Clinton Library Refuses to Hand Over Info on Bill Clinton’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

Maybe saying I have only flown 4 times with HIM, actually has meaning?

your title says that Clinton states he has only flown 4 times with HIM

All the other times Epstein let Clinton use his plane for the Clinton Foundation Charity, was without HIM (Epstein) on board?
yea, but you won't allow this wordsmithing for trump.

which is why your "thoughts" are pointless. you look for every advantage for your side and hide behind words like a true clinton, but if anyone you don't like does the same, you bitch n cry foul.
“at least 26 trips aboard Epstein’s “Lolita Express,” according to Federal Aviation Administration records. With the five-leg Asia trip between May 22 and May 25, 2002, no Secret Service agent was listed as having traveled with Clinton.”

Come on...Slick Willie wouldn't lie!

Well maybe not when he's asleep anyway and dreams don't count.
Maybe saying I have only flown 4 times with HIM, actually has meaning?

your title says that Clinton states he has only flown 4 times with HIM

All the other times Epstein let Clinton use his plane for the Clinton Foundation Charity, was without HIM (Epstein) on board?

You think Slick Willie was using Epstein's plane for Clinton Foundation charity work? Aren't you the naïve one!
I have a problem with the Washington examiner's article in the op that uses a FOXNEWS article link as its source that Clinton was on Epstein's airplane twenty some times....

When you go to the FOXNEWS link, the article does not supply all of the invoices that it states that Bill Clinton was on the flight manifests....

only 1 is showing, which was Clinton with 4 secret service and his Foundation staff listed... nothing nefarious??

where are all of these other flight manifest that it claims happened?????
There's a lot of "I believe..." and "Sources claim..." Don't get me wrong, I certainly believe that Clinton went to Epsteins island 27 times and was heavily involved in uderage girls'sex. But if you are going to write a book, there should be a copy of the pilots long and more proveable facts rather than someone "told her."
Unfortunately there are some pictures that this site currently won't post.... - Google Search
Maybe saying I have only flown 4 times with HIM, actually has meaning?

your title says that Clinton states he has only flown 4 times with HIM

All the other times Epstein let Clinton use his plane for the Clinton Foundation Charity, was without HIM (Epstein) on board?

You think Slick Willie was using Epstein's plane for Clinton Foundation charity work? Aren't you the naïve one!
I KNOW he was.... even the FOX article states such.

Scummy Epstein is a philanthropist as well... that's part of the connection with Clinton....

that and Epstein was a huge donor for the democratic party
I have a problem with the Washington examiner's article in the op that uses a FOXNEWS article link as its source that Clinton was on Epstein's airplane twenty some times....

When you go to the FOXNEWS link, the article does not supply all of the invoices that it states that Bill Clinton was on the flight manifests....

only 1 is showing, which was Clinton with 4 secret service and his Foundation staff listed... nothing nefarious??

where are all of these other flight manifest that it claims happened?????
where's any of the actual proof trump did RUSSIA activities?

funny. you need this type of proof when you feel threatened but have no use for this process when you are going through your own hate. speculation is sufficient when it suits your purposes, wrong when it doesn't.
So, just how much trouble is Trump in? A lot, judging by the level of "but ... but ... Clinton!" deflection going on.

Trump Models was a human trafficking ring. They'd haul in 13-year-olds from eastern Europe, tell them they would be models, and sign them to contracts that put them deeply in debt. Then they'd get to the USA, and, needless to say, they'd have no modeling careers, but still have the debt. Of course, if they had sex with who they were told to have sex with, maybe that debt would go away, and maybe they'd have a modeling career someday ...

And now we see that Trump's labor secretary let Epstein off the hook to molest more children.

What went on seems pretty obvious.

Trump needed Epstein to stay quiet, so he paid Acosta to let Epstein skate. Then, to keep Acosta quit, he gave Acosta a cabinet position.

Oh, Acosta was confirmed by 52 Republicans and 8 Democrats. Clearly, the two parties have very different standards on approving those who shield pedophiles.

