CNN anchor slams FoxNation denier trolls

Hey, OP.


You're a bigot. An incredible bigot.


You're a bigot. An incredible bigot.

you fit the nasty of the Globullwarmer cult to a tee
who is a bigot? go look in a mirror

Stephanie, you don't even realize why I made that charge, do you? Perhaps you ought to figure that one out before you go any further. Click on the little blue arrow next to "martybegan" and watch the short video presentation he's graced us with. Then when you've got that in hand, please explain against whom I am bigoted.
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Most people don't even bother responding to her incessant, incoherent, fact-averse yammerings. Good on you for treating that one w/ kidd gloves ;)

as to the OP:

Let's have a look at the Fox story that incited that nasty warmer tweet.

Climate Doesn’t Cooperate With Al Gore’s Group’s Visit to Denver EPA Hearings
By: Valerie Richardson (Washington Times)

DENVER — The Climate Reality Project brought its “I’m Too Hot” trucks and offers of free ice cream to this week’s Environmental Protection Agency hearings on power-plant emissions, but the climate wasn’t cooperating.

The plan was to tout the EPA’s emissions proposal as a solution for hot weather brought on by global warming, but when the hearings began at 9 a.m. Wednesday in Denver, the temperature was a chilly 58 degrees. Plus, it was raining.

The other cities hosting the hearings Wednesday were also hit by cooler-than-usual temperatures. The high in Atlanta was forecast at 82 degrees, while it was a pleasant 70 degrees in Washington, D.C., when the hearings began at 9 a.m.

The Climate Reality Project, founded by former Vice President Al Gore, launched its “I’m Too Hot” campaign last week as “a rallying point for action in the face of rising temperatures driven by climate disruption,” according to the press release.
Well, she's certainly confused weather with climate, but Mr Gore has gotten worse. And if you've decided to be a denier, this was hardly an opportunity you could pass up. On the other hand, if you've decided to be a denier, you can't really complain when people call you a "willfully ignorant fuckstick". It's just a statement of fact.
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CNN anchor shuts down Fox climate trolls with one brilliant tweet -
But sometimes, as in the case of this Fox Nation article aggregated from the uber-conservative Washington Times – which pretends to catch Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project in a “gotcha” moment for passing out ice cream on what turned out to be a chilly, rainy day in Denver — it’s hard to pretend that the deniers are actually interested in having a fact-based debate. In that moment, as CNN anchor Bill Weir brilliantly demonstrates, you’ve just got to acknowledge that the trolls should (and probably do) know better, and call them out for being … well, we’ll let him take it from here:

It certainly seems that some people need to be educated that weather is not climate...and that climate change does not mean global warming. :D
CNN anchor shuts down Fox climate trolls with one brilliant tweet -
But sometimes, as in the case of this Fox Nation article aggregated from the uber-conservative Washington Times – which pretends to catch Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project in a “gotcha” moment for passing out ice cream on what turned out to be a chilly, rainy day in Denver — it’s hard to pretend that the deniers are actually interested in having a fact-based debate. In that moment, as CNN anchor Bill Weir brilliantly demonstrates, you’ve just got to acknowledge that the trolls should (and probably do) know better, and call them out for being … well, we’ll let him take it from here:

It certainly seems that some people need to be educated that weather is not climate...and that climate change does not mean global warming. :D

Yeah..but he could have done that with the vulgar name calling.
Well, she's certainly confused weather with climate, but Mr Gore has gotten worse. And if you've decided to be a denier, this was hardly an opportunity you could pass up. On the other hand, if you've decided to be a denier, you can't really complain when people call you a "willfully ignorant fuckstick". It's just a statement of fact.
^ that. It collides w/ their "everything is for sale" ideology.

Yes Marty.

That was an incredibly well done post. Gives lots of information too.

You are a very persuasive debater, I tell you what..

I'll give him this :up: he bumped my thread ;)
Well, she's certainly confused weather with climate, but Mr Gore has gotten worse. And if you've decided to be a denier, this was hardly an opportunity you could pass up. On the other hand, if you've decided to be a denier, you can't really complain when people call you a "willfully ignorant fuckstick". It's just a statement of fact.
^ that. It collides w/ their "everything is for sale" ideology.

Yes Marty.

That was an incredibly well done post. Gives lots of information too.

You are a very persuasive debater, I tell you what..

I'll give him this :up: he bumped my thread ;)

And as for your comment, I've been using the sorcerer one too much recently, so its in the bin for now.
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damn dots, you really get off on this stuff. do you get tingles or something?

anyone being mean and nasty you run and post it with a thumbs up next to it


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