CNN A married gay man is running for president. That's a big deal?...Not if you are a DemonRAT!

There is no law against a gay man running for office. So whether you like it or not it is going to happen. Whoop re doo.
I hope the left will some day be as tolerant of Christians as they demand tolerance for freaks and queers.
Yeah you poor pure Christ like figures have be hurling stones at people for centuries.
False. Christians founded this nation and Christians were abolitionists. It's the left that hates and promotes evil. You're the baby killers and slave owners that fought a civil war to keep your slaves and voted against amendments to make ex-slaves citizens. Go peddle your false narrative to some naïve college kids.
Christians didn't found this nation there was already folks living here, what Christians did do was the kill and steal their way in this country. Christians were not abolitionist since slavery was taught from the preacher's podium and in the Bible is directions on the care and use of slaves..
No side has a stranglehold on evil it emanates from both sides equally whether covert or overt.
I have never killed a baby and have raised my kids so again you are bearing false witness.a sin indeed....And you want to point fingers and call people names, such the Christ like angelic soul you be-not.
This land became a nation with a government when Christians wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution. The abolitionists were Christians. No go take your nap.
Southern Baptists? How did they come about?
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


I never heard of this gentleman. But I don't give him much hope with the Democrats. A Republican actually won the governor's chair in far left Vermont against some man in a dress. And noted tranny veteran Chelsea Manning lost big time in "her" quest to be nominated for the US Senate in ultraliberal Maryland.
I's a big field and name recognition and all that.......but apparently he's scary enough for some to go into gay panic over it.

Again who is panicking?
Anyone who starts one of these threads.
Anyone who thinks that someone else is somehow "less" if they aren't just like them.
Anyone who thinks we all have to follow their idea of religion.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


I never heard of this gentleman. But I don't give him much hope with the Democrats. A Republican actually won the governor's chair in far left Vermont against some man in a dress. And noted tranny veteran Chelsea Manning lost big time in "her" quest to be nominated for the US Senate in ultraliberal Maryland.
I's a big field and name recognition and all that.......but apparently he's scary enough for some to go into gay panic over it.

Again who is panicking?
Anyone who starts one of these threads.
Anyone who thinks that someone else is somehow "less" if they aren't just like them.
Anyone who thinks we all have to follow their idea of religion.

You don't have to, but it wouldn't be a bad idea. :dunno:

Your choice, your eternity.
Yeah you poor pure Christ like figures have be hurling stones at people for centuries.
False. Christians founded this nation and Christians were abolitionists. It's the left that hates and promotes evil. You're the baby killers and slave owners that fought a civil war to keep your slaves and voted against amendments to make ex-slaves citizens. Go peddle your false narrative to some naïve college kids.
Christians didn't found this nation there was already folks living here, what Christians did do was the kill and steal their way in this country. Christians were not abolitionist since slavery was taught from the preacher's podium and in the Bible is directions on the care and use of slaves..
No side has a stranglehold on evil it emanates from both sides equally whether covert or overt.
I have never killed a baby and have raised my kids so again you are bearing false witness.a sin indeed....And you want to point fingers and call people names, such the Christ like angelic soul you be-not.
This land became a nation with a government when Christians wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution. The abolitionists were Christians. No go take your nap.
GFY liar..
Time for your nap. Poor pitiful creature.
Go ahead and violate the family rule again big man.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


Just stay in your party lane.

They will nominate an older white guy for you to enjoy your milktoast with.
That is the TITLE of the article...and yes being gay is a mental disorder...
And to think some people like B. Kidd are baffled as to why minorities don't vote Republican! :lol:
Damn, you are a dumbfuck....ROTFLMFAO

How a Liberal Couple Became Two of N.Y.'s Biggest Trump Supporters
The New York Times

Nov 26, 2018 · Now they are fund-raising for President Trump and have his sons' ... for what some see as a betrayal of their own gay community.
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people bigots that don't believe in or support same-sex marriage
They also probably use dildos, huh.
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people that don't support or believe in same-sex marriage "bigots"?
I will note for starters that you're apparently incapable of actually responding to the point that I made, so I will take that I'm pretty much on the money in my assessment of you.

As far as you're question goes, bigotry is just a word and it's obvious that you would like to suck me into a debate about what it is. Not buying into your red herring fallacy to divert attention away from the real issue which is how people are treated . And people are treated badly anytime an individual, or group seeks to deny something that they themselves take for granted- to another group for no reason other then the fact that they disapprove of them. It is discrimination and it is wrong
So Obama was a bigot and discriminated against same-sex marriage in 2008.
False. Christians founded this nation and Christians were abolitionists. It's the left that hates and promotes evil. You're the baby killers and slave owners that fought a civil war to keep your slaves and voted against amendments to make ex-slaves citizens. Go peddle your false narrative to some naïve college kids.
Christians didn't found this nation there was already folks living here, what Christians did do was the kill and steal their way in this country. Christians were not abolitionist since slavery was taught from the preacher's podium and in the Bible is directions on the care and use of slaves..
No side has a stranglehold on evil it emanates from both sides equally whether covert or overt.
I have never killed a baby and have raised my kids so again you are bearing false witness.a sin indeed....And you want to point fingers and call people names, such the Christ like angelic soul you be-not.
This land became a nation with a government when Christians wrote a Declaration of Independence and a Constitution. The abolitionists were Christians. No go take your nap.
GFY liar..
Time for your nap. Poor pitiful creature.
Go ahead and violate the family rule again big man.
You poor pitiful creature.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


Why is this an issue for Republicans?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Because the gay DemonRAT mafia keeps pushing it down our throats....if the guy didn't make a big deal out of being queer, no one would know...Beto doesn't advertise it!

