CN Halts Gun Confiscation; Most on List Were Cops!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Connecticut halts plans to round up firearms after finding most cops in the state are on the list | Call the Cops

Connecticut has been making news due to their hastily passed gun registration laws. According to some sources as few as 15% of gun owners have actually registered their firearms. News Blogs have been warning state officials are talking about mass confiscations of the unregistered firearms.

Plans for these confiscations hit a snag when a legislative intern dared to ask a question. “Who will be going door to door to take all the guns away?” asked the 21-year-old college senior.

Reportedly multiple people in the room in the most sarcastic voices they could muster said “the police”.

The unnamed intern then pointed at the list and said, “my dad’s name is on the list, and he is the police chief. I see three other names on this list of family members, all cops.”

With in hours a print off of all sworn Law Enforcement officers in the state was obtained. Comparisons of the list of gun owners who failed to comply with registration requirements and sworn LEOs showed a startling figure. Just over 68% of Connecticut cops had failed to register firearms according to the new law.

One state senator said, "I mean seriously these people are a special kind of stupid to think that gun-loving cops are going to go along with this blatant violation of the 2nd Amendment.”

Lol, Most of the LEOs are on OUR SIDE, you gun grabbing fascist pigs.

Note:This site is a satire of the current state of Law Enforcement, Fire Fighting and Emergency Medical work. Stories posted here are not real and you should not assume them to have any basis in any real fact.
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