CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

Still waiting to hear what law the Dems want to pass that will magically prevent this type of attack again.

At this point there seems to be no clear motive, but there are reports he was a heavy gambler. I have a strong suspicion that his woman had to know something about his mental state.

The same laws other countries use? Maybe you haven't noticed, but we are the only ones that regularly have mass shootings.

We are not the only ones that have mass shootings on a regular basis, moron.

Ok then please share which country you want to compare.
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive
What did that evil cretin Rahm Emanuel say about tragedies? Democrats are shameful bloodsuckers. Nuff said.
Still waiting to hear what law the Dems want to pass that will magically prevent this type of attack again.

At this point there seems to be no clear motive, but there are reports he was a heavy gambler. I have a strong suspicion that his woman had to know something about his mental state.

The same laws other countries use? Maybe you haven't noticed, but we are the only ones that regularly have mass shootings.

We are not the only ones that have mass shootings on a regular basis, moron.

Ok then please share which country you want to compare.
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive
Hey, man. I'm sure you could immigrate to one of those countries. Have at it.
I ignored your question because they are stupid, just like their author.

There is a lot you know nothing about, so why not just shut up and keep that little secret to yourself?
No, you ignored them, because you are a sissy. You , despite your bluster, actually agree with some degree of gun control. And you know why we need it and what its positive effects are. But you'd rather throw your little hissy than admit it.

What are the positive effects? Apparently the guns used in last night's shooting were illegal.

Did the law prevent that from happening?

Unlike most people, I am around automatic weapons on a regular basis because of my work with the military. There are good points and bad points to the use of each, which is why the M-4 does not have the full auto capability of its predecessor the M-16.

Last night the shooter was employing automatic weapons by what is called "spray and pray", that being spray down an area with bullets and pray you hit something. Aiming an automatic weapon other than just in the general direction of your target is almost completely useless. Why do you think snipers prefer bolt action or semi-automatic rifles? Accuracy!

At best, only a small percentage of those shot last night were actually targeted. He was likely firing blindly in the direction of the crowd and that was all.

"What are the positive effects?"

Well, let's go back to square one, then:

So, a little quiz: if we just repealed the laws banning/controlling automatic weapons, would the result be:

a) more automatic weapons
b) same number
c) fewer

And, if you make it past that grueling question and got the correct answer, would the result then be:

a) more mass shootings and/or more dead people in each mass shooting
b) no change
c) fewer deaths and/or mass shootings, because we'll all be safer at this point, given the proliferation of automatic weapons

Taaaaaake your time...

Why should I answer your questions when you can't even get the simplest concept correct?

I am not playing your stupid hypothetical games.
Gotcha. You won't answer, because you don't feel like it. So, there. Neener neener. Okay.

And "the game" is not hypothetical, it is actually historical. As in, this quiz and the resulting debate already happened. Wanna guess how it turned out? No fair, you're from the future.

To quote Hillary, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

You want gun control, repeal the 2nd Amendment and then try to take our guns. If you do get a repeal, you will likely die in the resulting civil war.
Unless specially licensed, machine guns are illegal, ya thick head!
Gee. It must take extensive engineering to modify a semi-automatic firing system to a fully automatic firing system.

Can you do it? I doubt it.

It is also against the law to do that. That would be the same kind of law you would propose to outlaw guns.

Why break just one gun control law when you can break them all?

That means people will still die!

Do you have any idea how many gun laws the San Bernadino shooters broke? I guess we should expect criminals to obey all the laws regarding guns while they are randomly killing people.
Here's my solution. Citizens retain all the bolt action rifles, revolvers and pump shot guns they want.

Any and all guns fitted with a semi-automatic firing system, can be loaded by means of a high capacity magazine should be illegal to own, buy, sell, manufacture, import or distribute.

Guns for sport and self defense remain legal. Guns for warfare are banned. Anyone retaining a banned weapon may keep it if it I should rendered unfireable and kept as a collector's item.

Your proposal would take away all but one firearm I own and that one was made in the 1920s.

Go ahead and try to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Just right ahead and try. See what happens.

The epic failure will be a monument to the idiocy of the gun-grabbers. BTW, which model of gun-grabber are you? Nazi or Communist?
I'm not repealing the second amendment. I'm abiding by it. My proposal puts military weapons where they belong, in the hands of well regulated militiamen. Sporting arms are still in the hands of the citizens.

What model of 'gun-grabber' am I? Neither Nazi nor Communist. I'm a pragmatist.

Everyone is a militiaman. I own no military weapons.

You are not a pragmatist. You are an idiot!
Still waiting to hear what law the Dems want to pass that will magically prevent this type of attack again.

At this point there seems to be no clear motive, but there are reports he was a heavy gambler. I have a strong suspicion that his woman had to know something about his mental state.

The same laws other countries use? Maybe you haven't noticed, but we are the only ones that regularly have mass shootings.

We are not the only ones that have mass shootings on a regular basis, moron.

