CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

I see your point. The prez needs to simply take criticism. The best leaders accept it without getting mad and move on. Keeping quiet always is most admired by all.
How'd that work out for George W. Bush and Mitt Romney?
If you had watched the CBS Evening News and local 11pm until 1985 and then not at all until today, you would be unwilling to believe that either example is “”News” based on the context of how you knew it in 85
You would say it was a political discussion battleground, like the old Agronsky and Company , but not news .
Just checked YouTube and found many old news broadcasts. Truly surreal.
If you had watched the CBS Evening News and local 11pm until 1985 and then not at all until today, you would be unwilling to believe that either example is “”News” based on the context of how you knew it in 85
You would say it was a political discussion battleground, like the old Agronsky and Company , but not news .
Just checked YouTube and found many old news broadcasts. Truly surreal.
News then was “Fatal traffic accident at Main and 5th”
News today is “Was racism involved in vicious hit and run at Main and 5th”
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?

Remember- Fox is essentially the only news that Don the Con doesnt' attack.

And it is no surprise why.
The only news outlet permitted on Air Force Ine. Fox & Friends occupies his mornings. He calls them in air and lies for minutes at a time. Pillow talks with Hannity.

Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?

Remember- Fox is essentially the only news that Don the Con doesnt' attack.

And it is no surprise why.
The only news outlet permitted on Air Force Ine. Fox & Friends occupies his mornings. He calls them in air and lies for minutes at a time. Pillow talks with Hannity.

Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.
Violent Intolerant Liberals demand single position messaging - theirs. PERIOD.
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He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
Do you have any fucking clue what CNN and MSNBC commentators say or have said? Why do you think Manafort has a goddamn thing to do with the Russians or Trump's supposed "collusion"? Do you think Mueller is the national Inspector General who can prosecute whoever the fuck he wants when he wants on the tax payer dime?

Trump got the remains of the soldiers and they are no longer shooting missiles with the intent to hit Japan. You think Trump didn't get anything because you are a mindless hack.

It is more a case of YOU siding with the disgusting leadership of the intelligence agency over your fellow citizens who voted for the elected president of this country. There are no people more reprehensible and disgraceful to reputation of our agents than John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok etc.

They are summer camps moron. I have been to summer camps that were worse. The sole problem was the fact that the children were too young to be separated from their parents , and that was the parent's fault for not coming here through the proper channels. It is hilarious how you are too stupid to see how fucked up it is for the media to use pictures of Obama's camps as visual representation to the public and then to liken it to the death camps or Japanese internment camps just because they are all "camps". It is also hilarious how you don't understand that this incident is not any different than when kids living in this country lose their parents due to a prison sentence.
Manadort was Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort asked not to be paid, in spite of the fact that he was broke when he started working for Trump. Manafort' prefious gig was for the Putin friendly leader of Ukraine. Well, he got deposed and went into exile in Russia. Manafort was instrumental in getting language advocating sanctions on Russia for taking over Crimea and shooting down a civilian airliner over Ukraine stricken from the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland. Manafort has extensive ties to Russian leaders. He dined with Putin. Then he gets fabulously wealthy while and after working for Trump. Any dots connecting,upstairs there, Fox Boy?

Mueller' investigation has been going on for fifteen months. Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater went on for more than two years and did not revel any malfeasance about an Arkansas real estate deal, but hinged on a blue semen stained dress. Do you want to know more about the job of Special Prosecutor, or are you wise enough to see that these investigations go wherever the money and lies go.

Trump tweeted out that there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, before our intelligence revealed North Korea is still enriching fissile material and hasn't dismantled a single site. There are no international inspectors on the ground in North Korea. No specific North Korean projects have been suspended. In fact, the only thing that has been suspended are the joint military excerise with South Korea and Japan.

Kim played Trump like a two dollar banjo, then stopped talking. Master dealmaker!

