Clinton's team still playing the blame game

Hillary is a dry drunk.

Do you even know what the meaning of that term is, or are you just spewing whatever hate filled words you think sound good? I'm guessing the latter.

A "dry drunk" is someone who is in the AA program, who although not drinking, has not modified any of their behavior, and so still act out as if they were still drinking.

Hillary has never been in AA that I know of, and many times on the campaign trail, she was seen drinking beer.

I was a youth counselor for 15 years.
I was a D&A counselor for 5 of those years.
btw, I gave your same definition on another thread.
I won't lower myself to hurl an insult.
btw, you have a thinking error: assuming.

Idaho Youth Ranch

Yeah, so with experience like that you should know how stupid that statement was.
Because that's the only answer you could come up with when you exhibited one of your many thinking errors.
Hillary is a dry drunk.

Do you even know what the meaning of that term is, or are you just spewing whatever hate filled words you think sound good? I'm guessing the latter.

A "dry drunk" is someone who is in the AA program, who although not drinking, has not modified any of their behavior, and so still act out as if they were still drinking.

Hillary has never been in AA that I know of, and many times on the campaign trail, she was seen drinking beer.

I was a youth counselor for 15 years.
I was a D&A counselor for 5 of those years.
btw, I gave your same definition on another thread.
I won't lower myself to hurl an insult.
btw, you have a thinking error: assuming.

Idaho Youth Ranch
Were you working there when the Espinoza was released and then killed the Caldwell boy because Espinoza still had the anger management problems the Youth Ranch said were resolved?
What year was it?
We had a Pocatello/Burley case where a murder/stabbing was involved and we recommended the youth absolutely should not be released. And the judge released him anyway and he stabbed a burley resident.
Thru the years I've seen occasionally clients find their way on the TV, graduating to higher crimes.
Knowing you jake, you probably did google searches on the internet to see what you could come up with.
If this is the same case I remember the judge over ruled the youth ranch. I think I had to restrain him a couple of times. I don't know where you get his Anger Management issues were solved by the youth ranch.
If he was in 20 restraints there's no way we would say he was ready to be released.
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