations of non-violent marijuana (ehem!) "abusers".

Marijuana May Help Treat Opioid Addiction By Reducing Severity Of Withdrawal Symptoms

Jul 28, 2015
By Ali Venosa
New evidence has emerged supporting the idea that marijuana may help rehab patients recover from and kick their addictions to painkillers. The study, published by researchers at Columbia University earlier this month, showed that patients given a form of THC during their recovery experienced less severe withdrawal symptoms and were more likely to complete their treatment course.


This study is not the first to explore the idea of medical marijuana as a treatment for painkiller addiction. Previous studies have highlighted the benefits of moderate marijuana use on retention during treatment, and states with medical marijuana laws see fewer deaths from opioid overdose.


IOWs, while weed may be fun, relaxing... etc. for some, weed is a lifesaver, painkiller and medical wonder drug for others. Only people that like for people to suffer torturous pain would be in favor of not legalizing marijuana. The proof is in the pudding -so to speak-


Just how deadly a killer is marijuana?
Here's a GIF
showing all of the people who have died after overdosing on pot:

Yeah, not a single person has ever died from a weed overdose.
We don't have numbers on pandas, but we're guessing it's about the same.​

Yeah yeah, this last couple years we've had one drug pushing articles after another. Any day now someone is going to come out with a study that claims pot is the secret to the universe.
From the OP: he strayed from the facts, repeating a long-debunked myth about prisons overflowing with marijuana offenders.

Well yeah, thats been debunked because no one on that stage or anywhere ever claimed prison was OVER FLOWING with weed offenders.

Thats how you take a fact and turn it into a lie. Just put words in that arent there

As constituents wake up to the benefits of marijuana, more and more state politicians are going to be emptying out their prison populations of non-violent marijuana (ehem!) "abusers".

Marijuana May Help Treat Opioid Addiction By Reducing Severity Of Withdrawal Symptoms

Jul 28, 2015
By Ali Venosa
New evidence has emerged supporting the idea that marijuana may help rehab patients recover from and kick their addictions to painkillers. The study, published by researchers at Columbia University earlier this month, showed that patients given a form of THC during their recovery experienced less severe withdrawal symptoms and were more likely to complete their treatment course.


This study is not the first to explore the idea of medical marijuana as a treatment for painkiller addiction. Previous studies have highlighted the benefits of moderate marijuana use on retention during treatment, and states with medical marijuana laws see fewer deaths from opioid overdose.


IOWs, while weed may be fun, relaxing... etc. for some, weed is a lifesaver, painkiller and medical wonder drug for others. Only people that like for people to suffer torturous pain would be in favor of not legalizing marijuana. The proof is in the pudding -so to speak-


Just how deadly a killer is marijuana?
Here's a GIF
showing all of the people who have died after overdosing on pot:

Yeah, not a single person has ever died from a weed overdose.
We don't have numbers on pandas, but we're guessing it's about the same.​

Yeah yeah, this last couple years we've had one drug pushing articles after another. Any day now someone is going to come out with a study that claims pot is the secret to the universe.
I don't think there is a question when it comes to marijuana having some fairly decent use in the medical world, the question becomes, should it be legalized and regulated like alcohol currently is, or should it be regulated like other drugs.
which of the 5 classes would it best fit into?
right now its in schedule 1, I think that's a bit high, same category as LSD, Cocain and heroine.
a bit excessive and the reason for the steep legal repercussions if you are caught with it.
The classes are defined by the governments perspective of potential abuse.
Not sure why alcohol gets a free ride on this one, based on the criteria, alcohol should be a schedule 1 drug.
the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.

There is no evidence to support your allegation that Sec. Clinton is a lesbian. The evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an asshole.
I think she's pregnant. She wore a maternity outfit at the debate.
the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.

There is no evidence to support your allegation that Sec. Clinton is a lesbian. The evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an asshole.
I think she's pregnant. She wore a maternity outfit at the debate.
not possible, for her to be pregnant some guy would have had to been able to get a woody around her. Cant see that happening. Viagra isn't even that strong.
Even if she went to a fertility clinic, somebody would have had to been able to look at her cootch without throwing up long enough to put sperm in her. Cant see that happening.
she cant be pregnant. for that matter, either can any female in the vicinity of her or a picture of her.
the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.

There is no evidence to support your allegation that Sec. Clinton is a lesbian. The evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an asshole.
I think she's pregnant. She wore a maternity outfit at the debate.

Let's hope not. She's already produced one child that's whiter than most ghosts at Halloween and uglier than any witch.
the people need to wake up and stop voting for these LIARS.

look at Obama if you need any more proof. You think they would have learned with Billy Boy lying in their face how he didn't have sex with that WOMAN, what's her name...

they will LIE to sell their agenda because they know you wouldn't buy if they didn't

look at ObamascamnoCare for proof of that.

progressive/Socialist/dem MOTTO:
Lie if you have to in order to get their agenda passed onto YOU the people
Part of the reason Bill is a skirt-chaser is because Hillary's a lesbian. She's as much to blame as he is. If she wasn't gay the media wouldn't support her fat ass.

There is no evidence to support your allegation that Sec. Clinton is a lesbian. The evidence is beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are an asshole.
I think she's pregnant. She wore a maternity outfit at the debate.

You think? You're kidding, right?
They might be wrong, but the point is still, prohibition didn't work with alcohol, and that is a far more socially damaging drug, isn't it now?

Probably the single most used cliche in America right now.
Not true. A "cliche" is a phrase or opinion that is over used. This is neither. This is a fact.

I probably come across the "pot-isn't-as-bad-as-alcohol" or a close facsimile argument a half dozen times a week now.
I live in Oregon, we've had medical marijuana for several years, and now recreational pot is legal. The stink is everywhere now, you can't walk down a city street, or into a neighborhood without smelling that rotten stink !!!
Two weeks ago a stoned driver in Portland killed a pedestrian, so now not only do we have drunk drivers, we're going to be seeing stoned drivers as well !
It took decades to finally be free of smokers ruining the air everywhere you went, I feel like I've been transported back in time, only now instead of cigarette smoke everywhere, it's becoming the stink of pot !
I swear I could kick the mother fuckers here in the face that have passed these new laws !!

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