Clyburn to Ocasio-Cortez: Stay in Your Lane, Little Girl

Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald
If she acts like an insignificant member of Congress, she will be treated like one

Right now, everyone knows her name. She is at the top of the Conservative hate list.

Now, is the time to make her demands and build her brand

And the dems have to stand for something. Abolishing ICE is whackadoodle because it's a shitty catchphrase. ICE is a clustefuck because it was initially set up post-911 to track down muslims who didn't need to be here. We need to enforce immigration laws. ICE was never really about that. And immigration is a political nightmare. The dems need to stay away from unilateral action on issues where there are inevitably going to be unpopular tradeoffs. Look at Trump and Obamacare. He wrecked his ship on that rock.

There are plenty of issues the Trump-gop has given the dems. Teach for America was not a horrible idea. Let kids earn a BA. Find ways to let kids earn nursing and science degrees. The gop taxed college endowments to give the 1% a tax cut. They've pretty much given the dems the educ issue.

Flyover states don't care much about infrastructure, but it plays on the Left Coast and NE corridor.

The dems need to figure out how they're next going to approach healthcare.
They've pretty much given the dems the educ issue.
they have? a person who lived in California for 50 years, i have seen that state go from top 5 to bottom 10....and all heard during that time was excuses as to the why that happened.......

why did it happen-----California USED to be ----PARADISE LAND (I have never been there)
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald
If she acts like an insignificant member of Congress, she will be treated like one

Right now, everyone knows her name. She is at the top of the Conservative hate list.

Now, is the time to make her demands and build her brand
Yep. Be obnoxious and demanding to other democrats. That's the way to advance. Yep.
Clyburn's part of the dems problem. And the country's problem. If the dems actually had a progressive plan, Trump wouldn't be potus ... even with Putin and Comey's help
a progressive plan?....if they would have run someone who was somewhat likable and without the taint,then maybe he would not be president...
That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald
If she acts like an insignificant member of Congress, she will be treated like one

Right now, everyone knows her name. She is at the top of the Conservative hate list.

Now, is the time to make her demands and build her brand
Yep. Be obnoxious and demanding to other democrats. That's the way to advance. Yep.
That’s politics

Right now Ocasio-Cortez can call any news outlet and be in the 6 o,clock news that night. Very few in Congress can do that

She is just a 28 year old kid with no political power......yet
We'll see if she can survive the baseless attacks and hate from the right.
How quickly that wolf pack comes out
about as quick as that pack came out for trump....
It's no wonder Congress' approval rating is abysmal. Here you have one Congressman chastising one incoming: remember your place. Remember that you haven't earned a thing, you don't deserve a place of "honor" and I gave you everything you have.

Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US? This is infuriating. As a teacher, I too am paid by the taxpayers. The difference is: I see my "constituents" every blessed day, face to face. They can see what I do for their children--and this is how it should be.

These cretins are far, far from their own paycheck-signers and so this is what they care about. Their own egos, committee positions, and making sure the New Girls on the Block knows her place.


PS I am no fan of Ocasio-Cortez, believe me. But if she ends up winning the general in her district, she has earned her place just like Clyburn and should NOT have to answer to him. What is this, anyway? Sheesh.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn sent a warning shot Wednesday toward a likely incoming freshman who beat one of Clyburn’s fellow members of House leadership in a primary, suggesting she may have a long wait before she has a chance at leadership.

Clyburn, who is the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives, directed the comments at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York candidate who beat Rep. Joe Crowley last month in an upset.

“I would ask her to remember how long I had to wait to get here,” Clyburn said on BuzzFeed News’ AM to DM on Wednesday morning when asked if Ocasio-Cortez would have to wait for her turn at seniority.

“Let’s not forget the history of all of this,” said Clyburn. “And I think that all of the folks who have that mentality seem not to give much respect to those of us who sat in jails, as I did, so that they would have the kind of activities or the kinds of rights that they have today.”

“So do I get any credit for being on the cutting edge of all of that? Or should the credit go to my children and grandchildren who are the beneficiaries of it? I think that we have to balance this out.”
/——/ DemocRATs war on women continues
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

I never said Clyburn couldn't say it. But saying it sure reveals what motivates him. And it's not his constituents.

And how in the fuck do you draw such a conclusion? Simply because he said something you don't like, ergo ___[fill in the blank with whatever smear you choose]____ .
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald
If she acts like an insignificant member of Congress, she will be treated like one

Right now, everyone knows her name. She is at the top of the Conservative hate list.

