CNBC and MSNBC are liars

Well if you look above those numbers are for the flu. 20 to 52 thousand deaths in 4 months. That is the US alone. 3000 worldwide for 19 in 3 months. They are blowing smoke up your butt.
Said like a true Trump cultist who takes Don's word for everything over what the health experts are saying.
uh no. Those numbers came from the CDC.
Exclusive: The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing
Exclusive: The Strongest Evidence Yet That America Is Botching Coronavirus Testing

It’s one of the most urgent questions in the United States right now: How many people have actually been tested for the coronavirus?

This number would give a sense of how widespread the disease is, and how forceful a response to it the United States is mustering. But for days, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has refused to publish such a count, despite public anxiety and criticism from Congress. On Monday, Stephen Hahn, the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, estimated that “by the end of this week, close to a million tests will be able to be performed” in the United States. On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence promised that “roughly 1.5 million tests” would be available this week.

But the number of tests performed across the country has fallen far short of those projections, despite extraordinarily high demand, The Atlantic has found.

Read: You’re likely to get the coronavirus

“The CDC got this right with H1N1 and Zika, and produced huge quantities of test kits that went around the country,” Thomas Frieden, the director of the CDC from 2009 to 2017, told us. “I don’t know what went wrong this time.”

Through interviews with dozens of public-health officials and a survey of local data from across the country, The Atlantic could only verify that 1,895 people have been tested for the coronavirus in the United States, about 10 percent of whom have tested positive. And while the American capacity to test for the coronavirus has ramped up significantly over the past few days, local officials can still test only several thousand people a day, not the tens or hundreds of thousands indicated by the White House’s promises.
This is the biggest response failure by the US government to a crisis since..........since...........Trump's failure to respond adequately to Hurricane Maria.
Utterly absurd, which is pretty much all you post.
That the death rate in south korea is 5 times lower than your 3.4% number is utterly absurd to you?

I think you are just disappointed
I posted no such number. You're hallucinating again, con.
That is the number libs are using

if not you what number do you prefer?
This is where you apologize for wrongly ascribing something to me I never said and move on. I'm not giving numbers because it's way too early to know.
No worries, I already know cons have no character.
Trump gave the decision to the CDC
Given his propensity for retribution why wouldn't anyone at the CDC feel their job is at risk for doing something against the wishes of the Adulterer-in-Chief?
Trump only « retributes » lib rodents who steal the seed corn behind his back

but if he gives the CDC the final decision thats all there is to it
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With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms
With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms

President Trump claimed again on Friday that anyone who needed a coronavirus test “gets a test.” THAT IS A LIE.

But from Washington State to Florida to New York, doctors and patients are clamoring for tests that they say are in woefully short supply, and their frustration is mounting alongside the growing number of cases around the country.

In California, where thousands are being monitored for the virus, only 516 tests had been conducted by the state as of Thursday. Washington health officials have more cases than they can currently process. And in New York, where cases have quadrupled this week, a New York City official pleaded for more test kits from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The slow federal action on this matter has impeded our ability to beat back this epidemic,” the official said in a letter Friday.
« With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms «

test kits in short supply?

why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?

could it be there is something to our complaint that making everything in china is a stupid idea?@
Trump only « retributes » lib rodents who steal the seed corn behind his back
What kind of nonsense is that? He just sent Mulvaney to N. Ireland for the outrageous act of telling the truth about his extortion of Zelensky. Are you really accusing all the people who truthfully testified during the House inquiry who Trump took revenge on of being libs? Jeeeeeeeeeeeez, you are lost in a fog of Trump bullshit.
why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?
He did not prepare the country for the spread of the virus health officials told the admin was coming.

Got it?
With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms
With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms

President Trump claimed again on Friday that anyone who needed a coronavirus test “gets a test.” THAT IS A LIE.

But from Washington State to Florida to New York, doctors and patients are clamoring for tests that they say are in woefully short supply, and their frustration is mounting alongside the growing number of cases around the country.

In California, where thousands are being monitored for the virus, only 516 tests had been conducted by the state as of Thursday. Washington health officials have more cases than they can currently process. And in New York, where cases have quadrupled this week, a New York City official pleaded for more test kits from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The slow federal action on this matter has impeded our ability to beat back this epidemic,” the official said in a letter Friday.
« With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms «

test kits in short supply?

why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?

could it be there is something to our complaint that making everything in china is a stupid idea?@
Trump could get Ivanka to make them After all she makes loads of shit there
why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?
He did not prepare the country for the spread of the virus health officials told the admin was coming.

