CNN Accidently Proves President Trump's Innocence, That Capitol Violence Was Not 'Spur Of The Moment' 'Incited Insurrection'

Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

Seems not many people remember the chaos nationwide during Trump's inauguration:

"Officers arrested 217 protesters, CBS affiliate WUSA reports. Six police officers were hurt during the protests, including three who were hit in the head with flying objects. All of them have minor injuries."

Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

Seems not many people remember the chaos nationwide during Trump's inauguration:

"Officers arrested 217 protesters, CBS affiliate WUSA reports. Six police officers were hurt during the protests, including three who were hit in the head with flying objects. All of them have minor injuries."

Who incited them to riot? Was Obama telling them the election was a fraud and to fight like hell to take back their country. Mobs are always bad news.. always. Trump incites them because he LOST an election.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to storm the Whitehouse, they tried to stop the inauguration, they attacked countless rallies, they caused 2.5 billion in damage, and murdered several Trump supporters. No liberal was shot by cops.

In Washington they smashed a window pane, took selfies, and shouted some slogans and left. Cops opened fire, killing one.

If they tried to stop an inauguration, it was through legal means. The Proud boys had just as big a part as anybody in rally fights, damage, or anyone who died. Still, none of that compares to attacking our congress to overthrow an election through violence.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

Oh, so arrest that failed comediene with Trump's severed head if that's your definition of insurrection.

No problem All you gotta do is show where her action incited a coup through an attack on congress in an effort to overthrow a legal election.

You have some weird idea that coups can only happen at Congress.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government through violence. You can't do that by protesting Trump's crap.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

Oh, so arrest that failed comediene with Trump's severed head if that's your definition of insurrection.

No problem All you gotta do is show where her action incited a coup through an attack on congress in an effort to overthrow a legal election.

You have some weird idea that coups can only happen at Congress.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government through violence. You can't do that by protesting Trump's crap.

You can if that protest is violent.
Or does that rule only apply to conservatives?
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

Oh, so arrest that failed comediene with Trump's severed head if that's your definition of insurrection.

No problem All you gotta do is show where her action incited a coup through an attack on congress in an effort to overthrow a legal election.

You have some weird idea that coups can only happen at Congress.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government through violence. You can't do that by protesting Trump's crap.

You can if that protest is violent.
Or does that rule only apply to conservatives?

Presidents don't INCITE riots. Trump behaves like some two bit jihadi recruiter.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

Oh, so arrest that failed comediene with Trump's severed head if that's your definition of insurrection.

No problem All you gotta do is show where her action incited a coup through an attack on congress in an effort to overthrow a legal election.

You have some weird idea that coups can only happen at Congress.

A coup is an attempt to overthrow a government through violence. You can't do that by protesting Trump's crap.

You can if that protest is violent.
Or does that rule only apply to conservatives?

You're trying too hard. You should look up what a coup is before you make more goofy remarks.
Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have just Impeached the President for 'Inciting an Insurrection' during a Protest in DC through the speech he gave to the gathered throng of supporters. .

Prior to passing the Articles of Impeachment Pelosi confessed during an interview that the true intent of the up-coming 2nd Impeachment was to eliminate President Trump as a future political threat to the Democratic party. Her confession alone proves the 2nd Impeachment, like the 1st, is an abuse of power and of the Constitution.

CNN just accidently proved the President is innocent, as well, with their inept, unintentional reporting:

"According to a new report from CNN, “Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the US Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control, a federal law enforcement official says.” This completely undermines the entire case Democrats made for impeaching Trump."

Pelosi and Trump-hating traitors claim Trump spontaneously incited the crowd into 'Insurrection'. The police say the event was pre-planned, supplied, and carried out, adding that evidence shows Capitol Police appear on video removing barriers to give violent rioters entrance into the Capitol and are shown LEADING rioters - to include members identified as BLM members - through the building. This DESTROYS the Democrats' lies / false narrative.