Citizen do not take sides between a president who lost the popular vote, or any president for that matter against our intelligence community. Rather we trust that intelligence community to keep us safe from terrorists, Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, well all hackers. We trust them to carry out thorough investigations of suspected attacks on our democracy and when they find them, make sure that A) it never happens again and B) those involved see justice. Only a cynic would think that a president is above the law. The law is the great leveler, not a crowbar Tom separate presidents from the people and our code of law.

Reprehensible and disgraceful reputations are not bornmof political allegiance but by doing bad deeds and lying to the people. Because these men say the emperor has no clothes does not make them reprehensible and disgraceful.

What's the difference between summer camps and child detention centers? You know when you go home from summer camp. Using children as pawns in a harsh political policy is what we were talking about in the previous paragraph. Reprehensible and disgusting. Like the fumbling, bumbling Muslim travel ban rolled out without forethought or planning, this zero tolerance debacle was not just a political faux pas but a humanitarian one on a grand scale. You cannot defend the notion that the only way to deal with families, even though they were legally within their bounds to seek asylum, is to break them up. That shows either intentional cruelty or massive ineptitude. And Trump used to say he wants extreme competence.

You've got some nerve to ignore the truth screaming in you face and smear to say anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with this administration is either stupid, corrupt or evil. I honestly don't think any of those adjectives apply to Trump, his policies and his followers. And that's the real shame of it all. You'll never accept the truth. Unless Dox News has some Road to Damascus monument or Trump's antics prove to be the camel's fatal straw,
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?

Remember- Fox is essentially the only news that Don the Con doesnt' attack.

And it is no surprise why.
The only news outlet permitted on Air Force Ine. Fox & Friends occupies his mornings. He calls them in air and lies for minutes at a time. Pillow talks with Hannity.

Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.
Viplenty Intolerant Liberals demand single position messaging - theirs. PERIOD.
Are you talking about Trump because that was the case I just laid out. Unless Reump subscribes to the Pro Publica podcast or watches Rachel Maddox.
Acosta and CNN are throwing a fit here, not conservatives.

Conservatives are fine with continuing to mock and laugh at Libtards in the Lame Stream Media
Bullshit. This constant attack on the media is one long temper tantrum. You kids whine and wimper every time someone prints something you don't like. Hell, you've reinvented your own "news" industry just so you can only hear what you want to hear, even when it is obviously fake.

The Media attacked the Trumpster first. They just didn't like being called out, they don't have any respect for anyone else's right to free speech.
Not so. "The media" did their job and reported on things he did/said. He didn't like it so he went on the attack.
he's not allowed?
No. He's allowed to his opinion, and even allowed to state it. As *president* he should not be poisoning the well so to speak.
Huh? So it’s ok for the media to poison the wells?
Acosta and CNN are throwing a fit here, not conservatives.

Conservatives are fine with continuing to mock and laugh at Libtards in the Lame Stream Media
Bullshit. This constant attack on the media is one long temper tantrum. You kids whine and wimper every time someone prints something you don't like. Hell, you've reinvented your own "news" industry just so you can only hear what you want to hear, even when it is obviously fake.
show me your outrage at obama trashing fox and that part of the media. last i checked 99% of the liberals felt that was ok and justified cause they hated the way FOX news presented the story.

ergo - same for CNN and those who hate it.

if taking it to the media is wrong, thank obama. he started this shit. trump just took it to a new level.

rest assured NO PRESIDENT should be telling our media what is right or wrong but all this BAD TRUMP w/o holding obama accountable as well is pure bullshit.
Faux Noize has a well earned reputation for pushing conspiracy theories, twisting the truth, and telling outright lies. They've been doing it since the beginning of the Obama administration.
so because you call them FAUX NOIZE i'm supposed to believe they only lie?

WE NEED OUR WEAVES!!! I DON'T WEAR THEM BUT WE NEED THEM. youtube that about CNN reporting and get back to me.

you show me fox news altering reality like that and we'll talk. til then you're just like obama - bitching at fox news and trying your damn-dest to discredit them and giggle so in effect people won't want to bring them up. very clever tactic but only a idiot relies ONLY on something like that.

fake news? let me load up some washington post for you -

Analysis | Sarah Huckabee Sanders indicts the media — on bogus, Trumped-up charges

The media “said I should be harassed as a life sentence”
wapo rebuttle
Nobody said Sanders should be harassed as a life sentence.

they end their paragraph with:
Rubin said nothing directly about people “harassing” Sanders, although she did say being “uncomfortable” should be a “life sentence” for Sanders, for “lying” and “inciting” people against the press.