Got it?
Now what was going on in December that distracted everybody of the early stages of this so called crisis?

Seems to me there was some kind of clown show going on.
Problem with Trump a lying ignorant jerk giving the public false information has big consequences.

You as a die hard Trump supporter and the rest. I’m sure you believed the 3 to 4 months is the bible. Am I right?
Trump is not a lying ignorant jerk

he has handled the commie virus very well so far

Really? I mean REALLY? Look what he said during his interview with Hannity.

Who in the right mind will say....... If you have mild Coronavirus people could still go to work? This against the CDC advice.

Either he is ignorant, dumb or stupid or all.

Trump Claims Thousands Could Still Go To Work With Coronavirus And Get Better

President Donald Trump suggested during an interview on Fox News Wednesday that many people with mild coronavirus symptoms could still go to work and get better. This goes against advice from medical professionals around the world who say that infected individuals should remain in isolation.

“A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.
So if you get the sniffles just stay home for two weeks?

with or without pay?
Actually yes. If you are sick you are supposed to stay home. Just as a common courtesy to your colleagues.

If there's a disease that kills about 1 in every 30 people who contract it and that can look like a cold or severe flu being pretty unequivocal about the merit of that policy is the only thing a responsible leader should do.
Americans do not stay home every time they catch a cold

if you feel sick see a doctor and if he says you have the coronavirus then stay home

otherwise go about your normal business

Normally yes. But There’s a deadly virus going on and it can kill that Trump doesn’t understand confusing people around.
Some of his supporters do not believe the virus but created by democrats.

Reality Trump is politicizing this and it’s not helping. Making wrong statements then to be corrected by Prence, Conway or Grisham. Sadly.
For Christ sake Mac it doesn’t work that way.
When he was asked...... why not turn around and let the experts answer the question? Instead of answering something he has no clue.

They had a big meeting with CEOs of pharmaceutical companies. I can assure you 100% not a single one of them will say anything 3 to 4 months. Except Trump the scientist made that himself. WHY?

3 to 4 months means we have the vaccine in hand. Did you hear anyone screaming ( THE PLEN, THE PLEN, THE PLEN) WE HAVE THE VACCINE???? None Nobody.

From there it need testing and it doesn’t mean it’s the right drugs or it works.

What is libs has anything to do with with Trump ignorance?
Trump may or may not be too optimistic but he’s not ignorant

his answer does not affect the date of a working vaccine one bit

you are just trying to pin a Gotcha on you most hated enemy in the world

Problem with Trump a lying ignorant jerk giving the public false information has big consequences.

You as a die hard Trump supporter and the rest. I’m sure you believed the 3 to 4 months is the bible. Am I right?
Trump is not a lying ignorant jerk

he has handled the commie virus very well so far

Really? I mean REALLY? Look what he said during his interview with Hannity.

Who in the right mind will say....... If you have mild Coronavirus people could still go to work? This against the CDC advice.

Either he is ignorant, dumb or stupid or all.

Trump Claims Thousands Could Still Go To Work With Coronavirus And Get Better

President Donald Trump suggested during an interview on Fox News Wednesday that many people with mild coronavirus symptoms could still go to work and get better. This goes against advice from medical professionals around the world who say that infected individuals should remain in isolation.

“A lot of people will have this and it’s very mild. They’ll get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor, they don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people,” Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity.
So if you get the sniffles just stay home for two weeks?

with or without pay?

If you have sick time or vacation time you can use it. Rather than polluting others.

Me? I don’t have a paycheck.
why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?
He did not prepare the country for the spread of the virus health officials told the admin was coming.

Got it?
The CDC had prior warning about the commie virus?

I dont think so unless there is a worldwide conspiracy

but conspiracy to do what?

corner the market on surgical masks and coronavirus test kits?

With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms
With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms

President Trump claimed again on Friday that anyone who needed a coronavirus test “gets a test.” THAT IS A LIE.

But from Washington State to Florida to New York, doctors and patients are clamoring for tests that they say are in woefully short supply, and their frustration is mounting alongside the growing number of cases around the country.