Now, is the time to make her demands and build her brand

And the dems have to stand for something. Abolishing ICE is whackadoodle because it's a shitty catchphrase. ICE is a clustefuck because it was initially set up post-911 to track down muslims who didn't need to be here. We need to enforce immigration laws. ICE was never really about that. And immigration is a political nightmare. The dems need to stay away from unilateral action on issues where there are inevitably going to be unpopular tradeoffs. Look at Trump and Obamacare. He wrecked his ship on that rock.

There are plenty of issues the Trump-gop has given the dems. Teach for America was not a horrible idea. Let kids earn a BA. Find ways to let kids earn nursing and science degrees. The gop taxed college endowments to give the 1% a tax cut. They've pretty much given the dems the educ issue.

Flyover states don't care much about infrastructure, but it plays on the Left Coast and NE corridor.

The dems need to figure out how they're next going to approach healthcare.
They've pretty much given the dems the educ issue.
they have? a person who lived in California for 50 years, i have seen that state go from top 5 to bottom 10....and all heard during that time was excuses as to the why that happened.......

why did it happen-----California USED to be ----PARADISE LAND (I have never been there)
yes at one time it was......i blame all the far lefties from other states moving there years ago to get their piece of that pie and then they started taking over the legislature and putting their shitty ideas in by California....
If she acts like an insignificant member of Congress, she will be treated like one

Right now, everyone knows her name. She is at the top of the Conservative hate list.

Now, is the time to make her demands and build her brand
Yep. Be obnoxious and demanding to other democrats. That's the way to advance. Yep.
That’s politics

Right now Ocasio-Cortez can call any news outlet and be in the 6 o,clock news that night. Very few in Congress can do that

She is just a 28 year old kid with no political power......yet
We'll see if she can survive the baseless attacks and hate from the right.
How quickly that wolf pack comes out
about as quick as that pack came out for trump....
You mean the pack that was reporting what he said?
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.
It's no wonder Congress' approval rating is abysmal. Here you have one Congressman chastising one incoming: remember your place. Remember that you haven't earned a thing, you don't deserve a place of "honor" and I gave you everything you have.

Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US? This is infuriating. As a teacher, I too am paid by the taxpayers. The difference is: I see my "constituents" every blessed day, face to face. They can see what I do for their children--and this is how it should be.

These cretins are far, far from their own paycheck-signers and so this is what they care about. Their own egos, committee positions, and making sure the New Girls on the Block knows her place.


PS I am no fan of Ocasio-Cortez, believe me. But if she ends up winning the general in her district, she has earned her place just like Clyburn and should NOT have to answer to him. What is this, anyway? Sheesh.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn sent a warning shot Wednesday toward a likely incoming freshman who beat one of Clyburn’s fellow members of House leadership in a primary, suggesting she may have a long wait before she has a chance at leadership.

Clyburn, who is the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives, directed the comments at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York candidate who beat Rep. Joe Crowley last month in an upset.

“I would ask her to remember how long I had to wait to get here,” Clyburn said on BuzzFeed News’ AM to DM on Wednesday morning when asked if Ocasio-Cortez would have to wait for her turn at seniority.

“Let’s not forget the history of all of this,” said Clyburn. “And I think that all of the folks who have that mentality seem not to give much respect to those of us who sat in jails, as I did, so that they would have the kind of activities or the kinds of rights that they have today.”

“So do I get any credit for being on the cutting edge of all of that? Or should the credit go to my children and grandchildren who are the beneficiaries of it? I think that we have to balance this out.”
Racist dems hate Puerto Ricans

Hate wimmen too, especially Millenials
You need to check your facts. Clyburn has never been the House Minority Leader.
Jim Clyburn - Wikipedia

My Bad:
Pelosi retained the #1 Democratic party position in the House despite her leading the Democrats to lose the House. She then created a new #3 position to appease the black man, asking Clyburn to step down behind her and D-Steny Hoyer.

Pelosi's new position for Clyburn to avert battle of the Dems: 'Assistant Leader'

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked her colleagues Saturday to support Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for "Assistant Leader," a newly created third-ranking position at the leadership table.

In a letter to her fellow Democrats, Pelosi wrote "should I receive the privilege of serving as House Democratic Leader, I will be very honored to nominate our outstanding colleague, Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, to serve in the number three House Democratic position. I will also ask the Caucus to designate that position as Assistant Leader."