The media said “that I should be choked”
Nobody advocated for Sanders being choked.

MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace (whose show I have appeared on, full disclosure) didn't call for choking Sanders, but instead asked a reporter if she ever wanted to “wring” Sanders's neck out of frustration.

wring your neck - chocked? come on people, same damn thing.

how if the media is going to fucking lie hand over fist, "we the people" have every right to call them out on it. NO VIOLENCE but when do you call a lie a lie? when it suits your purposes?

so - you can continue on with FAUX HAHA I TOLD you crap or you can sit and look around and realize the media is full of fucking shit.
Somebody needs to learn the difference between an opinion piece and a news story.

I understand why you are having problems though, you being a faux noize fan and all. They rarely bother to differentiate.
Mentioning your favorite channel again!
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
Do you have any fucking clue what CNN and MSNBC commentators say or have said? Why do you think Manafort has a goddamn thing to do with the Russians or Trump's supposed "collusion"? Do you think Mueller is the national Inspector General who can prosecute whoever the fuck he wants when he wants on the tax payer dime?

Trump got the remains of the soldiers and they are no longer shooting missiles with the intent to hit Japan. You think Trump didn't get anything because you are a mindless hack.

It is more a case of YOU siding with the disgusting leadership of the intelligence agency over your fellow citizens who voted for the elected president of this country. There are no people more reprehensible and disgraceful to reputation of our agents than John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok etc.

They are summer camps moron. I have been to summer camps that were worse. The sole problem was the fact that the children were too young to be separated from their parents , and that was the parent's fault for not coming here through the proper channels. It is hilarious how you are too stupid to see how fucked up it is for the media to use pictures of Obama's camps as visual representation to the public and then to liken it to the death camps or Japanese internment camps just because they are all "camps". It is also hilarious how you don't understand that this incident is not any different than when kids living in this country lose their parents due to a prison sentence.
Manadort was Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort asked not to be paid, in spite of the fact that he was broke when he started working for Trump. Manafort' prefious gig was for the Putin friendly leader of Ukraine. Well, he got deposed and went into exile in Russia. Manafort was instrumental in getting language advocating sanctions on Russia for taking over Crimea and shooting down a civilian airliner over Ukraine stricken from the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland. Manafort has extensive ties to Russian leaders. He dined with Putin. Then he gets fabulously wealthy while and after working for Trump. Any dots connecting,upstairs there, Fox Boy?

Mueller' investigation has been going on for fifteen months. Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater went on for more than two years and did not revel any malfeasance about an Arkansas real estate deal, but hinged on a blue semen stained dress. Do you want to know more about the job of Special Prosecutor, or are you wise enough to see that these investigations go wherever the money and lies go.

Trump tweeted out that there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, before our intelligence revealed North Korea is still enriching fissile material and hasn't dismantled a single site. There are no international inspectors on the ground in North Korea. No specific North Korean projects have been suspended. In fact, the only thing that has been suspended are the joint military excerise with South Korea and Japan.

Kim played Trump like a two dollar banjo, then stopped talking. Master dealmaker!

Citizen do not take sides between a president who lost the popular vote, or any president for that matter against our intelligence community. Rather we trust that intelligence community to keep us safe from terrorists, Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, well all hackers. We trust them to carry out thorough investigations of suspected attacks on our democracy and when they find them, make sure that A) it never happens again and B) those involved see justice. Only a cynic would think that a president is above the law. The law is the great leveler, not a crowbar Tom separate presidents from the people and our code of law.

Reprehensible and disgraceful reputations are not bornmof political allegiance but by doing bad deeds and lying to the people. Because these men say the emperor has no clothes does not make them reprehensible and disgraceful.

