Clinton’s Lead Over Bernie Sanders Slipping in New Poll

Who cares? It's still early...


Ha. Ha. these polls are sooooo screwed up it's laughable. Hillary Clinton is going to cream Bernie Sanders.

A very good explanation of why polling data is screwed up on a world wide basis is here, and it makes perfect sense.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

Who cares if Hillary or Bernie is ahead? They are both excellent choices, and the idea is to decide which is best. It's not like anyone in the GOP clown car could beat either of them.

Ha. Ha. these polls are sooooo screwed up it's laughable. Hillary Clinton is going to cream Bernie Sanders.

A very good explanation of why polling data is screwed up on a world wide basis is here, and it makes perfect sense.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
Hillary will be doing good to place 4th overall.
and where does Bernie go after Iowa and New Hampshire?
Soros decided to go with Bernie. It's time Starkey's Party had a genuine Socialist as their candidate.
Sanders reminds me of Obama, he says what he will do and you can count on him doing it, just like Obama when he promised to "Fundamentally change America." If Sanders wins we can count on him to do just what he promises and America will be a clone of the old Soviet Union, very possibly with much violence as the Country disintegrates.

Hillary, on the other hand never means what she says and promises and everyone knows that. She will only do what is in HER best interest. In the end, should she be elected, the results will be the same as with Sanders.

We have only one hope and that is to elect the Republican representative, whoever it is that wins the primaries, and hope and pray that the direction America is traveling will be turned around at warp speed.
Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008

Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008

So what. Either would be a well qualified president, and their programs aren't that different anyway.

My ass, neither one is qualified to push a mop much less run the free world...

You're wrong, but what you believe doesn't matter anyway. There aren't enough crazies to elect any republican, so one of those two will be the most powerful person in the world.
Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008

Hillary Clinton’s national lead is slipping faster in 2016 than it did in 2008

So what. Either would be a well qualified president, and their programs aren't that different anyway.

My ass, neither one is qualified to push a mop much less run the free world...

You're wrong, but what you believe doesn't matter anyway. There aren't enough crazies to elect any republican, so one of those two will be the most powerful person in the world.

An old coot who never did anything except run for office, riiiiiiiiight
You're wrong, but what you believe doesn't matter anyway. There aren't enough crazies to elect any republican, so one of those two will be the most powerful person in the world.

So that means your opinion is lower than whale turds...

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