House Democrats averted a nasty fight when Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced the creation of the new No. 3 ranking spot for Clyburn.
The late Friday night news ended an internecine battle between current Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Clyburn, both vying to be the No. 2 ranked House Dem in the 112th Congress."

Now Clyburn is telling the WOMAN, 'know your place'. :p
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?

He was born in Queens, so he is not an American. (-:

Seriously, for years I thought we should just reform the EC by agreeing to each state to allocate their EV based upon the % each candidate gets in that state. But, you bring up an interesting point. If character was an issue, shouldn't some of the electors have chose a different candidate, and perhaps not Hillary either?
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?

Who died and made you god of elections that you alone can decide what additional criteria should or should not be applicable? Maybe it's not her character but her experience, or lack thereof. Maybe it's lack of fundamental knowledge. Maybe it's the lunacy of her policy ideas.

In any event, it's not on me to demonstrate a lack of qualifications. It's on her and her supporters to affirmatively show that she does have qualifications. And she has failed miserably, substituting her race and false claims about her childhood that amounted to nothing more than an appeal to pity anyway.
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?

He was born in Queens, so he is not an American. (-:

Seriously, for years I thought we should just reform the EC by agreeing to each state to allocate their EV based upon the % each candidate gets in that state. But, you bring up an interesting point. If character was an issue, shouldn't some of the electors have chose a different candidate, and perhaps not Hillary either?
Trump was born in Jamaica Hospital which makes him not native born
Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US?

That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?

Who died and made you god of elections that you alone can decide what additional criteria should or should not be applicable? Maybe it's not her character but her experience, or lack thereof. Maybe it's lack of fundamental knowledge. Maybe it's the lunacy of her policy ideas.

In any event, it's not on me to demonstrate a lack of qualifications. It's on her and her supporters to affirmatively show that she does have qualifications. And she has failed miserably, substituting her race and false claims about her childhood that amounted to nothing more than an appeal to pity anyway.

That's true....and so far those qualifications ain't looking too good.
It's no wonder Congress' approval rating is abysmal. Here you have one Congressman chastising one incoming: remember your place. Remember that you haven't earned a thing, you don't deserve a place of "honor" and I gave you everything you have.

Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US? This is infuriating. As a teacher, I too am paid by the taxpayers. The difference is: I see my "constituents" every blessed day, face to face. They can see what I do for their children--and this is how it should be.

These cretins are far, far from their own paycheck-signers and so this is what they care about. Their own egos, committee positions, and making sure the New Girls on the Block knows her place.


PS I am no fan of Ocasio-Cortez, believe me. But if she ends up winning the general in her district, she has earned her place just like Clyburn and should NOT have to answer to him. What is this, anyway? Sheesh.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn sent a warning shot Wednesday toward a likely incoming freshman who beat one of Clyburn’s fellow members of House leadership in a primary, suggesting she may have a long wait before she has a chance at leadership.

Clyburn, who is the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives, directed the comments at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York candidate who beat Rep. Joe Crowley last month in an upset.

“I would ask her to remember how long I had to wait to get here,” Clyburn said on BuzzFeed News’ AM to DM on Wednesday morning when asked if Ocasio-Cortez would have to wait for her turn at seniority.

“Let’s not forget the history of all of this,” said Clyburn. “And I think that all of the folks who have that mentality seem not to give much respect to those of us who sat in jails, as I did, so that they would have the kind of activities or the kinds of rights that they have today.”

“So do I get any credit for being on the cutting edge of all of that? Or should the credit go to my children and grandchildren who are the beneficiaries of it? I think that we have to balance this out.”
Racist dems hate Puerto Ricans

Hate wimmen too, especially Millenials
LOL, they hate any person of color, even those with color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That somehow prohibits them from saying something you don't like? Ocasio-Cortez could use a healthy dose of being put in her place. She's acting like she's some kind of ascendant messiah, when in reality she's nothing more than a peon who got lucky to win a primary in a small district with nearly no turnout. She got a shade less than 16,000 votes. District 14 has a population of nearly 700,000 people. She really has no qualifications to be in Congress, and the Republican she'll be running against has plenty to offer the heavily progressive district. There's a real possibility that her primary win will turn the district red.