What's the difference between summer camps and child detention centers? You know when you go home from summer camp. Using children as pawns in a harsh political policy is what we were talking about in the previous paragraph. Reprehensible and disgusting. Like the fumbling, bumbling Muslim travel ban rolled out without forethought or planning, this zero tolerance debacle was not just a political faux pas but a humanitarian one on a grand scale. You cannot defend the notion that the only way to deal with families, even though they were legally within their bounds to seek asylum, is to break them up. That shows either intentional cruelty or massive ineptitude. And Trump used to say he wants extreme competence.

You've got some nerve to ignore the truth screaming in you face and smear to say anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with this administration is either stupid, corrupt or evil. I honestly don't think any of those adjectives apply to Trump, his policies and his followers. And that's the real shame of it all. You'll never accept the truth. Unless Dox News has some Road to Damascus monument or Trump's antics prove to be the camel's fatal straw,

I didn't see many on the left defending the intelligence agencies during the Iraq war, or when Cindy Sheehan was camping across the street from the Bush ranch. I did hear a lot of "Bush lied, people died".
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
Do you have any fucking clue what CNN and MSNBC commentators say or have said? Why do you think Manafort has a goddamn thing to do with the Russians or Trump's supposed "collusion"? Do you think Mueller is the national Inspector General who can prosecute whoever the fuck he wants when he wants on the tax payer dime?

Trump got the remains of the soldiers and they are no longer shooting missiles with the intent to hit Japan. You think Trump didn't get anything because you are a mindless hack.

It is more a case of YOU siding with the disgusting leadership of the intelligence agency over your fellow citizens who voted for the elected president of this country. There are no people more reprehensible and disgraceful to reputation of our agents than John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok etc.

They are summer camps moron. I have been to summer camps that were worse. The sole problem was the fact that the children were too young to be separated from their parents , and that was the parent's fault for not coming here through the proper channels. It is hilarious how you are too stupid to see how fucked up it is for the media to use pictures of Obama's camps as visual representation to the public and then to liken it to the death camps or Japanese internment camps just because they are all "camps". It is also hilarious how you don't understand that this incident is not any different than when kids living in this country lose their parents due to a prison sentence.
Manadort was Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort asked not to be paid, in spite of the fact that he was broke when he started working for Trump. Manafort' prefious gig was for the Putin friendly leader of Ukraine. Well, he got deposed and went into exile in Russia. Manafort was instrumental in getting language advocating sanctions on Russia for taking over Crimea and shooting down a civilian airliner over Ukraine stricken from the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland. Manafort has extensive ties to Russian leaders. He dined with Putin. Then he gets fabulously wealthy while and after working for Trump. Any dots connecting,upstairs there, Fox Boy?

Mueller' investigation has been going on for fifteen months. Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater went on for more than two years and did not revel any malfeasance about an Arkansas real estate deal, but hinged on a blue semen stained dress. Do you want to know more about the job of Special Prosecutor, or are you wise enough to see that these investigations go wherever the money and lies go.

Trump tweeted out that there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, before our intelligence revealed North Korea is still enriching fissile material and hasn't dismantled a single site. There are no international inspectors on the ground in North Korea. No specific North Korean projects have been suspended. In fact, the only thing that has been suspended are the joint military excerise with South Korea and Japan.

Kim played Trump like a two dollar banjo, then stopped talking. Master dealmaker!

Citizen do not take sides between a president who lost the popular vote, or any president for that matter against our intelligence community. Rather we trust that intelligence community to keep us safe from terrorists, Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, well all hackers. We trust them to carry out thorough investigations of suspected attacks on our democracy and when they find them, make sure that A) it never happens again and B) those involved see justice. Only a cynic would think that a president is above the law. The law is the great leveler, not a crowbar Tom separate presidents from the people and our code of law.

Reprehensible and disgraceful reputations are not bornmof political allegiance but by doing bad deeds and lying to the people. Because these men say the emperor has no clothes does not make them reprehensible and disgraceful.

