Clinton proclaims'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.


Tiny stepped on Bill's wife's toe and yours at the same time!
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
Someone needs to draw a cartoon of mohammed with his schmekel in her mouth. Put it on the front page of the NY Times.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
Someone needs to draw a cartoon of mohammed with his schmekel in her mouth. Put it on the front page of the NY Times.

The gutless, anti-American values Left will never picture Mohammad....

"Yale University censored images of Mohammed in author Jytte Klausen’s book, The Cartoons That Shook the World, which discusses the controversy and violence that resulted from the publication of cartoons of Mohammed in a Danish newspaper in 2005. The book, published by the Yale University Press in fall 2009, was to contain images of the cartoons and other images of Mohammed."
Yale University: Censorship of Mohammed Cartoons at Yale University Press - FIRE

A book on the cartoons.....sans the cartoons.

You can't make this stuff up.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

Really? You think it's Meth? I was certain it was just plain old booze.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

By all means Jillian please dispute the DM with a link or two. Sorry to be on a slow response but I'm in the middle of a global warming mother trucking snow storm and my husband and I are shoveling snow to beat the band at my global warming minus 25

I know you think that a lot of snow somehow disproves global climate change. Actually, with the temperatures warming, you get more snow. Weird huh?

Global Warming Means More Snow

"In fact, as the Earth gets warmer and more moisture gets absorbed into the atmosphere, we are steadily loading the dice in favor of more extreme storms in all seasons, capable of causing greater impacts on society."
By now everyone should understand who is PAYING for these people Like Hillary to go around and spew that kind of crap. Are they receiving Money from the Muslims to it a POINT to spew that every chance they are in front of an audience.?

WHY IS THAT FOLKS? they don't wail that about anyone else.

man oh man do you need any more proof in order to vote them out of our lives. We've heard that for all of the years Obama has been in office.

they need to be kicked out of our Government. if eight years of that thug Obama and the rest of his Muslim sympathizes wasn't enough.... vote them out and no more Progressive/democrats in 2016
Last edited:
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

Really? You think it's Meth? I was certain it was just plain old booze.

She doesn't like the term radical Islam. It's out there. This article deals with her speech at the CFR and question and answer period.

By the way, her foreign policy speech is so full of bullshit I thought when I was reading it that it had a "rodeo" kind of odor.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

By all means Jillian please dispute the DM with a link or two. Sorry to be on a slow response but I'm in the middle of a global warming mother trucking snow storm and my husband and I are shoveling snow to beat the band at my global warming minus 25

I know you think that a lot of snow somehow disproves global climate change. Actually, with the temperatures warming, you get more snow. Weird huh?

Global Warming Means More Snow

"In fact, as the Earth gets warmer and more moisture gets absorbed into the atmosphere, we are steadily loading the dice in favor of more extreme storms in all seasons, capable of causing greater impacts on society."

Oh I believe in climate change. It's called fucking weather. We've had ice ages before on this planet and guess what happened? We warmed up in between. The Little Ice Age fascinates me the most. We came out of it though. It was global warming. Big yellow ball in the sky had a lot to do with it.
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.

I should have made myself clearer on what I meant. I will edit it.
what I'm talking about is WHY does Hillary, Obama etc go around pointing out how Muslims aren't the cause of terrorism, Islam is peaceful religion, and on and on.
they must be getting MONEY for it is my thinking on it. why everyday they jump out to say that? they don't ever say that about any other religion or people.
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.

I should have made myself clearer on what I meant. I will edit it.
what I'm talking about is WHY does Hillary, Obama etc go around pointing out how Muslims aren't the cause of terrorism, Islam is peaceful religion, and on and on.
they must be getting MONEY for it is my thinking on it. why everyday they jump out to say that? they don't ever say that about any other religion or people.

Because they are fools. Fools who can't see the forest for the trees.
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.

You won't believe Sweden. My daughter was living there for a few years and she and her husband and my wonderful grandson bailed and came back to Canada before it got really really bad.

