CNN Can't Find London on a Map. Oops.

We need maps to help build up our future and that of The Iraq. Therefore, such as.

[ame=]Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who's ever eaten a meal in London wants to forget where it is too..and quickly..



You've either, never been to London or you dined at Mickey D's.


Been to London many times deary..and no..never been to Mickey D's in London (If you meant McDonalds..sheesh..I wish).

I will say one or 2 good things..I never got food poisoning in London. And the English countryside is lovely..though getting use to driving on the wrong side of the road was a bitch.
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Anyone who's ever eaten a meal in London wants to forget where it is too..and quickly..



You've either, never been to London or you dined at Mickey D's.


I fondly remember a place in London called "The Hunger Years.... Best burger I ever had anywhere.....

In 2010, 3 of the 'world's best restaurants were in the UK. That crap about their food may have been true - it isn't any longer. I guess Swallow lives in the past... or he is just an idiot.
Anyone who's ever eaten a meal in London wants to forget where it is too..and quickly..



You've either, never been to London or you dined at Mickey D's.


Been to London many times deary..and no..never been to Mickey D's.

I will say one or 2 good things..I never got food poisoning in London. And the English countryside is lovely..though getting use to driving on the wrong side of the road was a bitch.

If you really had, you would know that their food is excellent.
You've either, never been to London or you dined at Mickey D's.


I fondly remember a place in London called "The Hunger Years.... Best burger I ever had anywhere.....

In 2010, 3 of the 'world's best restaurants were in the UK. That crap about their food may have been true - it isn't any longer. I guess Swallow lives in the past... or he is just an idiot.

Oh gosh NaziBitch..don't we all? Past, Present and Future..

I guess you English..are so in the moment. Like your preoccupation with swallowing.

Appreciated..but not wanted.

Was actually in Earl's Court...... The west side I think??????
I trust you gave her a lesson in GIGO.........

Precisely SFC. Her little doe eyes widened. Educated and lovely gal she is; just needed a reality check.

However, this is the mindset of many. Back to basics such as having to write country and city names on a map - maybe then CNN (media) slide producers would know London is not nearly a somewhat coastal town - or at the very least want their work to be accurate.

Oh well, my pizza has arrived and the beer is cold.
[ame=]****** ****** ****** cnn's big mistake lmfao - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who's ever eaten a meal in London wants to forget where it is too..and quickly..



Nahhh, a good shepards pie or the ever popular fish and chips and you're good to go. They have proper beer there too!
For comparison purposes only.

Technically, they also got 'Cornwall' wrong too. Cornwall is a county, not a city, and while the 'dot' is in the county of Cornwall, Cornwall is slightly more than just that dot.

CNN - Liars! :lol::lol:

Wrong. It's an unitary authority, and is technically a part of the country of England (ceremonially). Who's lying now? ;)

Ok I don't think you lied, I just think you just didn't know what you were talking about (gasp! but that would never happen rights?!).

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