CNN accidentally caught a lady stuffing a ballot box on live TV in 2020.

The same people mocking the notion of ballot stuffing and other anomalies in the 2020 Elections insist that the ‘00, ‘04, and ‘16 Elections were stolen.
The same people mocking the notion of ballot stuffing and other anomalies in the 2020 Elections insist that the ‘00, ‘04, and ‘16 Elections were stolen.
Nope. Trump won in 2016. The election itself was not stolen.
You deserve it. I’m innocent.
When I say “we deserve it” I mean everyone, as in, in showing how messed up this country is, everyone will deserve whatever that entails. And no, you’re not innocent. The left made it their mission to go after trump from day one. The left are every bit as culpable in their goal to drag this country through hell because of their personal little hate vendetta. I’m not sayin trump is an angel, but 90% of what has been happening to him is because of the lefts twisting context and lies and their media pushing the narrative that fuels their agenda.

Like I said, this country is fucked up and soon the world will see just how fucked up we all are, and we deserve every bit of it and every thing that comes with it.
When I say “we deserve it” I mean everyone, as in, in showing how messed up this country is, everyone will deserve whatever that entails. And no, you’re not innocent. The left made it their mission to go after trump from day one. The left are every bit as culpable in their goal to drag this country through hell because of their personal little hate vendetta. I’m not sayin trump is an angel, but 90% of what has been happening to him is because of the lefts twisting context and lies and their media pushing the narrative that fuels their agenda.

Like I said, this country is fucked up and soon the world will see just how fucked up we all are, and we deserve every bit of it and every thing that comes with it.
Just stop. You jackasses wanted to impeach Obama for wearing a tan suit
Just stop. You jackasses wanted to impeach Obama for wearing a tan suit
We did? Lol. I don’t recall that but IF that were true, it pales in comparison to the machine that you all have created against trump, and, it’s just another example of how fucked up we are.

Like I’ve said in the past, I don’t know how people CANT look at what’s going on and see how it doesn’t lead to hard times for the US. What…do people think that somewhere in the future were all just going to say “oh wow, we were wrong, let’s all be nice and sing happy songs!”…no, the division is getting worse every single day, as is the hatered and desire to “punish” the other side.

It may not happen any time soon, but if you don’t think that keeping on this path will eventually lead to the destruction of this nation…or at least the idea of it, you have your head in the sand. A country can’t be as divided as we are, and getting worse every day, and survive, either by own own means, or our legitimacy in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Again, whatever, whenever that happens, we brought it in ourselves.
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We did? Lol. I don’t recall that but IF that were true, it pails in comparison to the machine that you all have created against trump, and, it’s just another example of how fucked up we are.

Like I’ve said in the past, I don’t know how people CANT look at what’s going on and see how it doesn’t lead to hard times for the US. What…do people think that somewhere in the future were all just going to say “oh wow, we were wrong, let’s all be nice and sing happy songs!”…no, the division is getting worse every single day, as is the hatered and desire to “punish” the other side.

It may not happen any time soon, but if you don’t think that keeping on this path will eventually lead to the destruction of this nation…or at least the idea of it, you have your head in the sand. A country can’t be as divided as we are, and getting worse every day, and survive, either by own own means, or our legitimacy in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Again, whatever, whenever that happens, we brought it in ourselves.
Trump willingly accepted help from Russians to get elected.

He tried to strongarm a foreign leader into investigating his electoral opponent.

He took classified and even top secret docs when he left office and refused to return them for over a year, going to far as to lie about them to the DOJ.

He shared top secret Intel with foreigners after leaving office

He defrauded investors and banks

Trump deserves everything coming his way
Looks like she actually had about 4 to 6 ballots???? The stack of mail underneath are not Ohio absentee ballots, you can tell by the color and size.... I googled a picture of the Ohio absentee ballot envelope to see what it looked like....

What was Ohio Law in 2020 on dropping off ballots for family, trusted friend or household? I'll do a search now to see....

a patheic spin from the board dunce.
Nope. Trump won in 2016. The election itself was not stolen.
Those other elections Progs tried to steal. It was just not widely known. W most likely won the 2000 election in a huge way. Southeast Florida screwed up as it is known now that there are many many votes that are questionable. Of course, Gore lost his home state which would have given him the Presidency. That is weird in a so-called close election. get or be mailed an official absentee ballot for the 2020 presidential election, the voter had to legally request a ballot and put down the address they wanted their absentee ballot mailed to by election officials for them to get it, in the State of Arizona. 32000 legal registered voters did not request their absentee ballot to be mailed to the wrong address....

