CNN Demands WH Declare 'Media Not The Enemy' Despite Proven Lies / Biased Attacks

CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.
Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.
Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.
Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.
Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.
Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.
Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?

Ok so therefore you agree with CNN’s objecting to Trump’s rediculous rhetoric that they are the enemy of the people.
CNN has put virtually zero (0) effort into hiding its blatant bias against Trump from Day One.
Trump has barfed out his usual ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy from Day One.
Once again, there's not much reason to like either character in this dumb little psychodrama.
So everyone is the ENEMY OFTHE PEOPLE!!?

How in the world did you get from....

Aw, never mind.

Ok I'll break it down to you VERY simply:

The question IS NOT true or false reporting or Trump lying or not lying.

THE question is - who here is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?

Ok so therefore you agree with CNN’s objecting to Trump’s rediculous rhetoric that they are the enemy of the people.
Yes, of course. Calm down a bit, slow down a bit, and read what I actually wrote: "Ridiculous, comical hyperbole to keep his base happy".
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

What about Obama and his out right hate for Fox News, Fox wasn’t the enemy, Fox is supposed to ask the hard questions. Why did Obama and the left hate freedom then and now want all to embrace it now?
Fox news pushed rwnj conspiracy theories like him being a mislim and Kenyan. These were out and out lies, not mistakes or errors. Lies. Falsehoods. They have earned their poor reputation.

That's because he is a Muslim and a Kenyan.
To be fair, Romney tied his dog to the top of his car and drove cross country.

Mittski said the dog liked traveling that way, did the media have any proof that the muttski didn't?

Further, the Media said next to nothing about Obama EATING his dog in Indonesia, when he was being educated in the madrassa (Jihadi seminary)
How come Trump will declare the media to be an enemy of the state but won’t say the same thing about Putin?
No. He's allowed to his opinion, and even allowed to state it. As *president* he should not be poisoning the well so to speak.

How does it "poison the well" to stand up for oneself against the Hostile Media who is the enemy of millions of Trump supporters?
How come Trump will declare the media to be an enemy of the state but won’t say the same thing about Putin?

Our President didn't call anyone an "enemy of the state", but instead an "enemy of the people".

And they are the enemy of the people who voted for Trump, belittling and attacking the people on a constant basis.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
CNN wants to play the 'victim' card and claim 'Freedom of the Press' to hide behind while partisanly bashing the President and his people, while spreading lies they have had to retract, while having to fire employees caught lying, while inciting division and violence by spreading liberal propaganda....

...WHILE it demands the President and his people, who they have done all of this to, do not have the right to exercise their Constitutional Rights of Free Speech.

After Sarah listed all the heinous things the media has done Acosta acknowledge it and still did not offer any kind of apology.

His reaction was more like, "Yeah, SO?!"

After acknowledging what the media has done he offered no apology but instead aggressively demanded she declare the media NOT to be an 'enemy'.

That's like a thug who has punched you in the face everyday walking up to you and demanding you say publicly that they are NOT a thug.

The American people KNOW the liberal media are propaganda pushing thugs - which explains CNN's putrid ratings - and knows they are an 'enemy of the people'. The American people knew this BEFORE Trump said it.

Trump and his team will not be bullied by the likes of tantrum-throwing pieces of crap like Acosta and CNN.

Hilarious - the idiot demands he is not bias...doesn't get his way, then calls for fellow journalists to create and don anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons.

He then calls for the rest of the UN-BIASED journalists to go join the hate-driven anti-Trump protestors out in front of the WH...

...and idiot snowflakes defend this clown.

CNN wants to play the 'victim' card and claim 'Freedom of the Press' to hide behind while partisanly bashing the President and his people, while spreading lies they have had to retract, while having to fire employees caught lying, while inciting division and violence by spreading liberal propaganda....

...WHILE it demands the President and his people, who they have done all of this to, do not have the right to exercise their Constitutional Rights of Free Speech.

After Sarah listed all the heinous things the media has done Acosta acknowledge it and still did not offer any kind of apology.

His reaction was more like, "Yeah, SO?!"

After acknowledging what the media has done he offered no apology but instead aggressively demanded she declare the media NOT to be an 'enemy'.

