Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill’s Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)


Look at his face - that's freakin' priceless!

'It was unfair to put the women we victimized for decades in the front row...waaaaaaaa!'

as opposed to the women dumb donald victimizes?

let me know when hillary had sex with someone not her husband. let me know when she shouldn't have done the job assigned to her to defend a client.

now go defend dumb donald sexually assaulting women.

you can't even tell that the donald is making accusations of the things HE does to deflect from what he does...

you're such a paid hack.
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

that's because it was disgusting, kkk'er.

keep going for that women's vote. :rofl:
You must have a very shallow view of women in regards to selecting a Representative.
Most of the women I know have, at the very least, a Master's Degree and pick candidates based upon a broad range of their views.
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

that's because it was disgusting, kkk'er.

keep going for that women's vote. :rofl:
You must have a very shallow view of women in regards to selecting a Representative.
Most of the women I know have, at the very least, a Master's Degree and pick candidates based upon a broad range of their views.

Says the guy with the busty t shirt avie.
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

that's because it was disgusting, kkk'er.

keep going for that women's vote. :rofl:
You must have a very shallow view of women in regards to selecting a Representative.
Most of the women I know have, at the very least, a Master's Degree and pick candidates based upon a broad range of their views.

Says the guy with the busty t shirt avie.
Just showing off my hetero.
Which will be illegal when the next Democrat becomes President.
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

that's because it was disgusting, kkk'er.

keep going for that women's vote. :rofl:
You must have a very shallow view of women in regards to selecting a Representative.
Most of the women I know have, at the very least, a Master's Degree and pick candidates based upon a broad range of their views.

Says the guy with the busty t shirt avie.
My God! That's an incredible avie...
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

that's because it was disgusting, kkk'er.

keep going for that women's vote. :rofl:
You must have a very shallow view of women in regards to selecting a Representative.
Most of the women I know have, at the very least, a Master's Degree and pick candidates based upon a broad range of their views.

Says the guy with the busty t shirt avie.
My God! That's an incredible avie...
Reminds me of my wife, but my wife is blonde.
I heard Trump complained about having to show up.
He was whining through out the entire debate....:lol:

He was trying to play the refs, not very presidential.
Yeah, we know, everything he might do to win isn't "presidential." Only bowing out to let Hillary take the office would be presidential, right, douche bag?

Bow out? I want him to stay in the race and continue to destroy his brand.
I heard Trump complained about having to show up.
He was whining through out the entire debate....:lol:

He was trying to play the refs, not very presidential.
Yeah, we know, everything he might do to win isn't "presidential." Only bowing out to let Hillary take the office would be presidential, right, douche bag?

Bow out? I want him to stay in the race and continue to destroy his brand.
Why not...? The Democrat brand has already been destroyed, and you still hoist its banner. How do you think him not bowing out would change anything?
Is the left still complaining that Trump breaths in through his nose?


Just wondering, cause that is the ONLY thing the left seems to be saying about last night. Trump takes deep breaths, through his nose.
Pure gold. The Clintons were completely rattled.

Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubbell were visibly upset.

Giuliani: Clinton Camp Called Debate Commission- Complained About Bill's Accusers in Front Row! (VIDEO)

too bad so sad

That's got to be the most hilarious picture I have ever seen.
It was as if Vince Foster and Web Hubble had just walked into the room.

That's the Vince Foster you're dead look

can anyone tell me which of the other 16 Republican candidates would have put those women in the front row? Not one.....and that is why if Trump can't win, none of the other ones would have even got close......

Look at his face - that's freakin' priceless!

'It was unfair to put the women we victimized for decades in the front row...waaaaaaaa!'

as opposed to the women dumb donald victimizes?

let me know when hillary had sex with someone not her husband. let me know when she shouldn't have done the job assigned to her to defend a client.

now go defend dumb donald sexually assaulting women.

you can't even tell that the donald is making accusations of the things HE does to deflect from what he does...

you're such a paid hack.

Hillary did everything in her power to discredit those women. All to save the BJ's political ass, and her own or course. Then there is also the rape victim that Hillary said came onto her then 41 year old client. These are real people that had their lives destroyed thanks to the Clintons. But you want us to be upset about imagined attacks by Trump, that to this day have no merit.
he was upset because his dick doesn't work anymore.
Chelsea was upset because they weren't lesbians.

that chelsea is one homely gal

doesnt look much like bill

bills love child making the news

looks much more like him then she does


Trump should have invited that kid to the debate


The (half) black guy?

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