Who, specifically is the gay demonrat mafia?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The pedophile and queer elites in Hollywood, many of the people in power in the news business and large DemonRAT DONORS in business!...You want names, Google them!
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people bigots that don't believe in or support same-sex marriage
It always amuses me that INCEL guys just don't understand that women really are as in thrall to dicks as they believe we are. :71:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people that don't support or believe in same-sex marriage "bigots"?
I will note for starters that you're apparently incapable of actually responding to the point that I made, so I will take that I'm pretty much on the money in my assessment of you.

As far as you're question goes, bigotry is just a word and it's obvious that you would like to suck me into a debate about what it is. Not buying into your red herring fallacy to divert attention away from the real issue which is how people are treated . And people are treated badly anytime an individual, or group seeks to deny something that they themselves take for granted- to another group for no reason other then the fact that they disapprove of them. It is discrimination and it is wrong
So Obama was a bigot and discriminated against same-sex marriage in 2008.
Another red herring fallacy! You're not what I would call a quick study. Deal with the issue! What is your justification for discrimination against gay people whether it be about marriage or who can be President? I try keeping you usual horseshit about sex and anatomy out of it.
Last edited:
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people bigots that don't believe in or support same-sex marriage
So now you're going to deny anatomy and biology? Aren't you the people that keep saying you believe in science?
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people that don't support or believe in same-sex marriage "bigots"?
I will note for starters that you're apparently incapable of actually responding to the point that I made, so I will take that I'm pretty much on the money in my assessment of you.

As far as you're question goes, bigotry is just a word and it's obvious that you would like to suck me into a debate about what it is. Not buying into your red herring fallacy to divert attention away from the real issue which is how people are treated . And people are treated badly anytime an individual, or group seeks to deny something that they themselves take for granted- to another group for no reason other then the fact that they disapprove of them. It is discrimination and it is wrong
So Obama was a bigot and discriminated against same-sex marriage in 2008.
Another red herring fallacy! You're not what I would call a quick study. Deal with the issue! What is your justification for discrimination against gay people whether it be about marriage or who can be President? I try keeping you usual horseshit about sex and anatomy out of it.
Another point you refuse to acknowledge. Candidate Obama discriminated against homosexuals in 2008. Therefore, Obama was a bigot.
He isn't "married". He's a queer and marriage is a man and a woman in a covenant relationship. Two men or two women can't accomplish that. It's physically and spiritually impossible.
Because you say so??


Appeal to ignorance logical fallacy
Yeah, the entire world was ignorant for thousands of years because civilization believed marriage was a man and woman. Idiot.
You're also ignorant of history . And by the way, most people thought that the men owned the women in those marriages . I suppose that should not have changed either?
It hasn't changed. Words have meaning. My wife. My husband. These words have actual meaning.
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people bigots that don't believe in or support same-sex marriage
I figured out what your problem is Bubba. You are sex obsessed and you think that gay relationships are all about sex. You don't see them as human beings, as real people-real people who do and are much more than sex and baby makers.

Same sex couple may not make babies by your approved method, but they do have children. Children come into their care by a variety of means - just like with straight couples. They form families and have homes. They have jobs and pay taxes. They volunteer in their communities and contribute to society in many ways. Oh yes, and they love each other --a that I doubt you're familiar with because no one with the hatred that you have in their hear can love anything. Now shut the fuck up.
Are people that don't support or believe in same-sex marriage "bigots"?
I will note for starters that you're apparently incapable of actually responding to the point that I made, so I will take that I'm pretty much on the money in my assessment of you.

As far as you're question goes, bigotry is just a word and it's obvious that you would like to suck me into a debate about what it is. Not buying into your red herring fallacy to divert attention away from the real issue which is how people are treated . And people are treated badly anytime an individual, or group seeks to deny something that they themselves take for granted- to another group for no reason other then the fact that they disapprove of them. It is discrimination and it is wrong
So Obama was a bigot and discriminated against same-sex marriage in 2008.
Another red herring fallacy! You're not what I would call a quick study. Deal with the issue! What is your justification for discrimination against gay people whether it be about marriage or who can be President? I try keeping you usual horseshit about sex and anatomy out of it.
Another point you refuse to acknowledge. Candidate Obama discriminated against homosexuals in 2008. Therefore, Obama was a bigot.
You're a fucking broken record The subject is should this gay guy be considered for president and if not, why not. The wider question which you refuse to deal with how do you justify your discrimination. It is not about who is a bigot.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the 2020 race for president on Wednesday, announcing his intentions with a video featuring scenes of him and his husband, Chasten, cooking and playing with their dog, Buddy.

Should Buttigieg win his long-shot bid for the Democratic nomination, he will become the first nominee of a major political party who publicly identifies as gay. If he goes on to defeat President Donald Trump, it'd be a historic win.

Read more at ...

These candidates pose a real problem for a party that has used race and gender warfare to attract constituents; in the end, they can only accommodate so many of those groups - and those omitted can be hard to placate.

Blacks could have delivered PA, WI, and MI to Hillary - and they didn’t. The party has learned, and I’m curious to see how they deal with the 2020 primaries. They already have white women, Hispanic men, a halfrican woman (Harris), and now a deviant mental case; real problems ahead as they try to keep the freak show together.


I never heard of this gentleman. But I don't give him much hope with the Democrats. A Republican actually won the governor's chair in far left Vermont against some man in a dress. And noted tranny veteran Chelsea Manning lost big time in "her" quest to be nominated for the US Senate in ultraliberal Maryland.
I's a big field and name recognition and all that.......but apparently he's scary enough for some to go into gay panic over it.

Again who is panicking?
Anyone who starts one of these threads.
Anyone who thinks that someone else is somehow "less" if they aren't just like them.
Anyone who thinks we all have to follow their idea of religion.

In other words, no one’s actually panicking you’re just using that term to poison the well.

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