CNN: China says it is restarting trade talks with the US

Oh my, Trump won again.

Now we can finally get fair trade.
how does someone win when they push the other away from the table and our "success" is getting them back?

at best it's a move in a stupid chess game. at worst, it was a lot of hectic hell that won't ever really justify itself.

where it lands still has a long way to go but i can tell you my own "portfolio" is not happy these days.
If you are more worried about a portfolio then you are gas prices or jobs then perhaps you don't understand investing or perhaps a savings account is a better fit. You could try mutual funds but they also rely on stocks.
I have been investing since the early 70's and I love it when I can buy low. The stock market has always been a series of highs and lows. To expect otherwise is sheer lunacy. I still have the same stocks that I first bought. I have been retired for years, before I was even 62. I am buying stocks now. Not as many as I would if I were still working but as many as I can and still live comfortably.

My point is the stock market will go up. Fuel prices are down. Fuel prices affects everyone on a daily basis. From the more well to do to the lowest paid. The job market is looking for help. The better the market the more wages go up, the less on welfare, the more that can be spent on things like infrasturucture. A strong job market affects us all.
i don't put gas prices next to my portfolio because they really don't belong together. one is controlled by opec, not our president to a large degree and the other is a wide mix of many into 1 portfolio.

and i do look long term. year to date i'm down around 9%. i can hope it rebounds but since the market HATES uncertainty, they don't like what trump is doing and until it does in fact pay off, the uncertainty will be showing up on the market.
Oh my, Trump won again.

Now we can finally get fair trade.

only a moron calls a win before the kickoff of a game!

I predict we will get about what we got with the new NAFTA, a few tweaks here and there, no major changes and you sheep will worship Trump even more.

I agree. Lets wait and see what kind of dealing goes on.

Not good to count your chickens before they hatch.
Oh my, Trump won again.

Now we can finally get fair trade.
how does someone win when they push the other away from the table and our "success" is getting them back?

at best it's a move in a stupid chess game. at worst, it was a lot of hectic hell that won't ever really justify itself.

where it lands still has a long way to go but i can tell you my own "portfolio" is not happy these days.
Democrats I urge you to pay attention to trump if you ever want to govern again
LOL, You're joking, right?
Prove to me the market represents a healthy careers economy.

Did you sleep through the 2008-9 collapse of the financial markets or something? Ever heard of the Great Depression? Guess what triggered it? If you guessed a disruption of credit and risk aversion in the equities markets you guessed correctly.

Putting aside the fact that the Financial Sector represents over 40% of the domestic economy, when capital and credit flows are disrupted every other sector is forced to curtail activity because the life blood of their businesses becomes more scarce and more expensive, that situation has a distinctly negative effect on employment and wages.
I don’t do Rush Limbaugh rolled up statistics.
The Housing Bubble was great for Wall Street and meaningless for Main Street.

LOL, obviously you WERE asleep throughout 2008-9, lucky you since it wasn't much fun for most everybody else that was awake.

Sheesh, it never ceases to amaze me that there are still people out there that cannot connect the dots between the health of our financial markets and the rest of the economy, it's like your perception of how the modern economy functions is based on the status quo during the Middle Ages.
I live in the NY/LI vicinity; blue collar workers lost their jobs, careers, homes and families and you sound like a Rush-not.

OIC, well excessive reliance on subjectivity does explain your apparent lack of understanding of how a modern economy functions with respect to its relationship to capital and credit.

For the record though, I am a big fan of Rush but alas they've never contributed anything to my understanding of economics.


"Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
" -- Rush, Tom Sawyer
Source: CNN.COM
US-China trade talks to resume amid global market chaos - CNNPolitics

"Hong Kong (CNN) China has set a date for a new round of talks with the United States aimed at ending a trade war that is spooking global markets and hurting businesses.

China's Commerce Ministry said Friday that US deputy trade representative Jeffrey Gerrish would hold negotiations with Chinese officials on January 7-8 in Beijing. The White House is yet to confirm the talks.
They will be the first formal negotiations on trade between the world's two biggest economies since President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, agreed to a truce at the G20 summit in Argentina last month.

US trade negotiators will "optimistically and constructively communicate with (the) Chinese delegation on the important agreements achieved by the two leaders during the meeting in Argentina," China's Commerce Ministry said in a statement, without giving further details. Officials from both countries spoke on the phone Friday, it added."

Finally some good news coming from this Administration, perhaps the 6 six month acid trip the Trump Administration has been on is coming to an end.

They need to get this U.S.-Sino trade spat nonsense over with before it causes irreparable damage to global economic growth and the U.S. domestic economy.

