Clinton's firewall of black voters is crumbling

Trump will lose in the biggest landslide in 30 years
Yeah just like the UK voted to stay in the EU, ......ooops, wait they voted contrary to the polls and to leave the EU!

go figger.

And who says that people are going to vote contrary to what they've answered in polls in favor of Trump. Remember, there was a bias in the 2012 election: toward Romney. 19 of 23 polls has a bias toward Romney, some by as many as 5 to 7 points.

With Romney fairing significantly worse than many of the polls indicated. Explicitly contradicting the idea of 'liberal bias' in the polling. There was a significant conservative bias.

What do you have, beyond your own baseless supposition and wishful thinking, to back the narrative that Trump will do better than the polls suggest?

By the metric of both history and your own assumptions regarding conservative satisfaction with their candidate.....Trump should do far worse than the polls suggest.
Blacks will continue to be enslaved by the dems and vote for the candidate who put them there.

Whatever .. it's not your problem whatever we do.

You just run along and vote for your great white hope and see if that works without us.

Neither candidate has anything substantive to offer.

From my perspective, one candidate serves a purpose, the other doesn't.

I'm talking about a purpose as defined by the people who vote for her, not by those who don't.
From my perspective, one candidate wants to employ you, the other wants to continue to enslave you....

You are powerless to make a choice, but I am not.....
And who says that people are going to vote contrary to what they've answered in polls in favor of Trump. Remember, there was a bias in the 2012 election: toward Romney. 19 of 23 polls has a bias toward Romney, some by as many as 5 to 7 points.
Lol, there you go with the straw man arguments.

Dont you ever tire of lying to yourself?
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Last edited:
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.

Sorry, but you're just regurgitating media spin. Trump hasn't committed any more gaffs than Hillary. The difference is that the media makes a major issue out of every little thing Trump says while they let Hillary slide. The media is in the tank for Hillary. They are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump. That's all you're seeing.
Last edited:
Blacks will continue to be enslaved by the dems and vote for the candidate who put them there.
Why are you concerned about how Blacks vote?
We freed your blacks before....we're doing it again.....

I know it upsets you....too fucking bad....
Why would you FREE Blacks from themselves? They ARE Democrats
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.

Sorry, but you're just regurgitating media spin. Trump has committed any more gaffs than Hillary. The difference is that the media makes a major issue out of every little thing Trump says while they let Hillary slide. The media is in the tank for Hillary. They are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump. That's all you're seeing.

Last week you were telling us of this app that “got around he media” and supposedly showed trump up by 34%. One would think you’d be harping on that. Unless it was all BS.
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.

Alt right makes up maybe 1 % of the population... why focus on them, when Trump is not associated with them in any way?

Oh, because it's difficult to come up with actual facts which to actually smear Trump with. Clinton on the other hand is a walking scandal. So what does the establishment do? Throw in a bag of lies and smear, while attempting to construct the most ridiculous of false equivalencies.
Seems to me Trump's problem with black voters is less about him specifically than it is about those who support him.
It is less about those who support him than it is about the media bullshit that is used to slander those supporters.

Hillary now claims that the "Alt Right" are racists, but who are they? They are Republicans that have rejected the GOP Establishments idiotic approach to politics and there are a great many of them, so according to Hillary they are all racists.

Laura Ingram is racist?

Ann Coulter is racist?

Jeff Sessions is racist?

Rick Perry is racist?

Rudy Giulliani is a racist?

Of course not, none of these people are racists and the neocons will find their asses handed to them in a bout a year after Trump is President.
I think you're right. The Left is going to throw the "racist" term around at absolutely every opportunity, stipulated. It's what they do. It's dishonest, but it still works.

From my perspective, though, the Alt Right (while clearly ALSO including ACTUAL racists who support Trump, such as David Duke) is a group of people whose opinions and perceptions have been so badly distorted by conservative talk radio (such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin & Jones) and whacked-out conservative internet (such as Brietbart, WND, Newsmax, InfoWars and many others offered on USMB as "news sources") that they have created their own little isolated alternative universe, an intellectual vacuum from which no light either enters or escapes.

I listen to conservative talk radio (specifically Rush, Hannity, Levin & Hewitt) for at least a little bit every day. And it's as clear as a bell - the terms, opinions and thought processes that I hear on the radio every day are essentially regurgitated here and when I speak to conservatives in "real life". It's unmistakable and obvious.

I'm sincerely not meaning that as an insult, Jim, although it may seem as one. I don't like seeing this play out because as an Independent I think the country needs two strong parties, and the Alt Right is ripping one of them to shreds. That's not a good thing.
Alt-Right is term invented by the Clinton campaign. It's nothing more than a smear. It's an attempt to associate normal conservatives with wacko fringe groups. It's a well practiced tactic of the Democrat party, and especially the Clintons. Slick Willy, if you don't recall, tried to blame the Oklahoma bombing on Rush Limbaugh.

These people are scum bags.
Okay, let's say that true. Here's the problem: You're making it easy for them to do this.

The current iteration of the GOP is running a guy who is a gaffe machine of historic proportions. Take Hillary and Biden and Sharpton and multiply them by a hundred, and you still won't have a list of dumb comments as long as the one Trump has compiled over the last 12 months. If his fans want to celebrate these dumb comments as "politically incorrect", whatever, they're still really dumb comments.

And no one can deny that Trump has attracted people like David Duke and other white nationalists (The White Nationalists Who Support Trump) who so helpfully play into this narrative. These are just facts, it is what's happening, right now.

AND we've been treated to this bizarre string of attacks this group has launched at traditional Republicans, slamming them as RINOs (a talk radio term, of course), liberals, radicals, on and on. You're playing right into the hands of your opposition.

Even if it's true that this stuff is being made up by the media, they sure are getting a lot of help from the Alt Right.

Sorry, but you're just regurgitating media spin. Trump has committed any more gaffs than Hillary. The difference is that the media makes a major issue out of every little thing Trump says while they let Hillary slide. The media is in the tank for Hillary. They are doing everything in their power to destroy Trump. That's all you're seeing.
So white nationalist groups are NOT siding with Trump?

Is the media lying about how Trump has:
  • Talked about the size of his dick during a major party debate?
  • Said that John McCain is not a hero, because he got caught?
  • Said "blood coming out of her, whatever"?
  • Said he watched as "thousands and thousands of people were cheering" on 9/11?
  • Said "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States", only to now soften that stance?
  • Said "I could shoot people and not lose voters"?
  • Said "Obama is the founder of ISIS"?
  • Said "Second Amendment people, maybe there is something you can do"?
  • Said at a rally "Maybe he should have been roughed up"?
  • Refused to immediately rebuke David Duke's endorsement, and lying by saying "I don't know anything about him"?
  • Said about a Hillary debate bathroom break, "I know where she went. It's disgusting, I don't want to talk about it No, it's too disgusting. Don't say it, it's disgusting"?
  • Said "I'll get 95% of the African American vote"?
  • Said "there's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am"?
  • Said "I have a good brain"?
  • Said "I have the best words"?
  • Said that he develops his foreign policy by watching teevee shows?
  • Said at a rally "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell — I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise"?
  • Talked about "the old days" at a rally, saying that demonstrators would be carried out on a stretcher"?
These are things he has said. They're not things the media has made up. The white nationalist groups that support him, really support him. That's not something the media has made up.
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Now where is NYC when you need him? Yesterday he declared this never happened and called board members liars for saying it did. He owes some apologies...that will never come.

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