That's like a thug who has punched you in the face everyday walking up to you and demanding you say publicly that they are NOT a thug.

The American people KNOW the liberal media are propaganda pushing thugs - which explains CNN's putrid ratings - and knows they are an 'enemy of the people'. The American people knew this BEFORE Trump said it.

Trump and his team will not be bullied be the likes of tantrum-throwing pieces of carp like Acosta and CNN.

Hilarious - the idiot demands he is not bias...doesn't get his way, then calls for fellow journalists to create and don anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons.

He then calls for the rest of the UN-BIASED journalists to go join the hate-driven anti-Trump protestors out in front of the WH...

...and idiot snowflakes defend this clown.

it's like someone calling me a/an:
doing this CONSTANTLY [ 24-7-365 ], etc for TWO years
and then they want you to be nice to them/talk to them/etc
and then when you tell them they've been saying the above, they get upset!!!!!!!!
While you may not like the President's 'style' I think he is the perfect President at the perfect time, and his 'destruction' of the media - exposing them for who they truly are - is much needed and a service to the American people. EVERYONE needs to be held accountable to keep them 'honest'. There has been no one to do so for a very long time, and in the absence of accountability they have not been held 'honest', which has been exposed.

It is bad / sad that the President has had to be the one to step up and be the 'attack dog'. That isn't his job - he shouldn't have to be the one to reign-in the out-of-control media but no one else is doing it, so he has taken on that challenge, too.

I do have more respect (what little there is) for the President, though. He is not a polished politician or a 'professional journalist' whose tools-of-the-trade is smooth, polished verbal manure-spreading. He is a businessman who is doing what he can.
He was a businessman. But he took an oath a year and a half ago. That oath says specifically that he will defend the constitution of the United States. By labeling the press as the enemy of the people, he is contrary to the defense of that constitution.

There has always been a contentious relationship between the press and the presidency. The press has a responsibility to tell the people what is happening in their name. The press has a responsibility to report that news fairly, openly and without nuance.

The president has a responsibility to act honestly with the people. To not lie, use outrageous hyperbole and subterfuge.

If the only acceptable message ignores the outrageous comportment of the president, our democracy suffers. Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.

The only profession mentioned in the constitution is journalism. It is a protected institution due to its responsibility to point out when the emperor has no clothes.

Attacking the press as the enemy of the people is not merely undemocratic. It's dangerous. And when a businessman, come game show host and real estate salesman becomes president of the United States he should suffer the slings and arrows of dissent whenever he acts irresponsibly at best, reckless at worst. America deserves no less.
the press has a responsibility to be fair and unbiased.

they erased those words from their vocabulary except when it can be applied to others. freedom of the press is a right only there because we the people put it there and wish to protect it. but like all rights, you can lose them if you abuse them. or are you saying some people and places are above having to respect not only rights in general, but how they apply to others as well?
You're mighty flexible with eroding rights. Does that philosophy extend to the second amendment?

Should every news outlet act with the same level of obsequiousness as Fox? Is it incumbent for a free press to shine and polish the actions of a president who acts with such reckless abandon? In order to maintain "freedom" for the press, are they to be tethered to the actions of any person holding the office of president?

Remember- Fox is essentially the only news that Don the Con doesnt' attack.

And it is no surprise why.
The only news outlet permitted on Air Force Ine. Fox & Friends occupies his mornings. He calls them in air and lies for minutes at a time. Pillow talks with Hannity.

Single position messaging is a fancy way to say propaganda.
JIM Acosta
I see your point. The prez needs to simply take criticism. The best leaders accept it without getting mad and move on. Keeping quiet always is most admired by all.
How'd that work out for George W. Bush and Mitt Romney?

To be fair, Romney tied his dog to the top of his car and drove cross country.
A rooftop pet carrier wouldn't be my preferred method, but I'll give him props that at least he took his dog on the family vacation.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?

What about Obama and his out right hate for Fox News, Fox wasn’t the enemy, Fox is supposed to ask the hard questions. Why did Obama and the left hate freedom then and now want all to embrace it now?
Fox news pushed rwnj conspiracy theories like him being a mislim and Kenyan. These were out and out lies, not mistakes or errors. Lies. Falsehoods. They have earned their poor reputation.