Trump is likely to win this one too.....good for him...he was right.....they were wrong..... China is hurting and maybe Trump can get them to join the world and do the right thing on trade....
Source: CNN.COM
US-China trade talks to resume amid global market chaos - CNNPolitics

"Hong Kong (CNN) China has set a date for a new round of talks with the United States aimed at ending a trade war that is spooking global markets and hurting businesses.

China's Commerce Ministry said Friday that US deputy trade representative Jeffrey Gerrish would hold negotiations with Chinese officials on January 7-8 in Beijing. The White House is yet to confirm the talks.
They will be the first formal negotiations on trade between the world's two biggest economies since President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, agreed to a truce at the G20 summit in Argentina last month.

US trade negotiators will "optimistically and constructively communicate with (the) Chinese delegation on the important agreements achieved by the two leaders during the meeting in Argentina," China's Commerce Ministry said in a statement, without giving further details. Officials from both countries spoke on the phone Friday, it added."

Finally some good news coming from this Administration, perhaps the 6 six month acid trip the Trump Administration has been on is coming to an end.

They need to get this U.S.-Sino trade spat nonsense over with before it causes irreparable damage to global economic growth and the U.S. domestic economy.

Trump is likely to win this one too.....good for him...he was right.....they were wrong..... China is hurting and maybe Trump can get them to join the world and do the right thing on trade....

I hope he does, however given the track record so far, I'll remain in a wait and see mode, so far we haven't "won" anything, it's been nothing but opportunity cost.

Today's news is a bit encouraging though, so he deserves a pat on the back for it.

"Voluntary Trade creates wealth" -- Economic Core Principle
Prove to me the market represents a healthy careers economy.

Did you sleep through the 2008-9 collapse of the financial markets or something? Ever heard of the Great Depression? Guess what triggered it? If you guessed a disruption of credit and risk aversion in the equities markets you guessed correctly.

Putting aside the fact that the Financial Sector represents over 40% of the domestic economy, when capital and credit flows are disrupted every other sector is forced to curtail activity because the life blood of their businesses becomes more scarce and more expensive, that situation has a distinctly negative effect on employment and wages.
I don’t do Rush Limbaugh rolled up statistics.
The Housing Bubble was great for Wall Street and meaningless for Main Street.

LOL, obviously you WERE asleep throughout 2008-9, lucky you since it wasn't much fun for most everybody else that was awake.

Sheesh, it never ceases to amaze me that there are still people out there that cannot connect the dots between the health of our financial markets and the rest of the economy, it's like your perception of how the modern economy functions is based on the status quo during the Middle Ages.
I live in the NY/LI vicinity; blue collar workers lost their jobs, careers, homes and families and you sound like a Rush-not.

OIC, well excessive reliance on subjectivity does explain your apparent lack of understanding of how a modern economy functions with respect to its relationship to capital and credit.

For the record though, I am a big fan of Rush but alas they've never contributed anything to my understanding of economics.


"Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
" -- Rush, Tom Sawyer
Rush is the master of massaging information.
And he is solely concerned with his own success.
Globalist Limbaugh was totally against MAGA Trump until 4 days before the election.
Rush is a pos.
Did you sleep through the 2008-9 collapse of the financial markets or something? Ever heard of the Great Depression? Guess what triggered it? If you guessed a disruption of credit and risk aversion in the equities markets you guessed correctly.

Putting aside the fact that the Financial Sector represents over 40% of the domestic economy, when capital and credit flows are disrupted every other sector is forced to curtail activity because the life blood of their businesses becomes more scarce and more expensive, that situation has a distinctly negative effect on employment and wages.
I don’t do Rush Limbaugh rolled up statistics.
The Housing Bubble was great for Wall Street and meaningless for Main Street.

LOL, obviously you WERE asleep throughout 2008-9, lucky you since it wasn't much fun for most everybody else that was awake.

Sheesh, it never ceases to amaze me that there are still people out there that cannot connect the dots between the health of our financial markets and the rest of the economy, it's like your perception of how the modern economy functions is based on the status quo during the Middle Ages.
I live in the NY/LI vicinity; blue collar workers lost their jobs, careers, homes and families and you sound like a Rush-not.

OIC, well excessive reliance on subjectivity does explain your apparent lack of understanding of how a modern economy functions with respect to its relationship to capital and credit.

For the record though, I am a big fan of Rush but alas they've never contributed anything to my understanding of economics.


"Today's Tom Sawyer
He gets by on you
And the space he invades
He gets by on you
" -- Rush, Tom Sawyer
Rush is the master of massaging information.
And he is solely concerned with his own success.
Wouldn't know, his opinions have never interested me after all he's just an opinionated entertainer not a scholar.

