Cliven Bundy Welfare Cowboy


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
Home of the 2013 BCS National Champion
Welfare Queens in Cowboy Hats

Let's dispense with niceties: Bundy is a freeloading scofflaw, a welfare queen in a Stetson who claimed what wasn't his. He took subsidies from U.S. taxpayers and refused to pay the $1.2 million he owed for using federal -- make that our -- land.

Bundy has neither history nor law on his side in his long-running dispute with the U.S. government. He asserts that his grazing rights were established in 1880 when his ancestors settled the land where his ranch sits. By some reasoning understood only by him and his range-war sympathizers, the federal government has no constitutional right to interfere with his grazing cattle.There is a gaping flaw with this argument. As several writers have noted, the Nevada constitution, adopted in 1864 as a condition of statehood, trumps Bundy's right to graze on public land.

Welfare Queens in Cowboy Hats - Bloomberg View

More proof the Tea Party doesn't mind welfare as long as you are white and rich.
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It's OK that Bundy sticks taxpayers with his bills (not to mention the legal fees associated with his case). He's rich, white and likes guns.
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset.

Government GOOD. State Rights bad.

Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.
The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.
The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.

Just like he gave political contributions to family members, which happens to be against the law. They must defend their BS and illegal acts..............

Someone dares challenge them. How dare they in the Liberal BS world.
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset.

Government GOOD. State Rights bad.

Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.
He didn't stand up against the feds. He duped a bunch of idiots into defending his stealing from public land and sticking taxpayers with the bill. The wingnut brigade is just too stupid and too blinded by their irrational hatred of the govt to realize it. Or more likely, they just don't care.
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset. overnment GOOD. State Rights bad. Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.

You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.
The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.

Face it, you defend the elite at every opportunity. Just read my Sig if you need a reminder.
good grief, another person that has no bearing on anyone's lives to hate on..

and notice now they have the TEA PARTY in this...first it was conservatives, then went to the far right, and onto the EXTREMIST far right,

if you think he's on welfare call your Dear fascist leader to change things

my gawd you see who's tearing this country down and it's not conservatives, the right or Republicans
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good grief, another person that has no bearing on anyone's lives to hate on..

and notice now they have the TEA PARTY in this...first it was conservatives, the far right, the EXTREMIST far far right,

if you think he's on welfare call your Dear fascist leader to change things

my gawd damn petty

Boot licking a POTUS who's main legacy will be Farming Poor people. He's created more poor than any in the past. Perhaps he's trying to set the new record to insure his legacy.

He'll never outdo Carter. He's only trying to seize 10 Million acres of State land. Carter took 50 million acres. Carter's number 1 in that aspect. Carter started the Sage Brush Rebellion.
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset. overnment GOOD. State Rights bad. Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.

You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

It's about the Gov't taking land for decades and trying to stop it. It's about the States right to own the damn property in their own state, without having to ask permission to use it as they see fit.

It's about taking land to save a turtle that the Feds have killed already.

It's about Heritage and tradition of the Cattle Farmer.

It's about the Feds putting Cattle Farmers there out of business.

It's about land grabs for political favors pushing the Mean Green Solar Power machine and taxation.

Spare me Fakey.
Welfare Queens in Cowboy Hats

Let's dispense with niceties: Bundy is a freeloading scofflaw, a welfare queen in a Stetson who claimed what wasn't his. He took subsidies from U.S. taxpayers and refused to pay the $1.2 million he owed for using federal -- make that our -- land.

Bundy has neither history nor law on his side in his long-running dispute with the U.S. government. He asserts that his grazing rights were established in 1880 when his ancestors settled the land where his ranch sits. By some reasoning understood only by him and his range-war sympathizers, the federal government has no constitutional right to interfere with his grazing cattle.There is a gaping flaw with this argument. As several writers have noted, the Nevada constitution, adopted in 1864 as a condition of statehood, trumps Bundy's right to graze on public land.

Welfare Queens in Cowboy Hats - Bloomberg View

More proof the Tea Party doesn't mind welfare as long as you are white and rich.

the number is bogus

another lie by the government

his herd is not even worth 1.2 million
Another class envy Liberal Circle jerk.................

As they get ticked off as one man and his family dared stand up against the Federal Gov't. Nobody should challenge the Statist mindset. overnment GOOD. State Rights bad. Sounds like a bunch of Gorilla's arguing over who gets a dang banana.

You sound like a complete and utter asshole. This is not about government rights, it is about a welfare cheat who does not pay legal grazing fees for twenty years.

It's about the Gov't taking land for decades and trying to stop it. It's about the States right to own the damn property in their own state, without having to ask permission to use it as they see fit.

It's about taking land to save a turtle that the Feds have killed already.

It's about Heritage and tradition of the Cattle Farmer.

It's about the Feds putting Cattle Farmers there out of business.

It's about land grabs for political favors pushing the Mean Green Solar Power machine and taxation.

Spare me Fakey.

It's about the Gov't owning the land in the first place and people like Bundy and Eagle trying to steal it.

The property has always been that of We the People and, yes, the state has to ask for permission to use it and own it.

The issue has nothing to do with turtles, only cowboy welfare cheats.

The cowboys' heritage and tradition recognize the federal government owns the land from which the western states were created.

Those who use federal lands must pay fees or will be put out of business.

It has nothing to do with green energy.

the eagle has been plucked and is now ready for boiling.
The left might be trying to create enough noise that no one will notice that states are meeting to discuss whether the federal government in fact has too much control over state land.

Face it, the left is carrying Harry Reid's water trying to cover up the fact that Reid was trying another land swindle and was caught red handed.

Just like he gave political contributions to family members, which happens to be against the law. They must defend their BS and illegal acts..............

Someone dares challenge them. How dare they in the Liberal BS world.

There's been a serious problem with government overreach for a long time now. The government has already harassed and intimidated every other rancher in Clark County out of business. As they put each one under, their ranch became brand new "federal" land. The seizure of private property has become one of the biggest abuses of this government. Especially using bogus environmental laws.
The E. Wayne Hage case took 30 years to fight in the courts and his son won.

Federal Judge Rules for Property Rights, Smacks Down Abusive Feds

Judge Jones accused the federal bureaucrats of racketeering under the federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corruption Organizations) statute, and accused them as well of extortion, mail fraud, and fraud, in an effort “to kill the business of Mr. Hage.”

They did it to all of the Ranchers and Bundy is the last one still fighting.

They are doing it to all of the Western States and the States have had enough of it.
Western states meet, discuss taking land from feds | KTVB.COM Boise
Obama Signs Declaration Protecting 1,600 Acres Of California Coast As National Monument « CBS San Francisco

via executive order per a 1906 law.

without consent of Congress.

The Constitution is a terrible thing to Libs who think they are the law in this country, as they only enforce laws they believe in and not those they deem unworthy.

This is part of a 10 million acre land grab scheme to take away more State lands, which Dems have done in the past. Carter and Clinton. Carter to the point of starting the Sage Brush Rebellion.

Looks like another Rebellion is about to occur again for the history books as people say enough is enough already.
You have to love this coming from someone's rag (the bloomingidiot) who is a billionair..and who has made living being a CAREER politician and living off TAXPAYERS and will for the rest of his pathetic commie life

but you people see no frickin hypocrisy in it you just post away
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