They come for the benefit packages. Sweden is at a breaking point. And Germany. My husbands family are all from Germany and I can tell you all hell is breaking loose. Whether its the health care system that is crashing under the weight of the migrant seekers or security all systems in Germany are maxxed out.
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.

You won't believe Sweden. My daughter was living there for a few years and she and her husband and my wonderful grandson bailed and came back to Canada before it got really really bad.

They come for the benefit packages. Sweden is at a breaking point. And Germany. My husbands family are all from Germany and I can tell you all hell is breaking loose. Whether its the health care system that is crashing under the weight of the migrant seekers or security all systems in Germany are maxxed out.

Not surprising.

Seems the Governments of these countries want the refugees. Not the people who are paying for services for them.

Wonder how long before it all comes crashing down??
You know who's paying for these people.

We the people are now stuck paying for non citizens.

Europe's citizens are already up in arms about the cost for these refugee's and who can blame them. Not me.

I should have made myself clearer on what I meant. I will edit it.
what I'm talking about is WHY does Hillary, Obama etc go around pointing out how Muslims aren't the cause of terrorism, Islam is peaceful religion, and on and on.
they must be getting MONEY for it is my thinking on it. why everyday they jump out to say that? they don't ever say that about any other religion or people.

Because they are fools. Fools who can't see the forest for the trees.

well yes, I'll agree with that too. it's unbelievable even in the face of these attacks going on they still come and try to claim this. I don't get it and it should tell the people when they go to vote, just how out of touch these progressive/democrats are and should be VOTED out. they are scary almost
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

Guess that means gangs like MS13 with Christian tattoos means Christianity is a religion of gangs and violence too huh?

Islam has nothing to do with terrorists co-opting it any more than Christianity has anything to do with MS13, The Crips, or the Bloods. Wearing a cross, or getting a cross tattoo doesn't make you Christian.
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

Really? You think it's Meth? I was certain it was just plain old booze.

I think she's more drug-addled. But might be booze too
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

You know like the Muslim Brotherhood is a secular organization.

She obviously doesn't know the definition of "jihad". :lol: Some one get her a dictionary@


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief

Hillary hammers 'obsession' with the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' as she insists 'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'
From the article:

"Clinton instead referred repeatedly to 'radical jihadism' as a global scourge, but didn't explain how the concept of jihadism is consistent with the notion that adherents of the world's second largest religion are uninvolved.

Blaming 'radical Islamic terrorism' for vicious attacks of the sort that killed 129 people last Friday in Paris, she said, 'is not just a distraction.'

Affiliating them with a religion, Clinton insisted, 'gives these criminals, these murderers, more standing than they deserve and it actually plays into their hands by alienating partners we need by our side.'"

Hillary insists Muslims 'have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

Guess that means gangs like MS13 with Christian tattoos means Christianity is a religion of gangs and violence too huh?

Islam has nothing to do with terrorists co-opting it any more than Christianity has anything to do with MS13, The Crips, or the Bloods. Wearing a cross, or getting a cross tattoo doesn't make you Christian.

Alas there is a difference. That is not to condemn Islam as a faith. But to recognize that jihad actually is part of the Islamic faith. One can choose the option of a holy war or the personal struggle in devotion.

But make no mistake. Holy war. Jihad. Is Muslim. I'm tired of people dancing around truth.


noun ji·had \ji-ˈhäd, chiefly British -ˈhad\
: a war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs

Full Definition of JIHAD
: a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
: a crusade for a principle or belief
I'm so glad she cleared that up for us. She goes on quite an interesting little rant. What floors me is she tries to substitute 'radical jihadism' instead of "radical Islam". Yeah, yeah that's the ticket! It's really just "radical jihadism".

that isn't what she said.

and you need to put down the meth.

Really? You think it's Meth? I was certain it was just plain old booze.

I think she's more drug-addled. But might be booze too

Aren't you the smarmy one this morning?


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