CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

Trump cheats on all three wives, fucks a porn star (outside of marriage, by the way) and a long line of whores, he bribes his mistresses to stay silent so he can get elected.

And the so-called "bible compliant" retards are perfectly okay with all this.




I understand your confusion. The baker has the RIGHT to refuse to support same-sex marriage on his product. That has nothing to do with Trump.
No confusion. I see quite clearly the baker is just like the KKK in that he is using the bible as an excuse for his hate. A four times divorced adulterer can get a wedding cake, no problem.


South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.

It seems to be a big deal to you. LOL

It will be to you to dumb ass when you become the one treated like a dog and they are the kings and queens of society. It is nice to see pussies who give up who and what they are for some brainwashed bs you weak minded dumbasses fell for called SJW PC BS. MSM worked on you.

Never change! :11_2_1043: :113:
The good thing about him running is that it exposes the Republicans for the racist homophobes everyone knows they are.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


You are going to lose mainstream R's tons of votes with these posts.

But yeah, you'll vote for a man like Donald who probably has butt relations with porn stars while his wife is home raising their young kid but you call names and hate down on a man who has butt sex with another man.

Your list of priorities is strange.....

Its almost like someone paid you to post this in an attempt to lose votes for Republicans.
I don't care what the sexual orientation of the candidate is as long as they don't center their platform, and their policies when elected around their sexuality. Since the LGBT community is maybe 1% of the population, that shouldn't be the focus of any politician.
The Democrats are a joke. It’s like trying to take a carnival side show serious.

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And yet it was Republicans who elected a snake oil selling carnival barker to be president.
The Democrats are a joke. It’s like trying to take a carnival side show serious.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And yet it was Republicans who elected a snake oil selling carnival barker to be president.

Looks like he's doing a bang-up job to me. What complaints have you? I'm quite pleased with our current president, moreso than I have ever been in my lifetime.

No name mayor (but he's gay) from IDK where has declared candidacy. That's nice and all. You reckon the FBI will start investigating him today, or tomorrow?

Will they wait until he wins the nomination?

Does the FBI investigate all presidential candidates?
That's not an answer
Sharia openly calls for the execution of Gays.

How will our two Sharia house members

Hey dumbshit: Fight for LGBTQIA+ Rights — Ilhan Omar | DFL-endorsed candidate for Congress
Sharia openly calls for the execution of Gays.

How will our two Sharia house members

Hey dumbshit: Fight for LGBTQIA+ Rights — Ilhan Omar | DFL-endorsed candidate for Congress

Hmmm.... Impressive.....It still remains to be seen how she will combine the two.
Eventually the conflict will become telling.

All past poon hounding and adultery can be ignored if one obtains a mulligan from Tony Perkins. :lol:
I guess that you don't know that most gay people have straight parents.
ALL people have straight parents. Did you flunk biology?
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.
There is no law against a gay man running for office. So whether you like it or not it is going to happen. Whoop re doo.
I hope the left will some day be as tolerant of Christians as they demand tolerance for freaks and queers.
Yeah you poor pure Christ like figures have be hurling stones at people for centuries.
False. Christians founded this nation and Christians were abolitionists. It's the left that hates and promotes evil. You're the baby killers and slave owners that fought a civil war to keep your slaves and voted against amendments to make ex-slaves citizens. Go peddle your false narrative to some naïve college kids.
Marriage is consummated with intercourse. A vagina and a penis. You guys are always crying that you believe in science, that is until biology shows your agenda to be stuck up your ass.

Are you like a Pentecostal preacher or something?

A name hasn't been this gayfunny since

Dick Butkus. (Pronounced "Buttkiss")

Ol Dick could probably still kick your ass

Yeah, he's twice my size, but you can't, faggot. Never could on your best day in your life.


PS: I have ways of taking down big people too.

No need to give any secrets away. Size is nice, but there's a workaround , for sure.
Ooooooo! Tuffy McTuffTuff.
ALL people have straight parents. Did you flunk biology?
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
They also probably use dildos, huh.


Oh NO!


Ever lookin your wife's bedside drawer?

Actually I am reminded of a right wing radio interview many many years ago when the idea of legal gay marriage was beginning to talked about. This local radio station was interviewing the President of the CWA (Concerned Women of America)...This president stated that if gay marriage became legal, what's to stop thousands upon thousands of women from divorcing their husbands and marrying each other. Apparently, this was a big concern. :71:
Candidate Obama in 2008 said he didn't believe in same-sex marriage. Was he an ignorant bigot?
And he eventually changed his has more than half of this country. Have you ever changed your mind about anything over time?
Normal people
ALL people have straight parents. Did you flunk biology?
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.
Normal people enjoy the opposite sex.

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