CNBC: Democrats quickly call for tighter gun laws after Las Vegas shooting massacre

Source: CNBC.COM
Article: Democrat on Las Vegas shooting massacre: 'Time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something'

"Following the shooting, some top Democrats — often proponents of tighter restrictions on guns — urged the Republican-controlled Congress to take action to prevent similar mass shootings.

"This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this epidemic," said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in a statement. "There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It's time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something.

Well it certainly didn't take long for the buzzards-D to form up and start picking the corpses clean of any politically advantageous morsels they could get their bloody beaks on.

One wonders why the Democrats didn't pass any of this gun control legislation back when they had a lock on Congress in 2009, guess there wasn't any political advantage in it for 'em then. :cool:
BAN GUNS >>>>>>PERIOD,everyone having a Gun is stupid,especially in places like the US,what is wrong with you all

Well...Americans use guns 1,500,000 times a year to save themselves from violent criminals...they disagree with do the over 16.3 million Americans who now carry a gun for self defense....

Yeah that's working out real well:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Seems they have created an arms race with criminals. Now we lose a cop every week.
Because you allow guns...It really is a NO BRAINER..but none of you will change....!!!!!!!!!!tor
Still waiting to hear what law the Dems want to pass that will magically prevent this type of attack again.

At this point there seems to be no clear motive, but there are reports he was a heavy gambler. I have a strong suspicion that his woman had to know something about his mental state.

The same laws other countries use? Maybe you haven't noticed, but we are the only ones that regularly have mass shootings.

So why are you so focused on mass shootings instead of all shootings including the ones criminals are involved with?

If we could stop every mass shooting tomorrow, it still would have no effect on every other shooting that goes on in this country, including Chicago and Baltimore who seen a drastic increase in murders. Chicago is very anti-gun.
Their will to disarm the population so that they can take control is of course, always unchanged.

I am sure that the perpetrator wouldn't have done it if only was it illegal to own the gun he had. Oh wait...
You are comparing cars? Cars are driven by millons and millions of people each day. They are an important part of most everyones lives. Most peoples day wouldn't be effected if guns disappeared tomorrow.

You don't think so? Then do this: Get a huge sign made that says WE HAVE NO FIREARMS IN THIS HOUSE, hang that sign on your front porch, and get back to us in a month or so and let us know how it worked out for ya......if you're still alive.

The reason people like you are protected by guns even if you don't own one is because our laws say you can use one for protection if you need it. Any potential attacker has no guarantee that you are not armed; in fact, statistically, they have to assume you are.

Give them a guarantee that you are not armed, and see what happens.

Yes really slowing crime a lot:
FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Yes, the second straight year after the Ferguson effect. Why not expand a bit to see the real statistics?

View attachment 152479
Crime dropped with the Bill Clinton crime bill and gun control. Now as concealed carry has ramped up, crime is up.

Ah so what caused the ferguson effect? Cops shooting lots of people. That is a unique problem to the US also. Why do our police shoot so many people? Because we have so many guns. Every week a cop is shot and killed. So the ferguson effect is from too many guns.

No, the Ferguson effect is from a bunch of lowlifes that rioted because they are too uneducated to understand our laws. That made our police timid in being proactive in crime. Sure, the will come out if called, but if they see a drug deal go down, or a suspicious person, they now just leave them alone. I've seen it in my city several times.

Ban on assault weapons didn’t reduce violence
Their will to disarm the population so that they can take control is of course, always unchanged.

I am sure that the perpetrator wouldn't have done it if only was it illegal to own the gun he had. Oh wait...

That's only part of the reason.

The Democrat party survives by two groups of people: government dependents and victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

They know if we disarmed the public, that would mean only the police and criminals would have the guns. If that happened, crime would drastically increase, and what does that mean? It means we become victims.

So how would Democrats fight Big Crime? The same way they fight Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Corporations, and that is with Big Government.

The main goal behind taking away our guns is to create a new class of victims. The more victims, the more likely Democrat voters in the future. Democrats really have nothing against guns themselves, what they have a problem with are people using guns for protection. Because let's face it, if we protect ourselves and don't need government to do it for us, then who needs Democrats?
Source: CNBC.COM
Article: Democrat on Las Vegas shooting massacre: 'Time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something'

"Following the shooting, some top Democrats — often proponents of tighter restrictions on guns — urged the Republican-controlled Congress to take action to prevent similar mass shootings.

