Clinton Library Refuses to Hand Over Info on Bill Clinton’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

I have a problem with the Washington examiner's article in the op that uses a FOXNEWS article link as its source that Clinton was on Epstein's airplane twenty some times....

When you go to the FOXNEWS link, the article does not supply all of the invoices that it states that Bill Clinton was on the flight manifests....

only 1 is showing, which was Clinton with 4 secret service and his Foundation staff listed... nothing nefarious??

where are all of these other flight manifest that it claims happened?????
You remain a Leftist because you choose to remain ignorant.

Flight logs reveal trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet | Daily Mail Online

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Bill Clinton was frequent flier on pedophile’s private jet ‘Lolita Express’
yes, it does put Clinton with other singers and actors on Epstein's planes flight logs of which I had stated earlier, was due to charity works and an event over seas.... it DOES not put Epstein on the plane during those events, and one so far puts Clinton with Dave Bands, who is Clinton's right hand man with the Foundation, that states no secret service...

and one where Clinton and 4 secret service men took from nyc to his home in Westchester county, ny

I found a Gawker listed pdf document with all the flight manifests, 76 pages of them, in the first 10 pages, there are 2 with Clinton so far.

oh, found one with kevin Spacek etc shown in the link but not in the 76 pages of logs I have to read through, as of yet.... it went to the Portuguese Azores then on to elsewhere...

So far, nothing stating Epstein was present, so far NO FLIGHTS going to so called ''LOLITA ISLAND'' ... St James Island in the Virgin Islands.... with Clinton on it yet...

still looking though.... :p doesn't mean it didn't happen, just am not done searching.

Epstein was a big giver on charity....(probably to cover for his scummy and illegal doings) so far, which it is early on in my search of the logs, it involves the Foundation and Charity, on the flights, which I had read about, years ago.
ok, found another log, epsten's plane picked Clinton and Doug Bands, the foundation guy right hand man, in Japan, then dropped them off in hong kong, plane went on to China after they dropped bill off...

again, nothing nefarious, as of yet.... and no sign of epstein on board...
and the next flight with clinton was with his assistant again, Doug Bands and with 8 secret service men, being picked up in Morocco, flown to the Canary Islands nearby, then to JFK.... no Epstein, No lolita island
ok, finally the next flight was kevin spacey one and doug bands was on it too...looks like Wassermann was on it too? is that Wasserman-Schultz?

no island, no epstein either, as far as I can tell....
next one from with Clinton and Doug Bands from Brussels to Norway

it's looking so far, like all business, no island play
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where's any of the actual proof trump did RUSSIA activities?
read the Mueller report, volume 1, plenty of Trump campaign activities with Russians, all spelled out...
and yet - none of it worth going after him for...

how odd.
yep...but not really odd imo...

stuff like Manafort did pass off inside Trump polling data to Russians on many occasions... that they have proof of... but they could not determine what the Russians did with the inside Trump polling data... thus no charges of aiding and abetting the enemy.....
White MAGA Man : WIKIPEDIA Deletes Jeffrey...

Yeah we did this yesterday when MindWhore posted it. I pointed out there that anyone who wants to can examine the edit history of any Wiki page, and no such thing is there.

Also there's not even any mention of "Wikipedia" at all anywhere in your link so you're a goddam liar.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called for Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta to resign over his handling of the Jeffrey Epstein case"

Acosta's shaking in his boots now. he knows he will be locked up, which Chuck leading the charge against him!
Despite calling Epstein a "terrific guy" in the past, Trump now says he's not a fan and hasn't spoken to him in a long time.

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