Pelosi, Democrats, Fake News Media, and snowflakes keep parroting the same lie / false talking point that President Trump 'Incited an Insurrection'; however, they refuse to give one quote in his speech they claim is evidence of his 'Inciting an Insurrection'. Perhaps because Trump only said that after his speech they "were going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women.” That hardly sounds like inciting violence, does it?

'It is clear that Democrats wanted an excuse to impeach Trump again to make him “the first president in history to be impeached twice,” and rushed through impeachment, without an investigation, over a couple of days because Trump would soon be out of office.'

Thanks to CNN, President Trump won't be remembered as the 1st President to be Impeached Twice. The Democrats will be known as the treasonous party that abused the Constitutional powers of impeachment to carry out 2 (TWO) un-warranted, politically partisan Impeachments based on ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO witnesses!

Where did ya learn how to juggle like that? Gosh, you are very good at it. Can you twist and turn your body the way you twist and turn the facts?
OK. So I say that the people in Wsshington just wanted attention. They feel voiceless. All they were asking for was a bloody audit.
They had a lot more demands than an audit. They were asking to hang Mike Pence too. Then they grabbed a cop and beat him to a bloody pulp. The nearly reached Congress whom they wanted to install Trump as president even though the states voted for Biden.

That’s how you know it was a coup. They had a clearly stated goal to prevent the government from functioning and to install a different president.
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

You mean the hangman's noose that was totally inoperable?
Of course the attack was planned, and trump helped to plan and orchestrate it. It's clear that he knew what was in place when he gave his speech.
The attack with the sum total of a broken window and door panel?
Where they formed an orderly queue between the velvet ropes?
Where nobody came with a gun?
Where they btook selfies of themselves carrying out "insurrection" then left peacefully?

Did you watch the film? They were hitting people with crutches and flag poles. Is that normal peaceful protest in your book?
A storm in a teacup.

An attempted coup at out capitol.
No, Pro Democracy protesters opposing a coup by oligarchs and technocrats.
Would happen in any country given the absolute state of the corrupt election count,

Nope. There is no doubt what the purpose was.

No Trump people had guns. No guns, no revolution. Hell, no insurrection either. Just a nice simple protest. Only the Trump people didn't knock over statures, or try to set fires like your assholes did.

When did liberals storm the capitol in an effort to overthrow congressional action on an election?

They tried to stop the inauguration of an elected President using extreme violence and threats. Why was it not classified as insurrection?

When did they erect a scaffold with hangman's noose in front of the capitol, and then attack the capitol yelling "where is Pence" ?

You mean the hangman's noose that was totally inoperable?

What a silly remark
So why did they gather in their hundreds and try to stop traffic and people reaching there
For attention.

That doesn’t stop the inauguration. Not even close.
OK. So I say that the people in Wsshington just wanted attention. They feel voiceless. All they were asking for was a bloody audit.
There were bloody audits ad nausea. Wrong-way to get attention. That kind of attention is a felony and punishable by years in the klink.
For real, how many people on here are going to claim "Trump planned it" with no evidence?

I have to ignore such folks, as it's just too stupid to reply to. It's fan fiction, and 100% void of intellectual honesty. Thus, I'd advise people to do the same and put these people on ignore. You can have intellectual debates with people on the other side about what went wrong in all of this, but if all you're going to get is "Trump ordered and planned it", you become the idiot for replying to it.

It's like saying the 2020 election WAS stolen, as a matter of fact. Well, there's not enough available evidence to prove that. Trump had every opportunity to provide it, and he didn't, or the courts wouldn't hear it. Innocent until proven guilty, it's a Conservative staple. There's plenty of evidence to show that there's massive holes in our domestic voting processes, and this was going to be an opportunity to pressure states to fix them. But, thanks to these few hundred stupid immoral idiots, nothing will be done, and left wing politicians and institutions will connect any non-Democrat with them and attempt to ban, censor, and damage their livelihood at every possible level.

Went on a tangent, but just ignore the people who make a religion out of their politics, and that goes for both sides.

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