Clueless "View" Hosts Can't Figure Out Why Dem Senators Failed to Defend Ketanji Jackson

Reagan was trying to stop you leftist from creating what you have in Chicago and other large cities. He was right as usual.

Actually, what we had in Chicago and other cities before Ronnie Ray-Gun was strong middle class neighborhoods built on union families...

Before Reagan fucked that all up.
Actually, what we had in Chicago and other cities before Ronnie Ray-Gun was strong middle class neighborhoods built on union families...

Before Reagan fucked that all up.

Strong middle class white neighborhoods, but that’s not what we were discussing.
Strong middle class white neighborhoods, but that’s not what we were discussing.

Well, that's not what YOU were discussing. You blame black people for what rich white people are doing to you. Probably because it's easier to kick down than to punch up.
Well, that's not what YOU were discussing. You blame black people for what rich white people are doing to you. Probably because it's easier to kick down than to punch up.

Show me where i blame black people for doing something to me.
You can’t so you won’t.
You so desperately want it to be true, but it simply is not.
Like so many others, you seems to assume that equality resquires sameness, when it does not. A quarter requires two different sides, each minted properly, to become legal tender. Neither side is worth more than the other. In fact if either side is flawed, neither side is credited with any value.

Men and women need each other, working together, to truly live a meaningful life. Without each other, life is largely empty and unfulfilling. The Man may be the head of the relationship, but without the assistance and support of the woman, things don’t work.
you have already said in the past what you think of cant say something different to me....i know better,try your bullshit on someone else...
you have already said in the past what you think of cant say something different to me....i know better,try your bullshit on someone else
Everything I’ve said in the last two days is 109% consistent with my prior comments. Men and women each have our proper places in Society. Each are equally important to maintaining a proper family, community, nd society.

The role of the Man is to Lead, Make Decidions, and Be In Charge. A woman’s role is supporting and assisting in carrying out those edicts. It’s literally that simple.
Everything I’ve said in the last two days is 109% consistent with my prior comments. Men and women each have our proper places in Society. Each are equally important to maintaining a proper family, community, nd society.

The role of the Man is to Lead, Make Decidions, and Be In Charge. A woman’s role is supporting and assisting in carrying out those edicts. It’s literally that simple.
thanks for backing up what i think woman are 2nd class citizens.....your last 2 sentences backs that up.....
thanks for backing up what i think woman are 2nd class citizens.....your last 2 sentences backs that up.....
I believe a woman’s role is a supportive role, not a leadership role. If that makes them second class citizens in your mind, then so be it. In my mind it simply means they have a different role to play in society.

Now I will more than happily admit that I believe Feminists, Metrosexuals and others who refuse to accept and embrace their proper place in Society are a class of sub-human virus that we could do well without.
I believe a woman’s role is a supportive role, not a leadership role. If that makes them second class citizens in your mind, then so be it. In my mind it simply means they have a different role to play in society.

Now I will more than happily admit that I believe Feminists, Metrosexuals and others who refuse to accept and embrace their proper place in Society are a class of sub-human virus that we could do well without.
yea their roll is to be subservient to you....why dont you just come out and say it? me you are just some squirrley fuck who is afraid of woman.....
yea their roll is to be subservient to you....why dont you just come out and say it? me you are just some squirrley fuck who is afraid of woman.....
This has nothing to do with me. This was the role of women for thousands of years before I was born and will be for thousands of years after I’m dead, or until humanity wipes itself out; whichever comes first.

The fact that many “modern” women don’t like that role is as immaterial as the fact that many “modern” males ( they cannot be properly categorized as Men) don’t want to undertake the leadership role they were born to assume in a proper Society.
This has nothing to do with me. This was the role of women for thousands of years before I was born and will be for thousands of years after I’m dead, or until humanity wipes itself out; whichever comes first.

The fact that many “modern” women don’t like that role is as immaterial as the fact that many “modern” males ( they cannot be properly categorized as Men) don’t want to undertake the leadership role they were born to assume in a proper Society.
it has everything to do with are scared of a woman who can think for i dont know if i can categorize you as a man....
it has everything to do with are scared of a woman who can think for i dont know if i can categorize you as a man....
What you suggest is fear is actually disgust. They’re very different things. I go out of my way to avoid strong, in-charge women in business and my personal life because I know there will be friction and issues. Better to avoid that before it happens
What you suggest is fear is actually disgust. They’re very different things. I go out of my way to avoid strong, in-charge women in business and my personal life because I know there will be friction and issues. Better to avoid that before it happens
all you are doing is just verifying what i have said about are scared of a woman who wont take your bullshit because she might make you subservient to her....
all you are doing is just verifying what i have said about are scared of a woman who wont take your bullshit because she might make you subservient to her....
I am disgusted by both males and females who refuse to accept their proper place in Society. Am I scared of the male artist whose gallery I refuse to frequent because I don’t believe it’s a proper career for a man? No. I’m disgusted by him. Just as I am disgusted by the woman behind the teller’s counter at the bank or in a leadership position in most workplaces.

The only woman who I require any level of “subservience “ from is my wife; as I am the Head of the Household. As for the rest of the world, both male and female… it would be nice if you just didn’t make my life any more difficult than it has to be.
I am disgusted by both males and females who refuse to accept their proper place in Society. Am I scared of the male artist whose gallery I refuse to frequent because I don’t believe it’s a proper career for a man? No. I’m disgusted by him. Just as I am disgusted by the woman behind the teller’s counter at the bank or in a leadership position in most workplaces.

The only woman who I require any level of “subservience “ from is my wife; as I am the Head of the Household. As for the rest of the world, both male and female… it would be nice if you just didn’t make my life any more difficult than it has to be.
you do realize with every post you are just confirming what i said about you,right?...the only person making your life difficult is you....

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