CNBC: Trump Boasts "The Reason our stock market is so successful is because of me"

Fucking liar.

here is the rest of the picture:


Get back to us when DOW hits 38,000 under Trump, because at that point he'll match stock market growth under Obama.

Yep - not sure which Trumpkin made up that bogus graph since it is unsourced - Perhaps it was The Meathead himself with his graph-o-matic app?

But it most certainly misleading as hell
Fucking liar.

here is the rest of the picture:


Get back to us when DOW hits 38,000 under Trump, because at that point he'll match stock market growth under Obama.

Yep - not sure which Trumpkin made up that bogus graph since it is unsourced - Perhaps it was The Meathead himself with his graph-o-matic app?

But it most certainly misleading as hell
Blow me!
3-year chart for purposes of comparison:


Poor snowflake!
He most probably has a point. The gains in the market coincide to his election.

If during the upcoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, the stock market were to replicate the success it enjoyed under Obama, rising by a factor of 2.5

President Nimrod doesn't deserve any credit either (the major indices rose in spite of him not because of him), the only agency associated with the federal government that could remotely claim any credit would be the Fed and its historically easy monetary policy, however excessive money printing over long periods of time pursuant to papering over structural problems in the economy comes with terrible risks and those still remain to be dealt with.

I guess we'll see how the Fed balance sheet unwind and interest normalization play out.
Meanwhile, the partisans will keep playing this ridiculous game.

What do you expect, it's politics.
He most probably has a point. The gains in the market coincide to his election.

If during the upcoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump, the stock market were to replicate the success it enjoyed under Obama, rising by a factor of 2.5

President Nimrod doesn't deserve any credit either (the major indices rose in spite of him not because of him), the only agency associated with the federal government that could remotely claim any credit would be the Fed and its historically easy monetary policy, however excessive money printing over long periods of time pursuant to papering over structural problems in the economy comes with terrible risks and those still remain to be dealt with.

I guess we'll see how the Fed balance sheet unwind and interest normalization play out.
Meanwhile, the partisans will keep playing this ridiculous game.

What do you expect, it's politics.
Professional wrestling for political geeks.
Fucking liar.

here is the rest of the picture:


Get back to us when DOW hits 38,000 under Trump, because at that point he'll match stock market growth under Obama.

Yep - not sure which Trumpkin made up that bogus graph since it is unsourced - Perhaps it was The Meathead himself with his graph-o-matic app?

But it most certainly misleading as hell
Blow me!
3-year chart for purposes of comparison:


Poor snowflake!

Fail again
I love it, TRUMP IS ALWAYS CAMPAIGNING...just like that Obama cvnt.
in 2009,,the DOW went down faster than Bills 71 year old weener DJIA started 2009 @ 7,608 and ended the year @ 10,856
yah,,,but it crashed in the spring because we had a president Obama

So crashes are because of Obama (not GREAT RECESSION) but gains are not?

Thanks for playing tool.
What, according to the prediction the sky was supposed to fall if Trump won.

Seems like the sky is barely the limit with Donald.
I love it, TRUMP IS ALWAYS CAMPAIGNING...just like that Obama cvnt.
in 2009,,the DOW went down faster than Bills 71 year old weener DJIA started 2009 @ 7,608 and ended the year @ 10,856
yah,,,but it crashed in the spring because we had a president Obama

That's incorrect, there were many contributing factors to the "Great Recession" Crash but President Nimrod wasn't one of them, if you're looking to place the blame you can cast your gaze upon irresponsible monetary policy by central bankers, excessive risk taking on wall street and stupid fucking sheeple that didn't bother to do any homework to assess risk before handing over their money to bankers and signing contracts.

The market bottomed in 2008 (before the Nimrod even took office) and began it's current long term uptrend after he took office, of course imbeciles will give him the credit for it but he doesn't deserve it, the real credit goes to the Central Bankers who have been papering over the structural problems in the economy with easy money for most of the last decade and potentially setting the stage for yet another speculative bubble burst.

"Its just money; its made up. Pieces of paper with pictures on it so we don't have to kill each other just to get something to eat. It's not wrong. And it's certainly no different today than its ever been. 1637, 1797, 1819, 37, 57, 84, 1901, 07, 29, 1937, 1974, 1987-Jesus, didn't that fuck up me up good-92, 97, 2000 and whatever we want to call this. It's all just the same thing over and over; we can't help ourselves. And you and I can't control it, or stop it, or even slow it. Or even ever-so-slightly alter it. We just react. And we make a lot money if we get it right. And we get left by the side of the side of the road if we get it wrong. And there have always been and there always will be the same percentage of winners and losers. Happy foxes and sad sacks. Fat cats and starving dogs in this world. Yeah, there may be more of us today than there's ever been. But the percentages-they stay exactly the same." -- John Tuld, Margin Call
Obama stood back and the let the Fed pour FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.

Trump has done virtually nothing of substance, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.

I wonder if any of this is supposed to be taken seriously.
Obama stood back and the let the Fed pour FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.
How did he "let the Fed" do that ? Last time I checked the Fed wasn't taking its marching orders from the White House, granted he penned his name to outlandish federal spending that eventually ended up as monetized debt but IMHO it's a stretch to accuse him of "letting" the Fed do anything since he doesn't have any authority to dictate monetary policy.

Trump has done virtually nothing of substance, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.

I wonder if any of this is supposed to be taken seriously.
The Trumpkins appear to take it seriously, of course these are the same sort of folks that believed that Obama was going to "make the waters recede" and "heal the planet", <insert all the additional idiotic messianic nonsense here>.

Different letter stamped on their foreheads same species of lemming.
Obama stood back and the let the Fed pour FOUR TRILLION DOLLARS into markets, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.
How did he "let the Fed" do that ? Last time I checked the Fed wasn't taking its marching orders from the White House, granted he penned his name to outlandish federal spending that eventually ended up as monetized debt but IMHO it's a stretch to accuse him of "letting" the Fed do anything since he doesn't have any authority to dictate monetary policy.

Trump has done virtually nothing of substance, and he's given credit for the Dow by his fans.

I wonder if any of this is supposed to be taken seriously.
The Trumpkins appear to take it seriously, of course these are the same sort of folks that believed that Obama was going to "make the waters recede" and "heal the planet", <insert all the additional idiotic messianic nonsense here>.

Different letter stamped on their foreheads same species of lemming.
Agreed, it's a stretch. It was meant more as sarcasm. Maybe I need to work on my delivery.


The sheep are so conditioned to play this game that there's no way to know if they're being serious.

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