What's the difference between summer camps and child detention centers? You know when you go home from summer camp. Using children as pawns in a harsh political policy is what we were talking about in the previous paragraph. Reprehensible and disgusting. Like the fumbling, bumbling Muslim travel ban rolled out without forethought or planning, this zero tolerance debacle was not just a political faux pas but a humanitarian one on a grand scale. You cannot defend the notion that the only way to deal with families, even though they were legally within their bounds to seek asylum, is to break them up. That shows either intentional cruelty or massive ineptitude. And Trump used to say he wants extreme competence.

You've got some nerve to ignore the truth screaming in you face and smear to say anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with this administration is either stupid, corrupt or evil. I honestly don't think any of those adjectives apply to Trump, his policies and his followers. And that's the real shame of it all. You'll never accept the truth. Unless Dox News has some Road to Damascus monument or Trump's antics prove to be the camel's fatal straw,
Hillary took over $125 MILLION from the KGB Bank.
- Why is she not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating her?

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for unverified propaganda she illegally used in a US election.
- Why is she not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating her?

Bill took $500k from the KGB Bank, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, and when he couldn't he met with Putin.
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

John Podesta was Hillary's Campaign Manager, took thousands of shares of Russian Stocks, 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contact to the Kremlin and Putin, and his company had the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency as clients....his company was also Manafort's 'partner in crimes' , just as guilty as Manafort of the crimes he has been charged with.... But he is being ptotected...
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

His brother, Fat Tony, worked for the Russians as an unregistered foreign agent and everything said of his brother goes for him too.
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
Do you have any fucking clue what CNN and MSNBC commentators say or have said? Why do you think Manafort has a goddamn thing to do with the Russians or Trump's supposed "collusion"? Do you think Mueller is the national Inspector General who can prosecute whoever the fuck he wants when he wants on the tax payer dime?

Trump got the remains of the soldiers and they are no longer shooting missiles with the intent to hit Japan. You think Trump didn't get anything because you are a mindless hack.

It is more a case of YOU siding with the disgusting leadership of the intelligence agency over your fellow citizens who voted for the elected president of this country. There are no people more reprehensible and disgraceful to reputation of our agents than John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok etc.

They are summer camps moron. I have been to summer camps that were worse. The sole problem was the fact that the children were too young to be separated from their parents , and that was the parent's fault for not coming here through the proper channels. It is hilarious how you are too stupid to see how fucked up it is for the media to use pictures of Obama's camps as visual representation to the public and then to liken it to the death camps or Japanese internment camps just because they are all "camps". It is also hilarious how you don't understand that this incident is not any different than when kids living in this country lose their parents due to a prison sentence.
Manadort was Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort asked not to be paid, in spite of the fact that he was broke when he started working for Trump. Manafort' prefious gig was for the Putin friendly leader of Ukraine. Well, he got deposed and went into exile in Russia. Manafort was instrumental in getting language advocating sanctions on Russia for taking over Crimea and shooting down a civilian airliner over Ukraine stricken from the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland. Manafort has extensive ties to Russian leaders. He dined with Putin. Then he gets fabulously wealthy while and after working for Trump. Any dots connecting,upstairs there, Fox Boy?

Mueller' investigation has been going on for fifteen months. Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater went on for more than two years and did not revel any malfeasance about an Arkansas real estate deal, but hinged on a blue semen stained dress. Do you want to know more about the job of Special Prosecutor, or are you wise enough to see that these investigations go wherever the money and lies go.

Trump tweeted out that there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, before our intelligence revealed North Korea is still enriching fissile material and hasn't dismantled a single site. There are no international inspectors on the ground in North Korea. No specific North Korean projects have been suspended. In fact, the only thing that has been suspended are the joint military excerise with South Korea and Japan.

Kim played Trump like a two dollar banjo, then stopped talking. Master dealmaker!