In California, where thousands are being monitored for the virus, only 516 tests had been conducted by the state as of Thursday. Washington health officials have more cases than they can currently process. And in New York, where cases have quadrupled this week, a New York City official pleaded for more test kits from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The slow federal action on this matter has impeded our ability to beat back this epidemic,” the official said in a letter Friday.
« With Test Kits in Short Supply, Health Officials Sound Alarms «

test kits in short supply?

why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?

could it be there is something to our complaint that making everything in china is a stupid idea?@
Trump could get Ivanka to make them After all she makes loads of shit there
Or maybe its time for globalists to take their blinders off and admit we need to make stuff in America instead of china
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.

according to ABC news:

As of Friday night, 19 passengers on the ship are confirmed to have coronavirus and 46 people have been tested, Vice President Mike Pence said at a press conference Friday.

The first two East Coast coronavirus-related deaths were reported in Florida Friday. The U.S. coronavirus death toll now stands at 17, with at least 325 cases confirmed in 26 states.
1st coronavirus case confirmed in Utah, NBA tells teams to prepare for empty arenas

CNN reported this morning that 21 passengers tested positive.
I strongly suspect the death toll will be very low

and only a fraction of the deaths from swine flu under obama in 2009

in that epidemic - which the pro obama lib news media played down - 200,000 Americans were hospitalized and 10,000 died

10,000 H1N1 Swine Flu Deaths

is your strong suspicion based on donny's hunch?
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
We dont want to introduce more virus carriers into the US until they have been tested and cleared

thats common sense

they have been tested & confirmed to be positive. he's lying about the numbers infected, he's lying about the numbers of deaths & he's only concerned about his PR.

There is no reason for trump to lie

What the public will remember is how many die and that cannot be hidden

and if he did lie liberal democrat spies within the CDC would break a leg running to the news media

no reason to lie? :auiqs.jpg:

Column: Trump’s denial that 3,000 people died in Puerto Rico is an outrageous lie by a U.S. president
By Andrés Oppenheimer

Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
We dont want to introduce more virus carriers into the US until they have been tested and cleared

thats common sense

they have been tested & confirmed to be positive. he's lying about the numbers infected, he's lying about the numbers of deaths & he's only concerned about his PR.

There is no reason for trump to lie

What the public will remember is how many die and that cannot be hidden

and if he did lie liberal democrat spies within the CDC would break a leg running to the news media

This virus is a big nothing burger unless you are sick and old. Then your chances of dying go up a bit.

& contagious people are walking around infecting others who are walking around infecting the elderly & those that have compromised immune systems that haven't made themselves shut ins.
why doesnt trump just wave his magic wand and demand that suppliers shit 20 million of them overnight?
He did not prepare the country for the spread of the virus health officials told the admin was coming.

Got it?
The CDC had prior warning about the commie virus?

I dont think so unless there is a worldwide conspiracy

but conspiracy to do what?

corner the market on surgical masks and coronavirus test kits?


the CDC knew & had ample time to prepare. they chose to use different guidelines & testing kits than the rest of the world & those guidelines & contaminated kits slowed us way down & we are only trying to play catch up.

Case Tracking
WHO Situation Reports

Coronavirus Map

December 31, 2019 – Cases of pneumonia detected in Wuhan, China, are first reported to the WHO. During this reported period, the virus is unknown. The cases occur between December 12 and December 29, according to Wuhan Municipal Health.

January 1, 2020 – Chinese health authorities close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market after it is discovered that wild animals sold there may be the source of the virus.

January 5, 2020 – China announces that the unknown pneumonia cases in Wuhan are not SARS or MERS. In a statement, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission says a retrospective probe into the outbreak has been initiated.

January 7, 2020 – Chinese authorities confirm that they have identified the virus as a novel coronavirus, initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO.

January 11, 2020 – The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission announces the first death caused by the coronavirus. A 61-year-old man, exposed to the virus at the seafood market, died on January 9 after respiratory failure caused by severe pneumonia.

January 13, 2020 – Thai authorities report a case of infection caused by the coronavirus. The infected individual is a Chinese national who had arrived from Wuhan.

January 16, 2020 – Japanese authorities confirm that a Japanese man who traveled to Wuhan is infected with the virus.

January 17, 2020 – Chinese health officials confirm that a second person has died in China. The US responds to the outbreak by implementing screenings for symptoms at airports in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles.

January 20, 2020 – China reports 139 new cases of the sickness, including a third death.

January 20, 2020 – The National Institutes of Health announces that it is working on a vaccine against the coronavirus. “The NIH is in the process of taking the first steps towards the development of a vaccine,” says Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Coronavirus Outbreak Timeline

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