Club McCain

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrats/Fake Media have reduced the memory/life of John McCain to their new favorite bludgeon for Trump
pathetic .. yes indeed but easily predictable.. :popcorn:

President Trump is just going to ignore McCain's funeral, if they don't want him at the mass, he is class personified and won't go where he isn't wanted.

This is actually a relief to our President. He has important rallies, speeches, announcements and tweets to issue, and none of them are related to McCain.
I'm sad the guy is gone, but I would have better appreciated him had he been a better force for promoting the conservative agenda while in office rather than merely a republican agenda, and often at odds at that. There are a million people out there that fought just as hard, suffered just as much for their country that didn't get a millionth the attention McCain got simply because he became a senator. And I resent a "war hero" being watered down to anyone who serves in the military. War is a risky thing. But so is being a cop, so is being a steel worker and many other jobs. Don't believe me? Try working in a steel mill or an oil platform in the North Atlantic.

Had McCain been a stanch defender of Trump and been the pivotal vote to kill Obamacare last year, he would be dead meat (excuse the pun) now to 99% of the Left and others praising him now trying to use him as just another vehicle to continue their assault on Donald Trump.

Hopefully, something good will come out of his passing and a new ally in the conservative fight will be chosen to replace him. ITMT, I cannot help but note who is giving him his eulogy:

George W Bush who beat him in 2000 and was at best a globalist weak-kneed republican.
Barack Obama who beat him in 2008 and was the ultimate America-hating Leftist Globalist.
And Joe Biden will, who considers McCain "like a brother."

I'm glad McCain is getting so much respect, but I can't help notice who he is getting the most respect FROM.

John McCain reportedly requested Obama, George W. Bush give eulogies at his funeral
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Democrats/Fake Media have reduced the memory/life of John McCain to their new favorite bludgeon for Trump
pathetic .. yes indeed but easily predictable.. :popcorn:


When I say "these days" what I really mean is since always just about everyone and every conceivable idea, concept and "thing" not nailed down has been politicized as a weapon for use against the political opposition. That said, there's been a massive failure to see McCain the man and warrior, rather than McCain the politician and politicized corpse-weapon. No damn respect for fallen warriors or fallen fellow Americans at all these days. Live or dead any of us would be used as political cannon fodder if a need arose--by either side.
I will try to go to McCain funeral.
“The nation mourns the loss of a great American patriot, a statesman who put his country first and enriched this institution through many years of service. The Senate is keeping Cindy, the McCain family, all John’s friends and staff, and the people of Arizona in our prayers at this tremendously difficult time,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement confirming the senator would lie in state at the U.S. Capitol. “I appreciate my colleagues and the entire Senate and House family’s assistance with this honor.”

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