Clotshot Producing the Wrong Proteins

Not surprised ....totally expected from the Covid poison

Personally glad to be part of the vast majority, that has had the initial two jabs and a couple of updates with no ill effects, other than a slight fever, treated with Advil and gone overnight.
Good for you, have you gotten Covid?
Good for you, have you gotten Covid?
Got in on the ground floor of Covid-19 in January 2020 before it was known to be spreading across the country. I survived to become a Covid-19 convalescent plasma donor.
I got the shot when it became available, as did my family. No. I have not had Covid since the shot, even after rendering first aid to a young man dying or dead of Covid, lungs totally eaten up. Which than saw me personally ordered by the local board of heath into isolation for two weeks after cat scans of the dead guys lungs. Too bad the 31-year-old man had not had the shot. He was a nice guy. Sad.
Personally glad I chose not to receive the jab.

Don't know whether I've had covid or not, I have never been tested even though I've had a couple of colds and sniffles in the last 3 years.

Hadn't needed to take anything except for Advil for a headache or two.
Got in on the ground floor of Covid-19 in January 2020 before it was known to be spreading across the country. I survived to become a Covid-19 convalescent plasma donor.
I got the shot when it became available, as did my family. No. I have not had Covid since the shot, even after rendering first aid to a young man dying or dead of Covid, lungs totally eaten up. Which than saw me personally ordered by the local board of heath into isolation for two weeks after cat scans of the dead guys lungs. Too bad the 31-year-old man had not had the shot. He was a nice guy. Sad.
Good on you. As for the young man, that's a sad story that may be missing some information about what his medical history and co-morbidities were.
Only a fool got the clot shot
I guess it is a good thing I didn't get the clot shot, but like Donald Trump, got the Covid-19 shot. But, I am sure you have already written Donald to tell him what a fool he was for submitting to modern science treatment and then getting the vaccine.
I think he got the Pfizer. We have had nothing but the Moderna, but like him did not die or suffer medical emergency. We simply went on with our lives, including two week long ski trips, a 50 Plus mile Kayaking overnight trip and an 11 mile mountain hike with pack and a 4,800 foot elevation change, but like I said, I have not had Covid since and maybe others benefitted, as I am a 14 gallon plasma and platelet donor, my freely donated fluids used to save lives in West Tennessee, via Lifeline Blood services.
Had a guy at work die from the shot. Just got married. Postponed it until wife was pregnant and died shortly thereafter. The nicest guy there.
Good on you. As for the young man, that's a sad story that may be missing some information about what his medical history and co-morbidities were.
His history per tenant to me, was finding out, he had returned two week prior from Detroit Michigan, a huge hotspot for covid at that time. He had been up there to a funeral for somebody in the family that died of it and spent time with the family there. I did not know it, at the time his family came and got me, because he wasn't breathing, and they were freaking out. I worked on him doing CPR for about 15 minutes before paramedics arrived on scene and took over, working on him for another 40 minutes in the truck before calling it.
His history per tenant to me, was finding out, he had returned two week prior from Detroit Michigan, a huge hotspot for covid at that time. He had been up there to a funeral for somebody in the family that died of it and spent time with the family there. I did not know it, at the time his family came and got me, because he wasn't breathing, and they were freaking out. I worked on him doing CPR for about 15 minutes before paramedics arrived on scene and took over, working on him for another 40 minutes in the truck before calling it.
I still say that sounds like a very sad one off event. 31 years old and falls over and dies from Covid?
I still say that sounds like a very sad one off event. 31 years old and falls over and dies from Covid?
One of the few, as that is a pretty resilient age. My twin sons were 31 at the time.
He ran outside and died as the family pulled in the driveway, unable to breath, probably aspirated, though I was able to blow air into the lungs before stating compressions. Airway was clear. I got nothing positive while working on him. My chest compression force nothing out. The pupils became fixed while I worked. All I knew when they got me was, I had a male victime on the grass, not breathing and nobody in the family had a clue what to do. It was spooky, but no matter what, you don't stop until competent emergency medical arrives to take over. I am not sure the 40 minutes they worked on him in the truck were for him or for me. Whatever, it didn't work.
Health department got me the next day after the hospital reported, ordering me to isolate, calling me daily and on day 4 though not symptomatic, ordered me to get a serum test. I was negative for active desease, but positive for the antibodies. I got the blood test and swab test in the parking lot of the clinic I go to, as they didn't want me inside. My nurse practitioner met me, dressed as if going into space. Overall, it was a pretty trippy experience.
One of the few, as that is a pretty resilient age. My twin sons were 31 at the time.
He ran outside and died as the family pulled in the driveway, unable to breath, probably aspirated, though I was able to blow air into the lungs before stating compressions. Airway was clear. I got nothing positive while working on him. My chest compression force nothing out. The pupils became fixed while I worked. All I knew when they got me was, I had a male victime on the grass, not breathing and nobody in the family had a clue what to do. It was spooky, but no matter what, you don't stop until competent emergency medical arrives to take over. I am not sure the 40 minutes they worked on him in the truck were for him or for me. Whatever, it didn't work.
Health department got me the next day after the hospital reported, ordering me to isolate, calling me daily and on day 4 though not symptomatic, ordered me to get a serum test. I was negative for active desease, but positive for the antibodies. I got the blood test and swab test in the parking lot of the clinic I go to, as they didn't want me inside. My nurse practitioner met me, dressed as if going into space. Overall, it was a pretty trippy experience.
Yikes. Trippy is an understatement. Well you did all you could do.

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