CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

Normal people
ALL people have straight parents. Did you flunk biology?
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.
Normal people enjoy the opposite sex. If you're attracted to your own gender, you're obviously still a child and like to look into the mirror for your sexual gratification.
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.
They also probably use dildos, huh.


Oh NO!


Ever lookin your wife's bedside drawer?

Actually I am reminded of a right wing radio interview many many years ago when the idea of legal gay marriage was beginning to talked about. This local radio station was interviewing the President of the CWA (Concerned Women of America)...This president stated that if gay marriage became legal, what's to stop thousands upon thousands of women from divorcing their husbands and marrying each other. Apparently, this was a big concern. :71:
Candidate Obama in 2008 said he didn't believe in same-sex marriage. Was he an ignorant bigot?
And he eventually changed his has more than half of this country. Have you ever changed your mind about anything over time?
People that don't support same-sex marriage are called bigots. Was Obama a bigot in 2008?
Normal people
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.
Normal people enjoy the opposite sex. If you're attracted to your own gender, you're obviously still a child and like to look into the mirror for your sexual gratification.
You mean average people....just like average people write with their right hand. Just like average people have brown eyes. Not everyone is the same. Not everyone has the same desires. Viva la difference!
They also probably use dildos, huh.


Oh NO!


Ever lookin your wife's bedside drawer?

Actually I am reminded of a right wing radio interview many many years ago when the idea of legal gay marriage was beginning to talked about. This local radio station was interviewing the President of the CWA (Concerned Women of America)...This president stated that if gay marriage became legal, what's to stop thousands upon thousands of women from divorcing their husbands and marrying each other. Apparently, this was a big concern. :71:
Candidate Obama in 2008 said he didn't believe in same-sex marriage. Was he an ignorant bigot?
And he eventually changed his has more than half of this country. Have you ever changed your mind about anything over time?
People that don't support same-sex marriage are called bigots. Was Obama a bigot in 2008?
Why don't you support same-sex marriage? Bigotry is based on what one's reasons are. Bigots are LESS likely to change their minds when they find out they are on shaky ground. They usually dig in.


They also probably use dildos, huh.


Oh NO!


Ever lookin your wife's bedside drawer?

Actually I am reminded of a right wing radio interview many many years ago when the idea of legal gay marriage was beginning to talked about. This local radio station was interviewing the President of the CWA (Concerned Women of America)...This president stated that if gay marriage became legal, what's to stop thousands upon thousands of women from divorcing their husbands and marrying each other. Apparently, this was a big concern. :71:
Candidate Obama in 2008 said he didn't believe in same-sex marriage. Was he an ignorant bigot?
And he eventually changed his has more than half of this country. Have you ever changed your mind about anything over time?

Sorry babe, men do that about 2% as much as women.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.
Are you the "husband"?
There is no law against a gay man running for office. So whether you like it or not it is going to happen. Whoop re doo.
I hope the left will some day be as tolerant of Christians as they demand tolerance for freaks and queers.
Yeah you poor pure Christ like figures have be hurling stones at people for centuries.

You prefer high velocity copper-jacketed lead, amirite?
Ah...another one of those not-so-subtle threats we've learned to expect from conservative republicans as they get more shrill.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.

Tell me you do
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.

Tell me you absolutely do not have a butterfly in the house.

I know girls, girl. :auiqs.jpg:
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.
Are you the "husband"?
Ah...role playing. Is that what you are into?
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


I never heard of this gentleman. But I don't give him much hope with the Democrats. A Republican actually won the governor's chair in far left Vermont against some man in a dress. And noted tranny veteran Chelsea Manning lost big time in "her" quest to be nominated for the US Senate in ultraliberal Maryland.
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
What was to deny? I'm just chuckling because males have a tendency to really over-estimate the importance of their little johnsons in women's lives.

It's not just the "little Johnson" that women need. ;)

It's the loving support of a real man. A man needs the same of a woman.

Keep that in mind the next time it's you+ a dildo on a cold, dark night.
:71: There you go on about dildos if that is something that would even be needed as some kind of substitute. And as for cold, dark wife and I do just many women have found out with other women.
Are you the "husband"?
Ah...role playing. Is that what you are into?
So often you have no answer to my questions. Was candidate Obama a bigot when he didn't support same-sex marriage in 2008?
Abortions and fags are the only two sins this forum ever seems to focus on. I would fall out of chair if one of those clowns would start a topic on avarice or bearing false witness.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


I never heard of this gentleman. But I don't give him much hope with the Democrats. A Republican actually won the governor's chair in far left Vermont against some man in a dress. And noted tranny veteran Chelsea Manning lost big time in "her" quest to be nominated for the US Senate in ultraliberal Maryland.
I's a big field and name recognition and all that.......but apparently he's scary enough for some to go into gay panic over it.
He isn't "married". He's a queer and marriage is a man and a woman in a covenant relationship. Two men or two women can't accomplish that. It's physically and spiritually impossible.
So is remarrying several times with ex-wives still alive...that is called adultery.

My God, you are so confused. You don't know the difference in divorce and adultery? Seek help!
Yeah you play ignorant to the laws of God. He allowed those during the time of Moses to get divorced because of their hard hearts...But you couldn't remarry as long as the ex was alive...
I guess that you don't know that most gay people have straight parents.
ALL people have straight parents. Did you flunk biology?
Oddly...I know several queer ladies who are pregnant.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


Why is this an issue for Republicans?

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Because the gay DemonRAT mafia keeps pushing it down our throats....if the guy didn't make a big deal out of being queer, no one would know...Beto doesn't advertise it!

Who, specifically is the gay demonrat mafia?

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Apparently people they are absolutely terrified of.

I really don’t get why conservatives seem to think being a minority, a woman or being gay has anything to do with the ability to govern, unless your a racist/homophobic/woman hater.

I think I just answered my own question.

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