Clive Bundy Arrested in Oregon-Holdouts Scheduled to Surrender to FBI

can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.

For what? How about a million plus owed in grazing fees. Or do you just want to add that onto the deficit?

HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW the left is suddenly worried about deficits. You transparent assholes are hilarious

no kidding. so if it means taking a family down at the end of armed FEDERAL agents, then so be it. can you believe these are our own fellow country and women? they are damn scary and a threat to us all
Just a bunch of idiots, but idiots with guns are dangerous idiots.
can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.

For what? How about a million plus owed in grazing fees. Or do you just want to add that onto the deficit?

HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW the left is suddenly worried about deficits. You transparent assholes are hilarious

no kidding. so if it means taking a family down at the end of armed FEDERAL agents, then so be it. can you believe these are our own fellow country and women? they are damn scary and a threat to us all
I cannot help but wonder why you didn't go help support them? Why didn't you ROLL, Staphanie?
can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.

For what? How about a million plus owed in grazing fees. Or do you just want to add that onto the deficit?

HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW the left is suddenly worried about deficits. You transparent assholes are hilarious

no kidding. so if it means taking a family down at the end of armed FEDERAL agents, then so be it. can you believe these are our own fellow country and women? they are damn scary and a threat to us all

The GOP wanted to kidnap Elian Gonzalez from his father................for political reasons

Here is Elian today with his father
the trolls on this board have now outed themselves with some of the stupidest statements ever. jakie the (so called: Responsible Republican) we always knew as one.

and on Edit. the rightwinger has become one too it seems
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can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.

For what? How about a million plus owed in grazing fees. Or do you just want to add that onto the deficit?

HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW the left is suddenly worried about deficits. You transparent assholes are hilarious

no kidding. so if it means taking a family down at the end of armed FEDERAL agents, then so be it. can you believe these are our own fellow country and women? they are damn scary and a threat to us all

It was Republican Nazis who kidnapped a six year old and refused to turn him over to his father

They even attacked a fathers motives for wanting to reunite with his son
the trolls on this board have now outed themselves with some of the stupidest statements ever. jakie the (so called: Responsible Republican) we always knew as one.
Why haven't you ROLLED to Oregon, Staphanie?
can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.


For breaking the law multiple times in multiple ways. There is no age where you get a pass for that.
can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.

For what? How about a million plus owed in grazing fees. Or do you just want to add that onto the deficit?

HAHAHAHAHAHA NOW the left is suddenly worried about deficits. You transparent assholes are hilarious

no kidding. so if it means taking a family down at the end of armed FEDERAL agents, then so be it. can you believe these are our own fellow country and women? they are damn scary and a threat to us all
We are in the middle of a war against terrorism with our resources stretched to the limit as we try to protect ourselves from foreign terrorism and these selfish greedy assholes are making us divert resources to protect ourselves from domestic terrorism. Does anyone doubt there is a new version of Timothy McBomber out there to be concerned about?
So what should we do with Mr Cliven Bundy?

Try him on gun charges, criminal trespass and incitement to riot
Sell his land to pay for 20 years grazing fees

Sounds just
This is like some sort of Soap Opera Mayberry

Here are six of the wildest things Michele Fiore said before she got involved in the Oregon standoff
Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore played an unlikely role as negotiator during a tense standoff between FBI agents and four remaining occupants holed up at a wildlife refuge.
1. The cure for cancer? Salt water

Nine months after promoting her dubious cure, Fiore lost the license for her own home health care business after refusing to cooperate with investigators and then threatening state officials with political retaliation. She was also hit with multiple tax liens by the IRS.
This is like some sort of Soap Opera Mayberry

Here are six of the wildest things Michele Fiore said before she got involved in the Oregon standoff
Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore played an unlikely role as negotiator during a tense standoff between FBI agents and four remaining occupants holed up at a wildlife refuge.
1. The cure for cancer? Salt water

Nine months after promoting her dubious cure, Fiore lost the license for her own home health care business after refusing to cooperate with investigators and then threatening state officials with political retaliation. She was also hit with multiple tax liens by the IRS.
Charming lady.
I think it would have been funny if the law and the media had just ignored the whole thing.