Citizen do not take sides between a president who lost the popular vote, or any president for that matter against our intelligence community. Rather we trust that intelligence community to keep us safe from terrorists, Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, well all hackers. We trust them to carry out thorough investigations of suspected attacks on our democracy and when they find them, make sure that A) it never happens again and B) those involved see justice. Only a cynic would think that a president is above the law. The law is the great leveler, not a crowbar Tom separate presidents from the people and our code of law.

Reprehensible and disgraceful reputations are not bornmof political allegiance but by doing bad deeds and lying to the people. Because these men say the emperor has no clothes does not make them reprehensible and disgraceful.

What's the difference between summer camps and child detention centers? You know when you go home from summer camp. Using children as pawns in a harsh political policy is what we were talking about in the previous paragraph. Reprehensible and disgusting. Like the fumbling, bumbling Muslim travel ban rolled out without forethought or planning, this zero tolerance debacle was not just a political faux pas but a humanitarian one on a grand scale. You cannot defend the notion that the only way to deal with families, even though they were legally within their bounds to seek asylum, is to break them up. That shows either intentional cruelty or massive ineptitude. And Trump used to say he wants extreme competence.

You've got some nerve to ignore the truth screaming in you face and smear to say anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with this administration is either stupid, corrupt or evil. I honestly don't think any of those adjectives apply to Trump, his policies and his followers. And that's the real shame of it all. You'll never accept the truth. Unless Dox News has some Road to Damascus monument or Trump's antics prove to be the camel's fatal straw,

I didn't see many on the left defending the intelligence agencies during the Iraq war, or when Cindy Sheehan was camping across the street from the Bush ranch. I did hear a lot of "Bush lied, people died".
I don't blame the intell community in the Iraq debacle. I blame the new-cons for cherry picking intel to frame up an excuse for war.
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?
It is like you don't even understand that Fox's coverage of Trump is barely more positive than their coverage of Obama. The only reason they are being positive at all is because of consumer confidence and the huge initial jump in the stock market. Before Trump won Fox was still lying about Trump making fun of a reporter's "disability". Obsequiousness is when the media thinks you are a divine being who will make the waters rise and they get a "thrill" up their leg when they hear you speak.

CNN does not have a "right" to make the news, moron. They can just as easily be replaced by another insidious 3 letter "news" channel.
I've listened to Fox commentators call Mueller' investigation a witch hunt. I've listened to them heap praise on Trump for getting nothing from the North Koreans, siding with Russia while standing on foreign soil next to Pitin against our own intelligence community. I've heard them describe child detention centers as summer camps. That's obsequiousness in spades.
Do you have any fucking clue what CNN and MSNBC commentators say or have said? Why do you think Manafort has a goddamn thing to do with the Russians or Trump's supposed "collusion"? Do you think Mueller is the national Inspector General who can prosecute whoever the fuck he wants when he wants on the tax payer dime?

Trump got the remains of the soldiers and they are no longer shooting missiles with the intent to hit Japan. You think Trump didn't get anything because you are a mindless hack.

It is more a case of YOU siding with the disgusting leadership of the intelligence agency over your fellow citizens who voted for the elected president of this country. There are no people more reprehensible and disgraceful to reputation of our agents than John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, Peter Strzok etc.

They are summer camps moron. I have been to summer camps that were worse. The sole problem was the fact that the children were too young to be separated from their parents , and that was the parent's fault for not coming here through the proper channels. It is hilarious how you are too stupid to see how fucked up it is for the media to use pictures of Obama's camps as visual representation to the public and then to liken it to the death camps or Japanese internment camps just because they are all "camps". It is also hilarious how you don't understand that this incident is not any different than when kids living in this country lose their parents due to a prison sentence.
Manadort was Trump's campaign chairman. Manafort asked not to be paid, in spite of the fact that he was broke when he started working for Trump. Manafort' prefious gig was for the Putin friendly leader of Ukraine. Well, he got deposed and went into exile in Russia. Manafort was instrumental in getting language advocating sanctions on Russia for taking over Crimea and shooting down a civilian airliner over Ukraine stricken from the GOP platform at the convention in Cleveland. Manafort has extensive ties to Russian leaders. He dined with Putin. Then he gets fabulously wealthy while and after working for Trump. Any dots connecting,upstairs there, Fox Boy?

