CNBC: The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer

the top 1% making so much does not mean the lower class is not getting paid enough
I`d like to see the lower class getting enough so that we don`t have to subsidize them with food stamps.

You don't have subsidize them now. You choose to. Just because you choose to subsidize people, doesn't mean they are not paid enough.

If the lower class wishes to earn more money, it's up to the lower class to do something that earns more money.

The irony is, I highly doubt that YOU would be willing to pay enough for the goods and services you want, to provide the lower class with a upper-class income.

It's easy for you to say they should be paid more, but when you are the person paying more, you guys scream you are being over charged. You can't have it both ways. If you demand other people are paid more, then you are equally demanding you have to pay more.

If you think you are charged too much for goods and services, then you are equally saying people are paid too much who provide those goods and services.

The reality is, if you demand Walmart employees are paid a $1 more an hour, that's not coming from the CEO or the executive board. All the Executive pay combined, would barely be half of a penny per hour more, per employee.

So if they are going to get $1/hour raise, it's coming from charging you the customer more. And the irony is, most of the people who shop at Walmart, or the lower income people. So you are basically demanding the poorest people be charged more, so a few can get a dollar more an hour.

This is why any country that follows your social justice ideology ends up in ruins.
Why don't you Socialists pay more taxes instead of trying to make every one else pay for your silly, stupid ideas? It has NEVER worked. Of course the 'rich' make more...because they WORK more and make more $$$. In the past, I have seen that whenever socialists start defining 'rich' the definition gets lowered to lower and middle class.
nobody takes the fake news, right wing seriously.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Give your money to someone else and make yourself poorer for their sake or STFU.
Cut our useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror; you all cheapskates don't want to pay wartime tax rates for them, anyway.

Actually I agree that the 'war on drugs' is a failure and I think we would agree on that. I am for legalizing drugs. I am not monolithic.

Ok.... so just out of curiosity.... what do you plan to do with all the millions of people whose families will be ripped apart and destroyed by drugs? What do you plan to do with all the addicts that are on the streets of San Fransisco, because of drugs?

It's easy to say just legalize drugs..... but what do you do with the fall out from that? I agree the war on drugs has been a failure, because we have not actually engaged in war. We called it that, but haven't really done anything. Addicts are all over the place, and no one does anything. That's not any definition of 'war' i know of.

The irony is, we complain about the problems that drugs has on our society all the time, without realizing it.

One of the reasons we have homeless beggars all over the place, is because they get addicted to drugs, can't keep a job, and end up begging on the street.

So what do you see the solution as?
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.

Don't hate on me.
Your four word excuse is just proof that you have no counter argument.

Why do you lust for my heard earned money?

Go get your f'in' shine box and I'll let you earn some boy.
Why don't you Socialists pay more taxes instead of trying to make every one else pay for your silly, stupid ideas? It has NEVER worked. Of course the 'rich' make more...because they WORK more and make more $$$. In the past, I have seen that whenever socialists start defining 'rich' the definition gets lowered to lower and middle class.
nobody takes the fake news, right wing seriously.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Give your money to someone else and make yourself poorer for their sake or STFU.
Cut our useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror; you all cheapskates don't want to pay wartime tax rates for them, anyway.

Actually I agree that the 'war on drugs' is a failure and I think we would agree on that. I am for legalizing drugs. I am not monolithic.

Ok.... so just out of curiosity.... what do you plan to do with all the millions of people whose families will be ripped apart and destroyed by drugs? What do you plan to do with all the addicts that are on the streets of San Fransisco, because of drugs?

It's easy to say just legalize drugs..... but what do you do with the fall out from that? I agree the war on drugs has been a failure, because we have not actually engaged in war. We called it that, but haven't really done anything. Addicts are all over the place, and no one does anything. That's not any definition of 'war' i know of.

The irony is, we complain about the problems that drugs has on our society all the time, without realizing it.

One of the reasons we have homeless beggars all over the place, is because they get addicted to drugs, can't keep a job, and end up begging on the street.

So what do you see the solution as?

Families are ripped apart and destroyed by drugs now in great part because of its illegal status. Cost is highly over-inflated, doses are unknown, content of the drug is unknown and may be 'cut' with unknown substances. Criminals, gangs and guns become part of the distribution system.

There is far more 'fall out' now because they are criminalized and anyone who uses them is a criminal. We saw the 'fallout' from the criminalization of alcohol. The effects of drugs do not cause criminal activity.

The highly, over-inflated cost of illegal drugs is one of the reasons people spend all their $$ and may become homeless. If these drugs were made legal we could actually help those people if they needed it and they would have access to cheaper, safe doses.
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.
tax cut economics only helps the rich.

No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.
tax cut economics only helps the rich.

No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.
tax cut economics only helps the rich.

No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Like a liberal has ever been concerned with the National Debt before....
tax cut economics only helps the rich.

No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Like a liberal has ever been concerned with the National Debt before....
and the right wing does?

Income disparity increased under Obama, along with poverty. If you don't like increased income disparity you should never have voted for that asshole.
The Bush tax cuts didn't end until 2013. That isn't on Obama. Damn you people are ignorant.
tax cut economics only helps the rich.

