Clinton proclaims'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

Really? You think it's Meth? I was certain it was just plain old booze.

I think she's more drug-addled. But might be booze too

Aren't you the smarmy one this morning?


That she is. Smarmy and clueless. What a combo.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

Okay, let's look at this objectively. If someone kills an abortion doctor and claims he did it because he's a Christian and the Christian Bible sees abortion as murder...

., he a Christian terrorist?
No but liberals label all Christians as radicals. Let a Muslim murder an abortion doctor, and it's just a lone wolf committing murder. Muslims are not to blame, you know the religion of peace.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

The only "obsession" I see is with the rightwingnuts insisting...INSISTING on a certain terminology.


jihad is jihad. what's the problem here coyote and you know damn well I support muslims so what's the game here.

What I don't like and I will not tolerate is a lie. Clinton is full of shit and she doesn't even have a clue what she is talking about.

She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.
I wonder if Human will be giving Hillary head when the next terrorist attack happens because of democrat policies. Then she would come out and blame Republicans. Sound familiar?
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

Guess that means gangs like MS13 with Christian tattoos means Christianity is a religion of gangs and violence too huh?

Islam has nothing to do with terrorists co-opting it any more than Christianity has anything to do with MS13, The Crips, or the Bloods. Wearing a cross, or getting a cross tattoo doesn't make you Christian.
Ms 13 doesn't shout jesus be da man when they shoot you in the head.
In before the left bring up Timothy McVeigh.


Fucking liberals are a greater threat than them in my estimation.
Most violence on the world stage has one thing in common... Muslims.
George Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

The only "obsession" I see is with the rightwingnuts insisting...INSISTING on a certain terminology.


jihad is jihad. what's the problem here coyote and you know damn well I support muslims so what's the game here.

What I don't like and I will not tolerate is a lie. Clinton is full of shit and she doesn't even have a clue what she is talking about.

She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.

Sadly you cannot separate the two.

Look what you are saying. Jihadist extremism.


Explain to me please jihadist extremism.

If they are the same then what difference does it what she calls it? Why the insistence she call it what THEY want it called?
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

The only "obsession" I see is with the rightwingnuts insisting...INSISTING on a certain terminology.


jihad is jihad. what's the problem here coyote and you know damn well I support muslims so what's the game here.

What I don't like and I will not tolerate is a lie. Clinton is full of shit and she doesn't even have a clue what she is talking about.

She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.

Sadly you cannot separate the two.

Look what you are saying. Jihadist extremism.


Explain to me please jihadist extremism.

If they are the same then what difference does it what she calls it? Why the insistence she call it what THEY want it called?

Actually I wanted to get to the nitty gritty and have been spending part of my day studying quotes from the Quran by the Prophet. Now because I am relying on quotes and how they are actually translated I'm not going to come to any conclusions until I get deeper into it. And then research scholarly opinions over the weekend.

Hey it's winter and I have loads of time on my hands now :) Well at least when I'm not shovelling snow.

I did come across a really fair minded and balanced approach to jihad at the BBC. I learned that to view jihad properly one has to understand what the Prophet himself called a lesser Jihad and a greater Jihad. It's really fascinating. And the BBC did point out that scholars had differing viewpoints. But the article opened a great pathway to exploring more on Jihad.

ETA: BBC - Religions - Islam: Jihad
Last edited:
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

just another variant to the "man caused disasters" non sense they spew
The only "obsession" I see is with the rightwingnuts insisting...INSISTING on a certain terminology.


jihad is jihad. what's the problem here coyote and you know damn well I support muslims so what's the game here.

What I don't like and I will not tolerate is a lie. Clinton is full of shit and she doesn't even have a clue what she is talking about.

She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.

Sadly you cannot separate the two.

Look what you are saying. Jihadist extremism.


Explain to me please jihadist extremism.

If they are the same then what difference does it what she calls it? Why the insistence she call it what THEY want it called?

Actually I wanted to get to the nitty gritty and have been spending part of my day studying quotes from the Quran by the Prophet. Now because I am relying on quotes and how they are actually translated I'm not going to come to any conclusions until I get deeper into it. And then research scholarly opinions over the weekend.

Hey it's winter and I have loads of time on my hands now :) Well at least when I'm not shovelling snow.

I did come across a really fair minded and balanced approach to jihad at the BBC. I learned that to view jihad properly one has to understand what the Prophet himself called a lesser Jihad and a greater Jihad. It's really fascinating. And the BBC did point out that scholars had differing viewpoints. But the article opened a great pathway to exploring more on Jihad.

It sounds ambitious! :)
jihad is jihad. what's the problem here coyote and you know damn well I support muslims so what's the game here.

What I don't like and I will not tolerate is a lie. Clinton is full of shit and she doesn't even have a clue what she is talking about.

She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.

Sadly you cannot separate the two.

Look what you are saying. Jihadist extremism.


Explain to me please jihadist extremism.

If they are the same then what difference does it what she calls it? Why the insistence she call it what THEY want it called?

Actually I wanted to get to the nitty gritty and have been spending part of my day studying quotes from the Quran by the Prophet. Now because I am relying on quotes and how they are actually translated I'm not going to come to any conclusions until I get deeper into it. And then research scholarly opinions over the weekend.

Hey it's winter and I have loads of time on my hands now :) Well at least when I'm not shovelling snow.

