Clinton proclaims'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

...I don't know any Democrats, personally or on the Internet, who say, "It's not so bad", if by that you mean mass murders of innocents. The only demographic are those who oppose any form of gun control, even after the mass murders to afflict our country.
Snapshot metaphor for the endless yammering of Democrats who tell us that it's only an isolated incident and not reflective of a belief system nor its dogma and entirely Atypical... again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again... tell us... how many Atypicals in a Typical ??? !!!

When asked the question: "Have you had enough yet?" - in connection with Islam - most Americans nowadays would answer: "Yeah - I'm there."

It is that disconnect between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, on the one hand, and Mainstream America, on the other, that is going to weigh heavily against the Democrats, within the next year.

It may, but if voters return the neo cons to power they will be expecting something to change from the last fiasco they delivered; they won't so invest in body bags, we will need them. Leopards don't change their spots, and don't expect if the Republicans keep the majority in both houses of Congress they will govern differently - the path to a plutocracy will be paved for the power elite to change America for decades.
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How much more do you need to see why that party of Obama and Hillary should NOT BE in control of our government and Security. this is getting ridiculous how they MORE WORRIED over offending a Muslim than they are dealing with our SAFETY
How much more do you need to see why that party of Obama and Hillary should NOT BE in control of our government and Security. this is getting ridiculous how they MORE WORRIED over offending a Muslim than they are dealing with our SAFETY

Every time Obama's drone program kills a Muslim terrorist leader, the RWnuts call it some sort of a war crime.

Look in the mirror, you people.
It's not a Muslim thing, it's ISIS who wants to kill Muslims.

What does the first I in ISIS stand for?

It stand for Islamic, but ISIS does not represent all of Islam or every Muslim. This post by TT illustrates the problem which will never be solved: there are no HONEST debates.

In that case there should not be a problem calling a Muslim who is a Jihadist an Islamic jihadist or an Islimaic terrorist. Those names clearly differentiate between a Muslim who is a jihadist and one who is not. After all is not Islam the belief that all Muslims subscribe too?
It's not a Muslim thing, it's ISIS who wants to kill Muslims.

What does the first I in ISIS stand for?

It stand for Islamic, but ISIS does not represent all of Islam or every Muslim. This post by TT illustrates the problem which will never be solved: there are no HONEST debates.

In that case there should not be a problem calling a Muslim who is a Jihadist an Islamic jihadist or an Islimaic terrorist. Those names clearly differentiate between a Muslim who is a jihadist and one who is not. After all is not Islam the belief that all Muslims subscribe too?

You people bring this on yourselves by trying to demonize all Muslims. Just as you do in your post.
It's not a Muslim thing, it's ISIS who wants to kill Muslims.

What does the first I in ISIS stand for?

It stand for Islamic, but ISIS does not represent all of Islam or every Muslim. This post by TT illustrates the problem which will never be solved: there are no HONEST debates.

In that case there should not be a problem calling a Muslim who is a Jihadist an Islamic jihadist or an Islimaic terrorist. Those names clearly differentiate between a Muslim who is a jihadist and one who is not. After all is not Islam the belief that all Muslims subscribe too?
Obviously not.
It's not a Muslim thing, it's ISIS who wants to kill Muslims.

What does the first I in ISIS stand for?

It stand for Islamic, but ISIS does not represent all of Islam or every Muslim. This post by TT illustrates the problem which will never be solved: there are no HONEST debates.

In that case there should not be a problem calling a Muslim who is a Jihadist an Islamic jihadist or an Islimaic terrorist. Those names clearly differentiate between a Muslim who is a jihadist and one who is not. After all is not Islam the belief that all Muslims subscribe too?

You people bring this on yourselves by trying to demonize all Muslims. Just as you do in your post.

I was right! You do have ODS or do not understand what the word differentiates means. What part of all Muslims believe in Islam and some of them are Islamic jihadist terrorists do you fail to comprehend?
if every person associated with Islam was a terrorist all non Muslims would be dead right now.

Seriously, all of you rough and tough RW's find something to hide under and let the adults protect you.
Anyone else wonder what is wrong with Stephanie?

It's the form of ODS you get from eating uncooked hotdogs, while you're standing at the open door of the refrigerator,

at 3 o'clock in the morning.

You seem to be very familiar with that form of ODS. Obviously from personal experience.

You seem to be stupid? Is that an act?

Yes, unlike you it is just an act for me.
There's 5,968,884 Muslims in this country and you're not dead yet?

well in that case raise your trembling little hand and someone will send one over to take care of that ..
Nation by nation, the US has more Muslim allies (or at least friends, as nations) than we do enemies.

How can get from there to the claim that the US is in a war against Islam?


You can't. You people are wrong, as is your habit.
This is simply a ridiculously broadbrushed ignorant statement:

'Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.'

How any person with even a hint of intelligence can say such words is nothing short of all out pandering.

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