Needless to say, once Trump's involvement is highlighted, the Trump cultists here will be telling us that since nobody put a gun to those girls' heads, it wasn't really human trafficking. They've already justified concentration camps for children, so justifying human trafficking will be no big deal.
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Epstein, Weinstein... and all the rest were


during the three total disasters prior to Trump.... Slick, W, and the Cocksucker....
So, just how much trouble is Trump in? A lot, judging by the level of "but ... but ... Clinton!" deflection going on.

Trump Models was a human trafficking ring. They'd haul in 13-year-olds from eastern Europe, tell them they would be models, and sign them to contracts that put them deeply in debt. Then they'd get to the USA, and, needless to say, they'd have no modeling careers, but still have the debt. Of course, if they had sex with who they were told to have sex, maybe that debt would go away, and maybe they'd have a modeling career someday ...

And now we see that Trump's labor secretary let Epstein off the hook to molest more children.

What went on seems pretty obvious.

Trump needed Epstein to stay quiet, so he paid Acosta to let Epstein skate. Then, to keep Acosta quit, he gave Acosta a cabinet position.

Oh, Acosta was confirmed by 52 Republicans and 8 Democrats. Clearly, the two parties have very different standards on approving those who shield pedophiles.

Needless to say, once Trump's involvement is highlighted, the Trump cultists here will be telling us that since nobody put a gun to those girls' heads, it wasn't really human trafficking. They've already justified concentration camps for children, so justifying human trafficking will be no big deal.
but HOW do you know this all...?

I mean, I can see how it could be a theory, but how is it known to be true?
One example.
Plaintiff was enticed by promises of money and a modeling career to attend a series of parties, with other similarly situated minor females, held at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Jeffrey Epstein. At least four of the parties were attended by Defendant Trump. Exhs. A and B. On information and belief, by this time in 1994, Defendant Trump had known Defendant Epstein for seven years (New York,10/28/02, “’I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,’' Trump booms from a speakerphone. ‘He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life.’”), and knew that Plaintiff was then just 13 years old. Exhs. A and B.
mamooth is really angry that Jewish sex predators are no longer above the law.... as they had been for 24 years....
I have a problem with the Washington examiner's article in the op that uses a FOXNEWS article link as its source that Clinton was on Epstein's airplane twenty some times....

When you go to the FOXNEWS link, the article does not supply all of the invoices that it states that Bill Clinton was on the flight manifests....

only 1 is showing, which was Clinton with 4 secret service and his Foundation staff listed... nothing nefarious??

where are all of these other flight manifest that it claims happened?????
You remain a Leftist because you choose to remain ignorant.

Flight logs reveal trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet | Daily Mail Online

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Bill Clinton was frequent flier on pedophile’s private jet ‘Lolita Express’
Bill Clinton was shocked and appalled when he heard the news about Epstein's escapades. Like Alan Dershowitz, Clinton had only a "professional" relationship with Epstein.the relationship between a pimp and a john could be considered professional.
HUGE!... Pilot Logs Reveal ALMOST EVERY TIME Bill Clinton Flew on Epstein's Lolita Express -- UNDERAGE GIRLS WERE ON THE PLANE! (VIDEO)

Investigative reporter Conchita Sarnoff, the author of “Trafficking” on the Jeffrey Epstein case, joined Shannon Bream on Monday night to discuss the Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest.

Their sheeple lovers won't give a dam and will still vote a clinton in that's how deep their mental illness runs.

Second-hand hearsay. Pics of the logs or no.
It is believed that Hillary was uplifted as a Prog candidate and important political position because she had protected Bill and hurt others who had cause to claim his infractions against them. She in affect blackmailed the party. She had many years to prove her gender derived excellence. She failed. She let a lesser known in Obama beat her in the 2008 primaries as he manipulated the delegate system as he manipulated Illinois elections to his favor. She did the same to Sanders in 2016. But she lost to Trump in the greatest upset in modern political history. She had 95% of the whole system behind her. Even Weinstein and Epstein raped some women and children in her honor. And she lost. Frankly she may have just delayed our destiny with her loss. But it has given us time to think what we are doing. And maybe some will come to their senses. Turning the nation into a freak show is not a good thing. Because then we end up with people who eliminate a lot of things, including the freaks.

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