You are misinformed or just outright lying.

The state might have mass mailed absentee ballot REQUEST FORMS, but NOT any absentee BALLOTS were mailed to any registered voter, without their individual request to get a ballot.

Have one State show the accounting. Maricopa Count AZ for example. They flooded out more than 2,1 million Mail-in ballots due to the phony Covid BS. How many names on the voter roll? How many ballots ordered, printed? Where is the extra? Does the tally add up.

you ignorant OX. They suddenly credited 81 million to the Corpse. Those votes were not walkin. You turn my guts!
SOME ONE EXPLAIN how a woman stuffs a ballot box
where was the box? what was CNN doing there. how come no one questioned her how come no one reported her? Why now not 2020 ?

you know why you dumb OX. Privacy. Lawyers, Police state, rigged courts. SHUP loon.
Who cares if they cheated or not. For 2024, the best course of action is to play the game exactly like they did.

Won’t work. The Deep State controls voter rolls, ordering, printing, mailing, recieving, verifying, counting, Ballots, machines, all of it. They used four big Black counties with operatives willing to do anything for money. Deep State polices itself. No one is willing or allowed to verify the results posted. They picked their own boss….and they all get rich after.
I watched the video the op was about and it was Reagan and Carter
No wonder you're a dim.....

You can't ask someone if they voted for Trump or Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants while the election is ongoing.

So ask them a silly-assed question that will give you the answer you want without breaking unwritten, or written, rules.

Did you vote for Reagan or Carter? Reagan would translate to Trump, Carter would translate to Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants.

Are you a Biden??
No wonder you're a dim.....

You can't ask someone if they voted for Trump or Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants while the election is ongoing.

So ask them a silly-assed question that will give you the answer you want without breaking unwritten, or written, rules.

Did you vote for Reagan or Carter? Reagan would translate to Trump, Carter would translate to Sponge-Brains-Shits-Pants.

Are you a Biden??

When you’re making serious accusations you don’t “translate”
Trump willingly accepted help from Russians to get elected.

He tried to strongarm a foreign leader into investigating his electoral opponent.

He took classified and even top secret docs when he left office and refused to return them for over a year, going to far as to lie about them to the DOJ.

He shared top secret Intel with foreigners after leaving office

He defrauded investors and banks

Trump deserves everything coming his way

Yeah, that’s all unproven. I mean, in your eyes it’s all fact, again, part of the machine of lies and deceit the left has been spinning up to win at all costs.

No amount of proof or evidence will ever convince you of anything…hell, joe Biden himself could walk out and tell you all that non of it was true and you’d still say “well that’s not what he REALLY meant” or some such like that.

Again, I’ve never claimed trump is an angel in any aspect, but this machine that you have been using to get him for almost 8 years now is nothing more than a weapon you all created to go after your political opponents.

Again, as this country deteriorates…just remember, we did this to ourselves.
Won’t work. The Deep State controls voter rolls, ordering, printing, mailing, recieving, verifying, counting, Ballots, machines, all of it. They used four big Black counties with operatives willing to do anything for money. Deep State polices itself. No one is willing or allowed to verify the results posted. They picked their own boss….and they all get rich after.
Ok, so how does the right swing that in their favor? Has to be a way. Again, the right just needs to beat the left at their own game. Same strategies, same tactics, all of it.

Whatever playbook the dems used, the right needs to copy it. Play the same games they did.
Yeah, that’s all unproven. I mean, in your eyes it’s all fact, again, part of the machine of lies and deceit the left has been spinning up to win at all costs.

No amount of proof or evidence will ever convince you of anything…hell, joe Biden himself could walk out and tell you all that non of it was true and you’d still say “well that’s not what he REALLY meant” or some such like that.

Again, I’ve never claimed trump is an angel in any aspect, but this machine that you have been using to get him for almost 8 years now is nothing more than a weapon you all created to go after your political opponents.

Again, as this country deteriorates…just remember, we did this to ourselves.
Some is fact

Some yet to be proven

You lump both together



Devotion to the Orange Fraud
Ok, so how does the right swing that in their favor? Has to be a way. Again, the right just needs to beat the left at their own game. Same strategies, same tactics, all of it.

Whatever playbook the dems used, the right needs to copy it. Play the same games they did.

It seems hopeless short of complete collapse and armed revolution. It had to be stopped DEC 2020. Mealy-mouthed R seemed OK with it? Some worked hard to stop any Audit. Happy J6 are being tortured. DEMs have corrupted enogh States, Courts and the entire FED GOVT (as you knew).

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