CNN Anchor Tells Nancy Pelosi That Trump Was Acquitted — She Interrupts, Claims He Wasn’t

She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

/——/ I’ll have to take your word on it. I can’t stand hearing her stammering, screeching voice any more.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

The democrats had a partisan sham of an impeachment proceeding in the House, and the Republicans had a partisan sham impeachment trial in the senate, so what? The whole exercise was partisan and the outcome known before it was started, so stop with the fake outrage and get on with the peoples' business.
it wasn't a sham in the House, it was all on the up and least on the Democratic side, the Republicans did nothing but put on a ridiculous show of nonsense, acting in front of cameras, storming deposition rooms that most were already invited in to, and simply lies.... you believe the Trump bull crud conman lies too easily on this.....imho.

AND the House is who the Founders EXPECTED to be gung ho and likely partisan, the founders never charged the house members with taking an oath, under God, to be impartial, fair, and serve justice...

our founders charged Senators with THIS VERY IMPORTANT responsibility and special sworn oath for their duties in the impeachment trial....

the founders, foolishly believed, the great deliberative body of congress, the Senators, could honor the charge and sworn oath, faithfully....

BOY OH BOY! Were our founders so wrong......

Ok, we disagree on what a legitimate impeachment process should be in the House. IMHO it should have been like the Clinton impeachment where the defense could call witnesses and cross-examine the witnesses from day-1. The dems broke House rules, so the impeachment was a partisan sham.
'Brazen and unlawful': Trump team attacks House impeachment effort in first formal response

We agree that the House doesn't take an oath, but even Nancy said that impeachment can't be partisan. Hell, even democrats voted against it.

You still don't get that the Articles were unconstitutional. As Lamar Alexander says below, impeachment requires a very high bar, a "high crime" and no crime was committed.
The president does have due process rights, and he does have the right to withhold funds temporarily, period.

Alexander Statement on Impeachment Witness Vote - Press Releases - United States Senator Lamar Alexander
“I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense. …The Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year’s ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate.

“The question then is not whether the president did it, but whether the United States Senate or the American people should decide what to do about what he did. I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday. …Our founding documents provide for duly elected presidents who serve with ‘the consent of the governed,’ not at the pleasure of the United States Congress. Let the people decide.” – Senator Lamar Alexander
They did not break House rules, they MADE the rules.

The trump lawyers were all lying.

Each impeachment is different.

Clinton's had a special prosecutor investigating for two to three years, that gave the house final evidence to use, same with the Nixon impeachment,

BARR did not allow a special prosecutor for Trump's alleged crimes.

So the House had to do their own investigation as best as they could, do their own witness depositions.... And once again, the executive branch refused to cooperate, denied subpoenas for first hand witnesses and for documents.

The house repubs CHOSE to make it partisan, with a bunch of shenanigans, not the Dems
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....
You're right, the Houses rigging of the impachment hearings failed. That is why they failed in the Senate, because of their incompetence.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
She's giving her insight and opinion... don't y'all always say that Trump is allowed his opinion...blah blah blah?

Ahhhhhh, but Nancy Pelosi isn't.... yes, I see how you are toying with it.... only Trump can mouth off....
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

There was no need to even dignify the libs donkey show.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
She's giving her insight and opinion... don't y'all always say that Trump is allowed his opinion...blah blah blah?

Ahhhhhh, but Nancy Pelosi isn't.... yes, I see how you are toying with it.... only Trump can mouth off....

She is lying. She is allowed her opinion. No one ever questioned that. Hell, she is allowed to lie like she did here; or, as Bill Clinton would say, “something that is factually inaccurate”.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
She's giving her insight and opinion... don't y'all always say that Trump is allowed his opinion...blah blah blah?

Ahhhhhh, but Nancy Pelosi isn't.... yes, I see how you are toying with it.... only Trump can mouth off....
She’s not stating opinion, she’s talking about factual events. She may as well proclaim the earth is the center of the universe as her catholic cult insisted.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

The democrats had a partisan sham of an impeachment proceeding in the House, and the Republicans had a partisan sham impeachment trial in the senate, so what? The whole exercise was partisan and the outcome known before it was started, so stop with the fake outrage and get on with the peoples' business.
it wasn't a sham in the House, it was all on the up and least on the Democratic side, the Republicans did nothing but put on a ridiculous show of nonsense, acting in front of cameras, storming deposition rooms that most were already invited in to, and simply lies.... you believe the Trump bull crud conman lies too easily on this.....imho.

AND the House is who the Founders EXPECTED to be gung ho and likely partisan, the founders never charged the house members with taking an oath, under God, to be impartial, fair, and serve justice...

our founders charged Senators with THIS VERY IMPORTANT responsibility and special sworn oath for their duties in the impeachment trial....

the founders, foolishly believed, the great deliberative body of congress, the Senators, could honor the charge and sworn oath, faithfully....

