CNN Boss Doubles Down on Disastrous Trump Town Hall

CNN CEO Chris Licht on Thursday defended the network’s decision to host its town hall with Donald Trump as staff woke up to a blizzard of criticism about the calamitous broadcast, during which the former president regurgitated his lies about the 2020 election, distorted his record in office, and mocked a woman whom a jury just found him liable for sexually assaulting.

On a 9 a.m. editorial call, Licht praised the performance of moderator Kaitlan Collins, who battled in vain for 70 minutes on Wednesday night to push back against a tsunami of falsehoods spewed by Trump as an approving New Hampshire audience laughed and applauded. “I absolutely unequivocally believe America was served very well by what we did last night,” Licht told staff.

I watched it, I agree. All he did was peddle the falsehoods. I added another link as well. All lies.
He made a few valid points (why no peace talks about Ukraine / Russia and Europe not paying its fair share)
The greatest CON of the night "I can stop the war in less than 24 hours". :abgg2q.jpg:

I hope you Trump supporters wake up and realize this guy is nothing but a CON MAN.

It was a ratings boost for CNN.
Cmon man, it doesn't count unless you use bold text in orange.
They don't care. They literally don't care.

He is their giant FUCK YOU to a country they feel has victimized them.

They don't give two shits about anything else.
Trump voters are a dying breed. They racist and homo and trans phobic. They out of touch with main stream America.
The USA Equality Train has left the station and the TRUMPISTS are pissed because they been left in the dust.
The shrinking Qult of the Trumpybear did get a tingle up their backside seeing their exalted one on CNN spewing the lies they like. But the rest of the world saw him repeat the same debunked bullshit lies he's been spewing out again and again. He'll sweep the Neo-GOP primaries and crater the whole party in the General.
You think Trump is a neo-nazi?
Asking for my "neighbor"...
CNN CEO Chris Licht on Thursday defended the network’s decision to host its town hall with Donald Trump as staff woke up to a blizzard of criticism about the calamitous broadcast, during which the former president regurgitated his lies about the 2020 election, distorted his record in office, and mocked a woman whom a jury just found him liable for sexually assaulting.

On a 9 a.m. editorial call, Licht praised the performance of moderator Kaitlan Collins, who battled in vain for 70 minutes on Wednesday night to push back against a tsunami of falsehoods spewed by Trump as an approving New Hampshire audience laughed and applauded. “I absolutely unequivocally believe America was served very well by what we did last night,” Licht told staff.

I watched it, I agree. All he did was peddle the falsehoods. I added another link as well. All lies.
He made a few valid points (why no peace talks about Ukraine / Russia and Europe not paying its fair share)
The greatest CON of the night "I can stop the war in less than 24 hours". :abgg2q.jpg:

I hope you Trump supporters wake up and realize this guy is nothing but a CON MAN.

Trump kicked CNN's ass. They even cut it short because he was making a fool of the CNN dickheads.
Hardly a disaster for Trump. A media outlet like CNN is supposed to broadcast an interview event without hysteria and hyperbole but it seems that CNN is overwhelmed with self pity and regret. Do they even know what the term "double down" means?
Hardly a disaster for Trump. A media outlet like CNN is supposed to broadcast an interview event without hysteria and hyperbole but it seems that CNN is overwhelmed with self pity and regret. Do they even know what the term "double down" means?
Well, if one thing, the CNN townhall flushed out a lot of sexual predator worshippers.

You keep stepping in it. It's always a pleasure slapping you with the Truth. :heehee:
You are lying all the time... finding a left wing news story means nothing.... Trump is not a sexual predator but Biden is....
biden held his secretary against an office wall and jammed his dirty finger into her.... and you didn't give a rip... so your crocodile tears for the plight of women means nothing.... you are a fraud.... and an uncaring bastard....

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