The key issues for his campaign focus on economic and social issues that have long been in the news, but politicians never seem to reform or resolve. Among the issues, Pappas noted the importance of establishing a fairer tax system with progressive taxation on corporate profits, establishing tax brackets so that huge corporate profits are taxed at a higher rate. He would also restore the deductibility of state and local taxes for taxpayers in New York and other states, and would make international deals to eliminate tax havens for companies and individuals in the Cayman Islands and other places. Controlling government spending to reduce the tax burden is another issue on Pappas’ agenda. He noted that “the New York City budget is $85 billion; the New York City population is 8.5 million, that works out on average to $10,000 per person or $40,000 for a family of four. Think about that.”

Enforcing anti-trust laws by resisting corporate mergers and monopolies is also on Pappas’ campaign agenda as well as protecting the environment by joining international climate agreements, clearly indicating that he is not a typical Republican candidate. The issue that is most important to Pappas is criminal justice and civil justice reform. He plans to “stop the over-criminalization of America,” noting that the United States “has 25 percent of the world’s prisoners but only 5 percent of the world’s population.” Among the reforms he would see implemented are establishing “humane conditions in prisons” and assisting the “transition to civilian life after release from prison.”

Prof. Anthony Pappas Running for Congress - The National Herald

"She has no qualifications to be in Congress" ?

She's a resident there. What more "qualifications" does one need?

See, this is the whole crux of the matter --- deifying these people into some kind of special "élite". Ain't supposed to work like that. Representatives are supposed to represent. They're not supposed to be some privileged class -- they should be the plumbers and the teachers and the bricklayers and the waitresses. It ain't supposed to be Skull and Bones.

In that case, Donald Trump is perfectly qualified to be President. Just because someone meets the constitutional requirements does not mean they are qualified.

He's technically qualified, as he meets the Constitutional requirements.

But that doesn't make his character acceptable for the gig, which is not in the Constitution except where it sets up the Electoral College.

So what have you got on Ocasio-Cortez' character? Or whatever criteria you're using to declare her 'not qualified'?

He was born in Queens, so he is not an American. (-:

Seriously, for years I thought we should just reform the EC by agreeing to each state to allocate their EV based upon the % each candidate gets in that state. But, you bring up an interesting point. If character was an issue, shouldn't some of the electors have chose a different candidate, and perhaps not Hillary either?
Trump was born in Jamaica Hospital which makes him not native born

Yeah, OK, I can admit that made me laugh
It's no wonder Congress' approval rating is abysmal. Here you have one Congressman chastising one incoming: remember your place. Remember that you haven't earned a thing, you don't deserve a place of "honor" and I gave you everything you have.

Do any of these ladder-climbers and back-biters realize they work for US? This is infuriating. As a teacher, I too am paid by the taxpayers. The difference is: I see my "constituents" every blessed day, face to face. They can see what I do for their children--and this is how it should be.

These cretins are far, far from their own paycheck-signers and so this is what they care about. Their own egos, committee positions, and making sure the New Girls on the Block knows her place.


PS I am no fan of Ocasio-Cortez, believe me. But if she ends up winning the general in her district, she has earned her place just like Clyburn and should NOT have to answer to him. What is this, anyway? Sheesh.

South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn sent a warning shot Wednesday toward a likely incoming freshman who beat one of Clyburn’s fellow members of House leadership in a primary, suggesting she may have a long wait before she has a chance at leadership.

Clyburn, who is the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives, directed the comments at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York candidate who beat Rep. Joe Crowley last month in an upset.

“I would ask her to remember how long I had to wait to get here,” Clyburn said on BuzzFeed News’ AM to DM on Wednesday morning when asked if Ocasio-Cortez would have to wait for her turn at seniority.

“Let’s not forget the history of all of this,” said Clyburn. “And I think that all of the folks who have that mentality seem not to give much respect to those of us who sat in jails, as I did, so that they would have the kind of activities or the kinds of rights that they have today.”

“So do I get any credit for being on the cutting edge of all of that? Or should the credit go to my children and grandchildren who are the beneficiaries of it? I think that we have to balance this out.”
Racist dems hate Puerto Ricans

Hate wimmen too, especially Millenials
LOL, they hate any person of color, even those with color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Especially orange
Yep. Be obnoxious and demanding to other democrats. That's the way to advance. Yep.
That’s politics

Right now Ocasio-Cortez can call any news outlet and be in the 6 o,clock news that night. Very few in Congress can do that

She is just a 28 year old kid with no political power......yet
We'll see if she can survive the baseless attacks and hate from the right.
How quickly that wolf pack comes out
about as quick as that pack came out for trump....
You mean the pack that was reporting what he said?
i can say the same for the girl cant i?....

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