"This must stop. It is positively infuriating that my colleagues in Congress are so afraid of the gun industry that they pretend there aren't public policy responses to this epidemic," said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., in a statement. "There are, and the thoughts and prayers of politicians are cruelly hollow if they are paired with continued legislative indifference. It's time for Congress to get off its a-- and do something.

Well it certainly didn't take long for the buzzards-D to form up and start picking the corpses clean of any politically advantageous morsels they could get their bloody beaks on.

One wonders why the Democrats didn't pass any of this gun control legislation back when they had a lock on Congress in 2009, guess there wasn't any political advantage in it for 'em then. :cool:
Do they really think any law will stop mass-shootings?
But Democrats want to take away as many of our freedoms as they can.
They need to take away our guns to do most of it.
This is why Democrats consider the right to be more of a threat to them than Muslim radicals.
Vegas shooter had too many guns without being detected. And he had bombs as well. Everything was well planned as if it were someone that was well experienced. They found pounds of ammunition inn the room. But how could he had hid that equipment from housekeeping? Unless, housekeeping were in on it. And someone else had rented a room on the same floor, to helped him to bring up the material. He had to stand around the area where the concert is going to be. And scan the area to find out what is the best room to rent, that will give him a good clear shot of the crowd. It wasn't him that had orchestrated this plan. It had to have been someone that thinking with a clear mind and to have thought of everything
They only reason how he got discovered. That the smoke from the weapons had smoked up the room that he was in, had set off the fire alarm. But his plans were to shoot as much people he can, and then move to another project of his. But he was never expecting to get caught because he had more stuff waiting for him to use, at his home. The investigators couldn't track down all the weapons that he had in his possession.
But I believe that he was involved with ISIS. And which Hillary and Obama were filling up ISIS' artillery rooms with weapons. But then they has filled up Mexican's drug lords artillery as well.
For Hillary getting up at 7 a.m., the morning after. Just to tweet about the NRA, sounds kinda flaky. I heard that Hillary loves to sleep in. But she was up and ready to tweet the morning after. A lonely old hermit loves to do anything for a piece of Philippine's tail. and since Obama's administration knows almost everything about the citizens in this country through spying, that it could make it easy for them to pick out a lonely old fool.

. U.S. Shoots Itself In the Foot By Accidentally Arming ISIS

The Reno Gazette-Journal also has interviewed friends of Marilou Danley, 62, some of whom said Danley is out of the country in the Philippines. Danley did not return multiple phone calls. Who is Marilou Danley, girlfriend of suspected Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock?

ISIS In The Philippines: Islamic State Support Growing Despite Government Claims
Answer this question.

Let's suppose you leftardz succeed in banning all guns and in completely repealing the 2nd amendment. . . It's never EVER going to happen but let's just say it does.

What will be your leftardz next move when, after the 2nd amendment is repealed, all guns are ban and or confiscated and someone steals some from the military or the police or one of them goes rogue and goes on another mass shooting any whay?

What will be your next fucking move THEN?

Well, here's the thing. That doesn't happen now, why do you think it would happen in the future.

The thing is, if someone in the military or police started demonstrating signs of mental instablity, they'd keep him from getting the guns. That's the point.

You know, of a "Well Regulated" militia.
Do they really think any law will stop mass-shootings?

How many mass shooting has Australia had since they banned guns? None.

How many mass shootings has the UK had since they banned guns. They've had one.

Yes, laws can really stop these things from happening.
No, the Ferguson effect is from a bunch of lowlifes that rioted because they are too uneducated to understand our laws. That made our police timid in being proactive in crime. Sure, the will come out if called, but if they see a drug deal go down, or a suspicious person, they now just leave them alone. I've seen it in my city several times.

darn straight. Oh, what dark times we live in when cops can't shoot jaywalkers and children playing with toys.
So....what do we know this morning?

The shooter did not have a machine gun. He had a semi-automatic rifle with what is called a bump stock device which allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range. He also had large capacity magazines to allow lengthy burst rates

So.....everything was perfectly legal and he had the tools he needed to rain down hell on thousands of concert goers

Now, gun lovers
Explain why you need these things
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.

indeed a leftist dream

a chance at more useless gun control

and the odds that

a lot of Trump supporters are the victims
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Nope. In NV they are perfectly legal.