Ok then please share which country you want to compare.
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

Plenty of shootings in Europe happen.
Mass Shootings in Europe in 2016

The numbers pale in comparison with the US, mainly because the US's minority population is so violent they skew the numbers so much.
[QUOTE="Fort Fun Indiana, post: 18272164, member: 62138"
Clearly it is you freaks who are having yourselves a banner day. Right now his board is like being at the annual Cletus Cousin-wife family reunion. You losers are tripping over each other to kiss each others' guns. Embarrassing freak show.[/QUOTE]
I understand that some over-the-top anti-gun fanatics, like some overly passionate drug warriors, become delusional after awhile. But I honestly don't know what it is you are raving about. How about clarifying things in simple, straightforward terms.
Lying fuck, any gun that you can fire 30 times in under 10 seconds is an assault weapon, not a sporting rifle. And you can convert it to full automatic easily.
That's an opinion, not a statutory fact. And if you think it's easy to convert semi to full auto, try it. See what happens.
Fine . Does that include an automatic weapon ?

Automatic weapons are illegal. His mere possession of them was a felony.

You Communists said that if you took our freedom, we would be safe. Why did the anti-gun laws not stop this?

You don't understand our laws. Automatic weapons are legal, just heavily regulated.

You are simply lying. Federal machine gun licenses are nearly impossible to get. This man did not have one, his mere possession of these weapons was a felony and a federal crime.

You Communists told us that if we let you take our freedom, your draconian laws would protect us.

You lied, as is obvious. Now you want to double down, despite your abject failure.

Near impossible to get is not illegal. And how do you know he didn't have one? I haven't seen exactly what guns were used, have you?

Did Stephen Paddock have a federal machine gun license?

Since you know he did not, you are simply lying.
Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

“I’ve been a proponent of the [second] amendment my entire life,” Caleb Keeter posted on Twitter. “Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.”
So now can I assume he wants to pass some more gun laws -- like drug laws have stopped him from doing his thing.
Gun laws do little good when you can buy guns at gun shows or from a neighbor without checks.
BAN GUNS >>>>>>PERIOD,everyone having a Gun is stupid,especially in places like the US,what is wrong with you all

Your desire to ban liberty is tempting Comrade, what with the gulags and concentration camps you ALWAYS bring on as the main course, yet we normals will pass on your brutal totalitarian dictatorship all the same...
The Las Vegas perp must have converted his own semi auto to fully auto on his own.

He could have gotten the parts at any gun faire.

And btw in Kentucky they are allowed to have machine guns FYI.

You mean he violated the law?

Dayum, it's as if the bad guys don't give a fuck about the laws the Communists use to strip away civil rights.....
Gun laws do little good when you can buy guns at gun shows or from a neighbor without checks.
Even if repressive laws were passed which prohibited those venues, there are no more repressive laws than are the existing drug laws and we see how effective they are. As long as someone has the money to buy something, someone will make it available. Money talks.
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Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

“I’ve been a proponent of the [second] amendment my entire life,” Caleb Keeter posted on Twitter. “Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.”
So now can I assume he wants to pass some more gun laws -- like drug laws have stopped him from doing his thing.
Gun laws do little good when you can buy guns at gun shows or from a neighbor without checks.

Trotting out the good old standby hoax of the gun show loophole?

I thought you were better than that! You are still an idiot, but I thought you were better than that!
Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

“I’ve been a proponent of the [second] amendment my entire life,” Caleb Keeter posted on Twitter. “Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.”
So now can I assume he wants to pass some more gun laws -- like drug laws have stopped him from doing his thing.
Gun laws do little good when you can buy guns at gun shows or from a neighbor without checks.

Trotting out the good old standby hoax of the gun show loophole?

I thought you were better than that! You are still an idiot, but I thought you were better than that!
Truth hurts.
Well the shooter had bomb making equipment as well. Ammonium nitrate was found in his car and an explosive called tannerite was found at his home. This lunatic was going to kill via any method possible it seems.

"Ammonium nitrate, a high-nitrogen fertiliser and ingredient used in homemade bombs was found as police searched Stephen Paddock’s car.

Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo revealed the news and stated that over 16 guns were found in Paddock’s room at the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

Officers also discovered a further 18 guns, a litany of explosive called tannerite and “several thousand rounds of ammunition” at the shooters home in Mesquite, Nevada, according to Mr Lombardo.

The Sheriff revealed that “some electronic devices” were found at the gunman’s home and they are currently being evaluated."

Las Vegas shooting: Key bomb ingredient found in shooter Stephen Paddock's car
Source: CNBC.COM
Article: Democrat on Las Vegas shooting massacre: 'Time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something'

"Following the shooting, some top Democrats — often proponents of tighter restrictions on guns — urged the Republican-controlled Congress to take action to prevent similar mass shootings.

"This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this epidemic," said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in a statement. "There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It's time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something.

Well it certainly didn't take long for the buzzards-D to form up and start picking the corpses clean of any politically advantageous morsels they could get their bloody beaks on.

One wonders why the Democrats didn't pass any of this gun control legislation back when they had a lock on Congress in 2009, guess there wasn't any political advantage in it for 'em then. :cool:
BAN GUNS >>>>>>PERIOD,everyone having a Gun is stupid,especially in places like the US,what is wrong with you all

Well...Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to save themselves from violent criminals...they disagree with do the over 16.3 million Americans who now carry a gun for self defense....

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