BOY OH BOY! Were our founders so wrong......

Ok, we disagree on what a legitimate impeachment process should be in the House. IMHO it should have been like the Clinton impeachment where the defense could call witnesses and cross-examine the witnesses from day-1. The dems broke House rules, so the impeachment was a partisan sham.
'Brazen and unlawful': Trump team attacks House impeachment effort in first formal response

We agree that the House doesn't take an oath, but even Nancy said that impeachment can't be partisan. Hell, even democrats voted against it.

You still don't get that the Articles were unconstitutional. As Lamar Alexander says below, impeachment requires a very high bar, a "high crime" and no crime was committed.
The president does have due process rights, and he does have the right to withhold funds temporarily, period.

Alexander Statement on Impeachment Witness Vote - Press Releases - United States Senator Lamar Alexander
“I worked with other senators to make sure that we have the right to ask for more documents and witnesses, but there is no need for more evidence to prove something that has already been proven and that does not meet the United States Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense. …The Constitution does not give the Senate the power to remove the president from office and ban him from this year’s ballot simply for actions that are inappropriate.

“The question then is not whether the president did it, but whether the United States Senate or the American people should decide what to do about what he did. I believe that the Constitution provides that the people should make that decision in the presidential election that begins in Iowa on Monday. …Our founding documents provide for duly elected presidents who serve with ‘the consent of the governed,’ not at the pleasure of the United States Congress. Let the people decide.” – Senator Lamar Alexander
They did not break House rules, they MADE the rules.

The trump lawyers were all lying.

Each impeachment is different.

Clinton's had a special prosecutor investigating for two to three years, that gave the house final evidence to use, same with the Nixon impeachment,

BARR did not allow a special prosecutor for Trump's alleged crimes.

So the House had to do their own investigation as best as they could, do their own witness depositions.... And once again, the executive branch refused to cooperate, denied subpoenas for first hand witnesses and for documents.

The house repubs CHOSE to make it partisan, with a bunch of shenanigans, not the Dems

1. The democrats revised the rules that were in-place for the Clinton impeachment. Partisan hacks. Partisan impeachment.
2. Trumps lawyers were lying? Did you see Schiff's remake of the Zelinsky call? No one lies more than democrats, period.
3. The House refused to take their subpoenas to court because they knew they'd lose. There wasn't a "High crime" committed, just partisan bullshit
4. Barr did not allow a special prosecutor because THERE WAS NO CRIME TO INVESTIGATE!!
5. The House republicans saw the sham impeachment, even 3 democrats voted against it.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
She's giving her insight and opinion... don't y'all always say that Trump is allowed his opinion...blah blah blah?

Ahhhhhh, but Nancy Pelosi isn't.... yes, I see how you are toying with it.... only Trump can mouth off....
She’s not stating opinion, she’s talking about factual events. She may as well proclaim the earth is the center of the universe as her catholic cult insisted.

Was Trump Acquitted or not?
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....

Factually speaking, Trump was acquitted. Pelosi is now lying about the outcome. “At this point, what difference does it make?”
She's giving her insight and opinion... don't y'all always say that Trump is allowed his opinion...blah blah blah?

Ahhhhhh, but Nancy Pelosi isn't.... yes, I see how you are toying with it.... only Trump can mouth off....
She’s not stating opinion, she’s talking about factual events. She may as well proclaim the earth is the center of the universe as her catholic cult insisted.

Was Trump Acquitted or not?
Yes! Trump was acquitted. See the senate transcript:

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"
The House impeachment, Democrats on the importance of evidence, witnesses and procedures:


The Senate Hearing, Democrats on the importance of evidence, witnesses and procedures:

Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

Trump OWNS batshit crazy Nazi.
Trump broke Box Wine Nancy.

Chief Justice Roberts:

"It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is
hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles"

This fucking half-wit is the gift that keeps on giving.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

YOUR House Clowns had 13 witnesses testify and submitted over 2800 documents.

Get another lie, that one won't fly.
She has a point.... Clinton was acquitted after a real trial, with witnesses and with evidence submitted, from both sides....

There was no real trial, with evidence and witnesses in Trumps....

I don't think there was ever a criminal, civic or impeachment trial in our entire history of a Nation, that did not permit witness testimony and documented evidence, as was with this SHAM trial......

THAT will forever be the *asterisk next to the Trump Acquittal.....

they should have just allowed them.... he was going to likely be acquitted anyway, on a partisan basis, but at least it would have made the trial appear to be, a trial and not the shameful, blatant, not questionable, the fix is in SCAM that it was....
It wasn't a real trial :206::206::206::206:
But it was a real EXONERATION! :finger3:

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