"Okay, well, let us know when you're done, and please clean up after yourselves".
Here's a good summary of this tyrant Federal government we are close to living under. and some here cheers it. until it's someone from their "KIND"


What Do You Do When the Government Loses Its Legitimacy?
By Tim Dunkin -- Bio and Archives February 11, 2016

Last month, Americans were treated to the spectacle of our own government executing an American citizen without due process on the side of a public highway in Oregon. There is really no other accurate description to describe the extra-judicial murder of LaVoy Finnicum by agents of the Oregon Highway Patrol, at the behest of the FBI.

To begin with, we should understand that pretty much everything the average person heard from the mainstream media about the Malheur refuge “occupation” is wrong. The media loved to describe the events in Oregon as an “armed takeover of a federal building.” That way, your average viewer living “back East somewhere” got the impression that these were heavily armed paramilitaries with machine guns and rockets taking over a courthouse or something. Actually, the “federal building” in question was a forest station, and was unoccupied at the time the Bundy group came in.

Some reports I’ve seen suggest that it was even left unlocked so that anyone who got lost in the wilderness and found the station could get in and take shelter from the elements. To the extent that they were armed, it was with pistols – indeed, when a more serious militia group armed with rifles came to join them, they were asked to leave.

The Bundy group regularly gave interviews to the media and often met with various police agencies. If this was an anarchic armed standoff, it must have been the most benevolent and lackadaisical one in history.

So it was with the chain of events that led to Finnicum’s murder at the hands of the police. Most news reports stated that he “went for a gun,” and was shot by police acting in self-defense.

Seeing the video, this is patently ridiculous, as is the claim that a man who had his hands up and was being covered by half a dozen armed officers training their weapons on him was going to “go for his gun” like it was some kind of Wild West showdown at high noon on the streets of Dodge.

No – LaVoy Finnicum was shot by police looking to make a statement – displease the government, and you’ll end up dead. What we saw that day from the OSP and the FBI was a politically motivated assassination, in essence an act of terrorism by the actual definition of that word.

Finnicum’s death fits into a larger, overarching trend that we have been seeing both with the U.S. federal government and with other governments, especially those in Europe. This trend is marked not just by a continual failure to protect and defend the citizens of their respective nations, but by outright efforts to endanger and harm their citizens.

Think about it for a minute. How else could you describe governments in Europe that import hundreds of thousands (or, in the case of Germany, millions) of criminal, barbaric military-aged male “refugees” from the Muslim world, who essentially turn these “refugees” loose on their own native populations, and then attempt to punish their own native citizens when they fight back, or even speak out about it?

In Germany the government is cracking down…on people who criticize the “refugees” on social media. In Denmark, a girl who used pepper spray to fight off some Muslims who attempted to rape her is being prosecuted by her own government. In England, Parliament is more interested in banning Donald Trump because he said things about Muslims that they didn’t like than they are about protecting their own citizens from KNOWN sex trafficking in English cities by Muslim immigrants and “refugees.”

It’s not just that these governments aren’t getting on the ball – it’s that these governments are purposefully targeting their own people while defending and abetting hostile foreign invaders.

Here in America, we’ve also seen a government that not only refuses to protect its own people, but which has been doing positive harm to them, and then blaming them for the harm that has been done. What else could we say for a President who consistently sides with Islamofascist terrorists who have openly stated that they want to commit terrorist attacks in our country?

A government which gives a terrorist-supporting regime like Iran billions of dollars in aid, as well as free rein to develop their own atomic bomb? A government which has sent weapons to ISIS and other radical terrorist organizations, and has helped to destabilize the Middle East so as to create a fake “refugee crisis” to give cover for moving Islamic terrorists into Europe and the USA?

ALL of it here:
What Do You Do When the Government Loses Its Legitimacy? | Canada Free Press

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