Assault weapons and machine guns in Nevada
Unless legally prohibited from possessing a firearm, people in Nevada 18 years of age and older may possess any kind of guns other than machine guns.4 This includes all semi-automatic firearms, including those with a detachable magazine and pistol grip.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Let's see if they only "look" like assault weapons or are easily modified to become assault weapons

The monster was firing at 600 rounds per minute. Awfully fast for a semiautomatic
Only an uninformed fool thinks ars are easily modified to shoot full auto...

Ummmmm....Guess what?

The guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range

Why is this legal?
No American civilian needs a steenkin' machine gun.

The extremist right is terrified; the first thought of many was NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO....., not realistic but comprehending the horror makes many of us....without words or any desire to think of 'political points'. Not so the extreme right, OBVIOUSLY, threads about the killer being a DNC member, merely a Democrat, and the old stand by, the popular vote winner in 2016, CLINTON, abound. Sad some do not feel the pain of our nation today.

If someone is hell bent on mass murder they will find a weapon.
True but if you make automatic weapons and their ammo harder to acquire that will cut down on deaths.

It's next to impossible to acquire an automatic now. Did you mean semi automatic?
You are naive. Its extremely easy to get one. I can have a fully automatic weapon in my possession in 45 minutes tops.
If it was that easy every gang banger in Chicago would have one
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Let's see if they only "look" like assault weapons or are easily modified to become assault weapons

The monster was firing at 600 rounds per minute. Awfully fast for a semiautomatic
Only an uninformed fool thinks ars are easily modified to shoot full auto...

Ummmmm....Guess what?

The guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range

Why is this legal?
Gunman Had 'Bump-stock' Device That Could Speed Fire

The gunman who unleashed hundreds of rounds of gunfire on a crowd of concertgoers in Las Vegas had two "bump-stocks" that could have converted semi-automatic firearms into fully automatic ones, officials said.

The devices have attracted scrutiny in recent years from authorities.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein has long railed against them. Several years ago, she told The Associated Press she was concerned about the emergence of new technologies that could retrofit firearms to make them fully automatic.

The device basically replaces the gun's shoulder rest, with a "support step" that covers the trigger opening. By holding the pistol grip with one hand and pushing forward on the barrel with the other, the shooter's finger comes in contact with the trigger. The recoil causes the gun to buck back and forth, "bumping" the trigger.

Technically, that means the finger is pulling the trigger for each round fired, keeping the weapon a legal semi-automatic.

"This replacement shoulder stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute," she said.

A semi-automatic weapon requires one trigger pull for each round fired. With a fully automatic firearm, one trigger pull can unleash continuous rounds until the magazine is empty.
Senators, including some who once voted against an assault-weapon ban are jumping on the gun control band-wagon.

The "assault weapons" which were the target of yesterday's gun-ban advocates were not in fact assault weapons but ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles that look like real assault weapons, the critical difference being the primary characteristic of any true assault weapon is fully automatic function. What today's (Las Vegas) shooter used is a true, fully automatic assault weapon.

While time and circumstances have caught up with and corrected a critically ignorant mistake the important point in this distinction is the true assault weapon has always been illegal. What yesterday's ignorant gun-ban advocates were calling for was a stupidly redundant effort to ban ordinary semi-automatic sporting rifles (e.g., AR-15, etc) -- which are not assault weapons.
Let's see if they only "look" like assault weapons or are easily modified to become assault weapons

The monster was firing at 600 rounds per minute. Awfully fast for a semiautomatic
Only an uninformed fool thinks ars are easily modified to shoot full auto...

Ummmmm....Guess what?

The guy used an AR type weapon with a large capacity magazine and a bump stock
The bump stock allows firing in the 400-700 rpm range

Why is this legal?

it is certainly not a machine gun nor full auto
Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

Guitarist says Las Vegas concert attack changed his mind on gun control

“I’ve been a proponent of the [second] amendment my entire life,” Caleb Keeter posted on Twitter. “Until the events of last night. I cannot express how wrong I was.”
So now can I assume he wants to pass some more gun laws -- like drug laws have stopped him from doing his thing.
Gun laws do little good when you can buy guns at gun shows or from a neighbor without checks.

Trotting out the good old standby hoax of the gun show loophole?

I thought you were better than that! You are still an idiot, but I thought you were better than that!
Truth hurts.

Lies is all you have apparently. You are either an uninformed idiot or a leftist tool! I am leaning towards tool!

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