Globalist Limbaugh was totally against MAGA Trump until 4 days before the election.
Rush is a pos.
I'll take your word for it, after all you seem to be a lot more interested in what he thinks than I am. :dunno:

"It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance." -- Murray Rothbard
Oh my, Trump won again.

Now we can finally get fair trade.
how does someone win when they push the other away from the table and our "success" is getting them back?

at best it's a move in a stupid chess game. at worst, it was a lot of hectic hell that won't ever really justify itself.

where it lands still has a long way to go but i can tell you my own "portfolio" is not happy these days.
If you are more worried about a portfolio then you are gas prices or jobs then perhaps you don't understand investing or perhaps a savings account is a better fit. You could try mutual funds but they also rely on stocks.
I have been investing since the early 70's and I love it when I can buy low. The stock market has always been a series of highs and lows. To expect otherwise is sheer lunacy. I still have the same stocks that I first bought. I have been retired for years, before I was even 62. I am buying stocks now. Not as many as I would if I were still working but as many as I can and still live comfortably.

My point is the stock market will go up. Fuel prices are down. Fuel prices affects everyone on a daily basis. From the more well to do to the lowest paid. The job market is looking for help. The better the market the more wages go up, the less on welfare, the more that can be spent on things like infrasturucture. A strong job market affects us all.
i don't put gas prices next to my portfolio because they really don't belong together. one is controlled by opec, not our president to a large degree and the other is a wide mix of many into 1 portfolio.

and i do look long term. year to date i'm down around 9%. i can hope it rebounds but since the market HATES uncertainty, they don't like what trump is doing and until it does in fact pay off, the uncertainty will be showing up on the market.
Well let's look at the claim of 9%. Did you buy when the stock market was above 25? Is so then I can see where you would be upset. The only problem is you foolishly did not follow the number one rule of buy low.
If you are talking not buying but are comparing money you would have had when the market was in the 27's to what you would have if you sold now then you are talking a false comparison since you say you are in for the long term and would not have sold at either price.

You are correct the market does not like uncertainty. To place it all on Trump is being biased or blind. The election years have always been an uncertainty for the market.

Buy the way not all oil prices are controlled by OPEC. If the U.S. for instance decides to put a large quantity of oil on the market and will sell for less then OPEC they have affected the market. OPEC would love for oil to be up in the hundred dollar range. Unfortunately for them we are not as dependent as we once were.
Oh my, Trump won again.

Now we can finally get fair trade.
how does someone win when they push the other away from the table and our "success" is getting them back?

at best it's a move in a stupid chess game. at worst, it was a lot of hectic hell that won't ever really justify itself.

where it lands still has a long way to go but i can tell you my own "portfolio" is not happy these days.
If you are more worried about a portfolio then you are gas prices or jobs then perhaps you don't understand investing or perhaps a savings account is a better fit. You could try mutual funds but they also rely on stocks.
I have been investing since the early 70's and I love it when I can buy low. The stock market has always been a series of highs and lows. To expect otherwise is sheer lunacy. I still have the same stocks that I first bought. I have been retired for years, before I was even 62. I am buying stocks now. Not as many as I would if I were still working but as many as I can and still live comfortably.

My point is the stock market will go up. Fuel prices are down. Fuel prices affects everyone on a daily basis. From the more well to do to the lowest paid. The job market is looking for help. The better the market the more wages go up, the less on welfare, the more that can be spent on things like infrasturucture. A strong job market affects us all.
i don't put gas prices next to my portfolio because they really don't belong together. one is controlled by opec, not our president to a large degree and the other is a wide mix of many into 1 portfolio.

and i do look long term. year to date i'm down around 9%. i can hope it rebounds but since the market HATES uncertainty, they don't like what trump is doing and until it does in fact pay off, the uncertainty will be showing up on the market.
Well let's look at the claim of 9%. Did you buy when the stock market was above 25? Is so then I can see where you would be upset. The only problem is you foolishly did not follow the number one rule of buy low.
If you are talking not buying but are comparing money you would have had when the market was in the 27's to what you would have if you sold now then you are talking a false comparison since you say you are in for the long term and would not have sold at either price.

You are correct the market does not like uncertainty. To place it all on Trump is being biased or blind. The election years have always been an uncertainty for the market.

Buy the way not all oil prices are controlled by OPEC. If the U.S. for instance decides to put a large quantity of oil on the market and will sell for less then OPEC they have affected the market. OPEC would love for oil to be up in the hundred dollar range. Unfortunately for them we are not as dependent as we once were.

you know nothing of my circumstances but yet you think you do. i find that rather "foolish" to call someone out when you know how how it was built. but since that's what you do, i'm just gonna let it go and not get into verbal war.

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