I did come across a really fair minded and balanced approach to jihad at the BBC. I learned that to view jihad properly one has to understand what the Prophet himself called a lesser Jihad and a greater Jihad. It's really fascinating. And the BBC did point out that scholars had differing viewpoints. But the article opened a great pathway to exploring more on Jihad.

It sounds ambitious! :)

I just put up the link for others. You know Coyote having lived in Toronto for years I was exposed to so many cultures and it was fabulous. I wish people wouldn't lump all muslims together because an Iranian muslim has a completely different life experience than someone from Somalia. Ditto an Egyptian versus a Pakistani.

Yes they are all muslim but they bring different life experiences to their faith.

I get bent out of shape over it because it's just as ignorant as lumping all "whites" together because a caucasian from the Ukraine is far different than a caucasian from Chile or Paraquay or Britain.
She's right.

The rightwingnuts want to make it about Islam.

She is correct in making it about jihadist extremism.

Sadly you cannot separate the two.

Look what you are saying. Jihadist extremism.


Explain to me please jihadist extremism.

If they are the same then what difference does it what she calls it? Why the insistence she call it what THEY want it called?

Actually I wanted to get to the nitty gritty and have been spending part of my day studying quotes from the Quran by the Prophet. Now because I am relying on quotes and how they are actually translated I'm not going to come to any conclusions until I get deeper into it. And then research scholarly opinions over the weekend.

Hey it's winter and I have loads of time on my hands now :) Well at least when I'm not shovelling snow.

I did come across a really fair minded and balanced approach to jihad at the BBC. I learned that to view jihad properly one has to understand what the Prophet himself called a lesser Jihad and a greater Jihad. It's really fascinating. And the BBC did point out that scholars had differing viewpoints. But the article opened a great pathway to exploring more on Jihad.

It sounds ambitious! :)

I just put up the link for others. You know Coyote having lived in Toronto for years I was exposed to so many cultures and it was fabulous. I wish people wouldn't lump all muslims together because an Iranian muslim has a completely different life experience than someone from Somalia. Ditto an Egyptian versus a Pakistani.

Yes they are all muslim but they bring different life experiences to their faith.

I get bent out of shape over it because it's just as ignorant as lumping all "whites" together because a caucasian from the Ukraine is far different than a caucasian from Chile or Paraquay or Britain.

I totally agree TD - and, I think that's why I get so reactive when they get lumped together like that. People can share a common race or religion but be completely different from each other.
...Well...considering the Bible has a lot to say about killing unbelievers I'm going to what?
The New Testament supercedes the Old.

The New Convenant supercedes the Old.

The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth supersede those who came before him.

"Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek" are vastly different from "Kill the unbelievers".

That's "so what"...
...Well...considering the Bible has a lot to say about killing unbelievers I'm going to what?
The New Testament supercedes the Old.

The New Convenant supercedes the Old.

The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth supersede those who came before him.

"Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek" are vastly different from "Kill the unbelievers".

That's "so what"...

I hear that a lot.

The problem is...The NT doesn't really supercede the OT in practice as you'll see when they choose to use the OT to bolster certain beliefs or actions.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

I'll tell you: We are now really seeing just how unhinged and wing-nut most Democratic politicians have become. Good grief, so Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism?!!!!!!!! In other words, Hillary is using some absurd definition of "Muslim" and then claiming that, based on her definition of Muslim, jihadists are not Muslims!

Then why do surveys among MUSLIMS consistently find that a sizable segment of MUSLIMS sympathize with RADICAL MUSLIMS/ISLAMIC JIHAD?

Revealed: Shocking Number Of American Muslims Want Sharia, And It Gets Worse...

Poll: 27% of UK Muslims Sympathize with Charlie Hebdo, Paris Deli Jihad Murders - Breitbart

Pew Report: 1/3 of US Muslims Support Al Qaeda, Suicide Bombs; 25% Came to US Under Bush, Obama

Muslim polls | The Counter Jihad Report

More than 42 MILLION Muslims 'support ISIS' – as experts warn the figure will grow

Over 42 million Muslims support Islamic State; 1.5 million in UK

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the 'Tiny Minority of Extremists' Myth
Muslim's also jihad on other Muslim's also...

I bet they don't have an issue calling it Muslim terrorism either. It is all the politically correspct bullshit that pisses me off.

It is a fact every single terrorist that we have been dealing with since the eighties has been a Muslim.
By now everyone should understand who is PAYING for these people Like Hillary to go around and spew that kind of crap. Are they receiving Money from the Muslims to it a POINT to spew that every chance they are in front of an audience.?

WHY IS THAT FOLKS? they don't wail that about anyone else.

man oh man do you need any more proof in order to vote them out of our lives. We've heard that for all of the years Obama has been in office.

they need to be kicked out of our Government. if eight years of that thug Obama and the rest of his Muslim sympathizes wasn't enough.... vote them out and no more Progressive/democrats in 2016

...Well...considering the Bible has a lot to say about killing unbelievers I'm going to what?
The New Testament supercedes the Old.

The New Convenant supercedes the Old.

The teachings of Jesus of Nazareth supersede those who came before him.

"Love thy neighbor" and "Turn the other cheek" are vastly different from "Kill the unbelievers".

That's "so what"...

I hear that a lot.

The problem is...The NT doesn't really supercede the OT in practice as you'll see when they choose to use the OT to bolster certain beliefs or actions.

Which beliefs or actions?

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