That's because he is a Muslim and a Kenyan.
Careful, your fake news is showing.
CNN Reporter Throws Tantrum After Not Getting His Way At The WH Press Conference & Runs For The Door

Gone are the good ol' days when CNN openly admitted to not only reporting the news but also admitting to telling people what to think about and how to think. Gone are the days when they went unchallenged, when they could write and say whatever they wanted because there was simply no one on the Right willing to step up and call them out on their lies and spin. The Left Wing media is clearly about to have a melt-down as this new President has changed all of that!

CNN, more than any other Liberal media source, has been hit probably the worst, having been called out, challenged, and exposed for their lies and propaganda. Their dismal viewer ratings are proof of that. The chants of 'CNN Sucks' now overpowers their reporters' attempted biased reporting. All of it, however, is their own fault and well deserved.

CNN has been caught time after time reporting fake news. Time and gain they have issued retraction after retraction, simply deleted stories without mention, have been sued for false stories, and have fired staff members over fake news. Their reporters have said horrible things about this President and his administration...all while insisting they are NOT biased. :p

In the latest meltdown by CNN, Reporter Jim Acosta attacked WH Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, calling her Un-American after she refused to declare 'the media is not the enemy of the people'.

** ACTUALLY Jim, when the media repeatedly intentionally pushes propaganda, hit pieces, and fake news - so much so that retractions, pulled stories, law suits, and fired employees become the norm - the media has become 'the enemy of the people'. There was a time when TRUE journalists claimed to be the 'champion of the people' because they exposed lies by shining the light of truth on 'the enemies of the people'. Americans are not sheep who blindly follow - the fact that the liberal media is a manipulative false-reporting entity is not some revelation but has been known for quite some time now. The opposite is quite the case now - much like the FBI, the media, especially CNN, have destroyed their OWN reputation.

At one point in the briefing, being denied what he demanded Sanders give him, like some child throwing a tantrum, fake news CNN correspondent Jim Acosta walked out on the Press Conference.

I've got 2 words for CNN and Acosta: 'BUH-BYE!'

Believe it or not, if CNN ceased to exist 5 minutes from now the world would be just FINE. The news would still get reported. No one would miss Acosta. No one would miss CNN. MSNBC and the other remaining Left Wing media would step up and fill the void of Left-leaning biased reporting created by CNN's disappearance. Acosta 'showing his ass' and walking out did NOTHING.

"Acosta’s self-described “rant” went even further than usual as he quipped that he and his colleagues should “make some bumper sticks” and “buttons” to protest outside the White House against the President and his administration. That’s amusing since that’s not all that different from what happens on CNN."

Yeah, making anti-Trump bumper stickers and buttons and joining the liberal extremists out in front of the WH in protesting this President and his administration would show everyone how UNBIASED they are.


Like Don Quixote charging the windmill, CNN charged Sanders and the Trump administration at the WH again....and ended up showing himself to the door...with very few people caring, as Acosta did nothing but confirm how biased CNN and Liberal media is and how much CNN really does 'sick'.

Put another 'W' in the Win column for Trump and the American people versus Fake News / Fake News CNN.

LOL: Jim Acosta Suggests Reporters Make ‘Bumper Sticks,’ ‘Buttons’ to Protest Outside WH

Stop falling for the fake news. Reporters are supposed to ask hard questions. That doesn't make them the enemy. If 90% of tRumps coverage is negative maybe he shouldn't do so many negative things. A free press is fundamental to our freedom.

When did you conservitards start to hate freedom?
what negative things?? negative in YOUR/libs/the people who didn't vote for him minds
it's only ''negative'' because you don't like him
...border security = POSITIVE!! how anyone can ague against that is crazy/hateful/hate filled
...freeze federal hiring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! = positive--should've been done YEARS ago--we are in monstrous debt, in case you haven't heard ...this alone, is worth it
..telling the jackass NFLers the truth = positive
America first= denying that
withdrawal from the Paris Agreement = positive
...getting rid of Obamacrapcare where people were TAXED if they didn't get healthcare = positive....those bastards/Obama--we have too much taxation as it is, then they fine/tax/penalize people for not having healthcare
etc etc
What negative things?

Where have you been for the last 18 months?

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