Clintons to face the music Nov. 16th


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Or will they get a pass from the DOJ and IRS? Yeah. Probably.

The Clinton Foundation has until November 16 to amend more than ten years’ worth of state, federal and foreign filings, but it’s going to be virtually impossible to do so without acknowledging that it has engaged in massive accounting fraud since its inception

How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud? The Clinton Foundation, Shady Accounting and AIDS

According to Charles Ortel, a financial whistleblower, it will be difficult if not impossible for the foundation to amend its financial returns without acknowledging accounting fraud and admitting that it generated substantial private gain for directors, insiders and Clinton cronies, all of which is against the law under an IRS rule called inurement.

While inurement may sound obscure to the layman, it’s an ancient legal principle and the IRS is very clear that it is verboten. If you are familiar with it, it becomes immediately clear that Bill Clinton – and arguably Hillary and daughter Chelsea as family members and fellow Clinton Foundation trustees – could have big problems come November 16.

Read more at:How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud? The Clinton Foundation, Shady Accounting and AIDS


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