Mueller' investigation has been going on for fifteen months. Ken Starr's investigation of Whitewater went on for more than two years and did not revel any malfeasance about an Arkansas real estate deal, but hinged on a blue semen stained dress. Do you want to know more about the job of Special Prosecutor, or are you wise enough to see that these investigations go wherever the money and lies go.

Trump tweeted out that there is no longer a nuclear threat from North Korea, before our intelligence revealed North Korea is still enriching fissile material and hasn't dismantled a single site. There are no international inspectors on the ground in North Korea. No specific North Korean projects have been suspended. In fact, the only thing that has been suspended are the joint military excerise with South Korea and Japan.

Kim played Trump like a two dollar banjo, then stopped talking. Master dealmaker!

Citizen do not take sides between a president who lost the popular vote, or any president for that matter against our intelligence community. Rather we trust that intelligence community to keep us safe from terrorists, Russian hackers, Chinese hackers, well all hackers. We trust them to carry out thorough investigations of suspected attacks on our democracy and when they find them, make sure that A) it never happens again and B) those involved see justice. Only a cynic would think that a president is above the law. The law is the great leveler, not a crowbar Tom separate presidents from the people and our code of law.

Reprehensible and disgraceful reputations are not bornmof political allegiance but by doing bad deeds and lying to the people. Because these men say the emperor has no clothes does not make them reprehensible and disgraceful.

What's the difference between summer camps and child detention centers? You know when you go home from summer camp. Using children as pawns in a harsh political policy is what we were talking about in the previous paragraph. Reprehensible and disgusting. Like the fumbling, bumbling Muslim travel ban rolled out without forethought or planning, this zero tolerance debacle was not just a political faux pas but a humanitarian one on a grand scale. You cannot defend the notion that the only way to deal with families, even though they were legally within their bounds to seek asylum, is to break them up. That shows either intentional cruelty or massive ineptitude. And Trump used to say he wants extreme competence.

You've got some nerve to ignore the truth screaming in you face and smear to say anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with this administration is either stupid, corrupt or evil. I honestly don't think any of those adjectives apply to Trump, his policies and his followers. And that's the real shame of it all. You'll never accept the truth. Unless Dox News has some Road to Damascus monument or Trump's antics prove to be the camel's fatal straw,
Hillary took over $125 MILLION from the KGB Bank.
- Why is she not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating her?

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for unverified propaganda she illegally used in a US election.
- Why is she not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating her?

Bill took $500k from the KGB Bank, tried to meet with Russian nuclear agency officials, and when he couldn't he met with Putin.
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

John Podesta was Hillary's Campaign Manager, took thousands of shares of Russian Stocks, 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had direct contact to the Kremlin and Putin, and his company had the KGB Bank and the Russian Spy agency as clients....his company was also Manafort's 'partner in crimes' , just as guilty as Manafort of the crimes he has been charged with.... But he is being ptotected...
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

His brother, Fat Tony, worked for the Russians as an unregistered foreign agent and everything said of his brother goes for him too.
- Why is he not on trial for 'collusion'? Why isn't Mueller investigating him?

Gee. I wonder how it might help to run the Department of Justice in getting investigations going What if the president had some pull along those lines?

Why on earth would you blame anyone but those who are actually in charge?
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.

Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.

Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.

So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?
Bullshit. This constant attack on the media is one long temper tantrum. You kids whine and wimper every time someone prints something you don't like. Hell, you've reinvented your own "news" industry just so you can only hear what you want to hear, even when it is obviously fake.

The Media attacked the Trumpster first. They just didn't like being called out, they don't have any respect for anyone else's right to free speech.
Not so. "The media" did their job and reported on things he did/said. He didn't like it so he went on the attack.
he's not allowed?
No. He's allowed to his opinion, and even allowed to state it. As *president* he should not be poisoning the well so to speak.
Huh? So it’s ok for the media to poison the wells?
Huh? Have they been pushing him as the enemy of the people?
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.
Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.
Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.
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