No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Like a liberal has ever been concerned with the National Debt before....
And you bozo? You were? Lol! You ignorant wackos talk a big game, but the Right as always, is straight full of shit;
Why don't you Socialists pay more taxes instead of trying to make every one else pay for your silly, stupid ideas? It has NEVER worked. Of course the 'rich' make more...because they WORK more and make more $$$. In the past, I have seen that whenever socialists start defining 'rich' the definition gets lowered to lower and middle class. Hey 'funnyboy' stuff it.
Work more? You mean they inherited more to make more. That isn't working more. Get your head out of the sand.
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.
The God's have ordained as such.
The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.

And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country

That's a no brainier poor broke ass illegals ...( They just there for the Democrats votes)

The top 1% of families took home an average of 26.3 times as much income as the bottom 99% in 2018, according to NEW NEWS by MSNBC. And some states are more unequal than others, with the Northeast and West Coast outpacing the rest of the country.
The God's have ordained as such.
And as the Roman leaders would say, "give the people bread and circus" allowing the emperors to do as they saw fit. All it takes is a bunch of human Sheep to keep buying that two thousand year old con. And you fell for it.
nobody takes the fake news, right wing seriously.

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare?

Give your money to someone else and make yourself poorer for their sake or STFU.
Cut our useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror; you all cheapskates don't want to pay wartime tax rates for them, anyway.

Actually I agree that the 'war on drugs' is a failure and I think we would agree on that. I am for legalizing drugs. I am not monolithic.

Ok.... so just out of curiosity.... what do you plan to do with all the millions of people whose families will be ripped apart and destroyed by drugs? What do you plan to do with all the addicts that are on the streets of San Fransisco, because of drugs?

It's easy to say just legalize drugs..... but what do you do with the fall out from that? I agree the war on drugs has been a failure, because we have not actually engaged in war. We called it that, but haven't really done anything. Addicts are all over the place, and no one does anything. That's not any definition of 'war' i know of.

The irony is, we complain about the problems that drugs has on our society all the time, without realizing it.

One of the reasons we have homeless beggars all over the place, is because they get addicted to drugs, can't keep a job, and end up begging on the street.

So what do you see the solution as?

Families are ripped apart and destroyed by drugs now in great part because of its illegal status. Cost is highly over-inflated, doses are unknown, content of the drug is unknown and may be 'cut' with unknown substances. Criminals, gangs and guns become part of the distribution system.

There is far more 'fall out' now because they are criminalized and anyone who uses them is a criminal. We saw the 'fallout' from the criminalization of alcohol. The effects of drugs do not cause criminal activity.

The highly, over-inflated cost of illegal drugs is one of the reasons people spend all their $$ and may become homeless. If these drugs were made legal we could actually help those people if they needed it and they would have access to cheaper, safe doses.

No. Just no.

I am talking about families in Colorado right now, being torn apart by legally purchased drugs.
I am talking about families in California right now, being torn apart by legally purchased drugs.

I know this is happening, because I support charities that deal with such people. They send out news letters to donors talking about the services they provide, and this is the fastest growing area.

This is like when Columbus Ohio, where I live, legalizing gambling casinos, and the very first thing that happened was a bunch of gambling addiction centers opened, because people started blowing their pay checks, and ended up being foreclosed on, and leaving their families homeless.

Again, with the alcohol, same deal. The reason it didn't work, is because we did not enforce it. We know that you can actually have laws that work, if you are willing to enforce them. We know this because there are countries all over the middle east, where they don't have alcohol. Prohibition would have worked, if we had enforced it.

Here in the US, we had police, politicians, and everyone, defending the alcohol shippers. FDR himself, was said to have alcohol at the white house.

When the people in charge, are activity subverting their own laws..... it's not the law that caused the crime, it was the people charged with enforcing the law.
No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Like a liberal has ever been concerned with the National Debt before....
and the right wing does?

You libtards have no credibility on the Federal Deficit.

It takes money to fix America after obongo almost destroyed it…….

The community organizer never even held a real job, he didn’t

have a clue how to run a grocery store let alone the Country.

If not for obongo’s Black privilege, we wouldn’t even know his name….
No Dumb Ass...

Tax Cuts help everyone that works....

You lazy liberals need to get a job...
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics. it does Nothing for infrastructure. it only adds to the debt.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

You are such a dumb ass….

Trump has the economy Roaring.

Turn off your fake news at cnn and msnbc

and listen to Rush or Fox ……

What did obongo’s stimulus money do?

That’s right nothing, just another big liberal rip off
federal spending is at One Hundred Thirty-Eight percent and climbing. US debt is at One Hundred Sixty-Nine percent and climbing...U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

The US economy expanded an annualized 2 percent on quarter in the first quarter of 2018, below 2.2 percent in the second estimate and market expectations of 2.2 percent.

United States GDP Growth Rate | 1947-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar

Like a liberal has ever been concerned with the National Debt before....
And you bozo? You were? Lol! You ignorant wackos talk a big game, but the Right as always, is straight full of shit;

obongo Fucked it all up....

Trump is cleaning up the mess...……..

You liberals are all full of shit....
The rich are getting richer because they keep doing the things that made them rich.

The poor are getting poorer because they keep doing the things that made them poor.

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